CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Hi Roxie!

I didn't realize you were still in hospital, sorry. Sorry you are having troubles sleeping. Is the nausea getting better and lessening? Hang in there. Did you have the same procedure I did with the robot laprooscopy hysterectomy? Try to rest and get some sleep maybe a nurse can give you something to help so you can rest. Take care and get some sleep!:);)

Healing hugs and prayers;):D

Yes I had the same procedure just not to the extent you did. The nurse was popping me pain meds to help but she was also in here every hour, once the took the compression machine off my legs I could sleep.
Today I did full body - same workout as last Wednesday but doing it in superset fashion. Had a great workout. Went up in weight with almost all exercises.

This is what I did:

2 sets/8 reps with 60 seconds rest between each set

Superset #1
Incline Barbell Press - 80#
Barbell Row - 72#

Superset #2
Barbell Squats - 35's
Barbell Shoulder Press - 47#

Superset #3
Barbell Curls - 42#
Lying Barbell Tricep Extension - 40#

Workout was only 24 minutes so I walked on my treadmill for 1 mile on my treadmill. :)

Roxie - Glad you are done with the surgery but sorry about the nausea. I had nausea when I had surgery a few years back and it was aweful!!! I know what you're going through,
Good morning,

D23 legs is done :)

Roxie - sorry about the nausea, glad all went well with the surgery :) Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Debbie - how is your husband doing? Good job this morning.

Nora - nice mix of workouts yesterday.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Athletic Conditioning= 36 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 452

KCM 30MTF- Athletic Conditioning- Stretching W/O = 26 Min
MV= 4.50
CB= 160

KCM 30MTF- Muscle Up 2B Fit- Bonus Abs = 15 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 102

Total calories burned= 714:);)

Roxie- So glad you are home now. Sorry to hear you're in pain but I do understand and that does go with having surgery. I did take my pain meds for a couple of days when I came home. But you may want to think about taking a stool softener with your pain meds. You can ask your doctor about that if he hasn't already. Just rest and try to sleep. Your body has been through alot and needs the rest, have a blessed day;)

Debbie- Another awesome workout for you today girlfriend, high fives!!! Oh, how is your DH doing? I wish him all the best and a speedy recovery. Take care and have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- great job with D23 Legs. I'm thinking about you and your DH praying for a successful surgery Friday and healing. Have a blessed day!

Chris- I hope all is well with and your mom. I'm praying for you!;);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool::D

Today was cardio so I did Cardio Coach #3. Had a great workout. I love this workout and CC #1, they go by quick and I get a good workout with either of them.

Workout was 40 minutes, I ran 2.88 miles and burned 308 calories.

I also did the ab work from SJ&P.

Roxie - How long until you can workout again? 6 weeks? Hope you aren't in much pain today.

Belinda - My dh is fine, going back to work today. I told him he should stay home at least one more day but he won't hear of it.

Nora - Nice workout yesterday, you always get such great calorie burn. My dh is doing fine, going back to work today.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Today was cardio so I did Cardio Coach #3. Had a great workout. I love this workout and CC #1, they go by quick and I get a good workout with either of them.

Workout was 40 minutes, I ran 2.88 miles and burned 308 calories.

I also did the ab work from SJ&P.

Roxie - How long until you can workout again? 6 weeks? Hope you aren't in much pain today.

Belinda - My dh is fine, going back to work today. I told him he should stay home at least one more day but he won't hear of it.

Nora - Nice workout yesterday, you always get such great calorie burn. My dh is doing fine, going back to work today.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Debbie-she said nothing more than walking the next 4-6 weeks and right now I don't feel like doing even that.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout which was a miracle considering the condition I was in this morning barely able to walk and dress myself. I will now check in,.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- 5 Mega Miles- Walked Mile #3-5 and cool down= 47 Min
MV= 7.0.
CB= 449

KCM 30MTF- Slim Sculpting- Workout# 1= 38 Min+ 4 Min Warm Up = 43 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 411

Total calories burned= 860:);)

Ok, the reason why I was in bad condition was last night was my MS injection night and sometimes will have flu like symptons side effects. Well, this was a side effect occasion complete with fever, chills, severe body aches pain. My balance was that of a druken sailor and my coordination was as well,. I rested most of the morning before I felt well enough to build a fire and light it to get warm. So, I'm still extremely fatigued and feel weaker but better it seems the worst has passed and now I'm recovering. When this happens it takes me a day or two to be fully recovered feeling a 100% as muchas I can for having MS.

Roxie- I know how frustrating it is when they tell you 4-6 weeks in your case and 8 weeks in mine. I can only tell you about my experience and in n0 way does that trump whatever your doctor has told you. For me I was told 8 weeks before I could full resume exercise and weight lifting activities I previously enjoyed. I was also told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk which is about 10 pounds. I took a week off after surgery, and then slowly very slowly eased back in with walking workouts ( Leslie Sansone) and KCM's Start here keeping in mind nothing heavier than #10 for weights. The main thing my doctor said was listen to your body and it will let you know if you are over doing it then back off. So plan on baby steps towards working out, walking really great and will help with getting things going to avoid constipation issues. You'll be fine just follow doctor's instructions and listen to your body. Its ok to remind yourself I just had major surgery and not able to do certain things just yet. You do not want to have internal sutures rupture and bleed so rest and take it easy. As for pain it will lessen and becareful of t he pain pills and relying on them too much. In my case the pain was manageable after a couple of days with Aleve. I felt that the pain pills and the pain of constipation was far worse than the pain from surgery so I went off of them. Just listen to your body and doctor to decide what is best for you. Be well, rest and have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- high fives, nicely done with Cardio Coach Volume 3. I really enjoy the days I am up to Cardio Coach, its so fun and I feel awesome afterwards. Glad to hear your DH is doing well and back at work, that is awesome! Go have a blessed day!:);)

Chris- Thinking of you and your mom, I hope things are looking up for your mom!:);) Have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- I will keep you and your DH in my prayers praying for a successful surgery Friday, Hav ea blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout which was a miracle considering the condition I was in this morning barely able to walk and dress myself. I will now check in,.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- 5 Mega Miles- Walked Mile #3-5 and cool down= 47 Min
MV= 7.0.
CB= 449

KCM 30MTF- Slim Sculpting- Workout# 1= 38 Min+ 4 Min Warm Up = 43 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 411

Total calories burned= 860:);)

Ok, the reason why I was in bad condition was last night was my MS injection night and sometimes will have flu like symptons side effects. Well, this was a side effect occasion complete with fever, chills, severe body aches pain. My balance was that of a druken sailor and my coordination was as well,. I rested most of the morning before I felt well enough to build a fire and light it to get warm. So, I'm still extremely fatigued and feel weaker but better it seems the worst has passed and now I'm recovering. When this happens it takes me a day or two to be fully recovered feeling a 100% as muchas I can for having MS.

Roxie- I know how frustrating it is when they tell you 4-6 weeks in your case and 8 weeks in mine. I can only tell you about my experience and in n0 way does that trump whatever your doctor has told you. For me I was told 8 weeks before I could full resume exercise and weight lifting activities I previously enjoyed. I was also told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk which is about 10 pounds. I took a week off after surgery, and then slowly very slowly eased back in with walking workouts ( Leslie Sansone) and KCM's Start here keeping in mind nothing heavier than #10 for weights. The main thing my doctor said was listen to your body and it will let you know if you are over doing it then back off. So plan on baby steps towards working out, walking really great and will help with getting things going to avoid constipation issues. You'll be fine just follow doctor's instructions and listen to your body. Its ok to remind yourself I just had major surgery and not able to do certain things just yet. You do not want to have internal sutures rupture and bleed so rest and take it easy. As for pain it will lessen and becareful of t he pain pills and relying on them too much. In my case the pain was manageable after a couple of days with Aleve. I felt that the pain pills and the pain of constipation was far worse than the pain from surgery so I went off of them. Just listen to your body and doctor to decide what is best for you. Be well, rest and have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- high fives, nicely done with Cardio Coach Volume 3. I really enjoy the days I am up to Cardio Coach, its so fun and I feel awesome afterwards. Glad to hear your DH is doing well and back at work, that is awesome! Go have a blessed day!:);)

Chris- Thinking of you and your mom, I hope things are looking up for your mom!:);) Have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- I will keep you and your DH in my prayers praying for a successful surgery Friday, Hav ea blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)


Nora-doctor says no weights at all just walking on the treadmill. So far constipation isn't a problem but I am taking a stool softener.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout which was a miracle considering the condition I was in this morning barely able to walk and dress myself. I will now check in,.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- 5 Mega Miles- Walked Mile #3-5 and cool down= 47 Min
MV= 7.0.
CB= 449

KCM 30MTF- Slim Sculpting- Workout# 1= 38 Min+ 4 Min Warm Up = 43 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 411

Total calories burned= 860:);)

Ok, the reason why I was in bad condition was last night was my MS injection night and sometimes will have flu like symptons side effects. Well, this was a side effect occasion complete with fever, chills, severe body aches pain. My balance was that of a druken sailor and my coordination was as well,. I rested most of the morning before I felt well enough to build a fire and light it to get warm. So, I'm still extremely fatigued and feel weaker but better it seems the worst has passed and now I'm recovering. When this happens it takes me a day or two to be fully recovered feeling a 100% as muchas I can for having MS.

Roxie- I know how frustrating it is when they tell you 4-6 weeks in your case and 8 weeks in mine. I can only tell you about my experience and in n0 way does that trump whatever your doctor has told you. For me I was told 8 weeks before I could full resume exercise and weight lifting activities I previously enjoyed. I was also told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk which is about 10 pounds. I took a week off after surgery, and then slowly very slowly eased back in with walking workouts ( Leslie Sansone) and KCM's Start here keeping in mind nothing heavier than #10 for weights. The main thing my doctor said was listen to your body and it will let you know if you are over doing it then back off. So plan on baby steps towards working out, walking really great and will help with getting things going to avoid constipation issues. You'll be fine just follow doctor's instructions and listen to your body. Its ok to remind yourself I just had major surgery and not able to do certain things just yet. You do not want to have internal sutures rupture and bleed so rest and take it easy. As for pain it will lessen and becareful of t he pain pills and relying on them too much. In my case the pain was manageable after a couple of days with Aleve. I felt that the pain pills and the pain of constipation was far worse than the pain from surgery so I went off of them. Just listen to your body and doctor to decide what is best for you. Be well, rest and have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- high fives, nicely done with Cardio Coach Volume 3. I really enjoy the days I am up to Cardio Coach, its so fun and I feel awesome afterwards. Glad to hear your DH is doing well and back at work, that is awesome! Go have a blessed day!:);)

Chris- Thinking of you and your mom, I hope things are looking up for your mom!:);) Have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- I will keep you and your DH in my prayers praying for a successful surgery Friday, Hav ea blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)


Nora - thank you so much for keeping my husband in your prayers :) I hope you feel better. Take care and take it easy, ok :)
Good Morning,

I am feeling guilty just sitting around I want to be doing something

Roxie - please, don't feel guilty just sitting around :( Your body needs time to heal and rest. Don't rush things, ok. Watch some good movies. You will be on your feet before you know it. (((HUGS)) Feel better soon.
Good evening,

DH and I walked the dogs this morning. DH's surgery is tomorrow morning, we will leave very early in the morning. Not sure, when he get's relased? The surgery takes 2-3 hours. I am glad when all is over. I cleaned my house and went grocery shopping so I don't have to leave the house for a few day's. I know it's gonna be rough for DH sitting still and not move his arm for the next 2 month :) We probably will not get home until late tomorrow night.

Debbie - good job on your cardio sweat fest today :) Your husband sounds like mine, glad everything went well.

I will be back on Saturday. Take care!
Today I did the same workout as last Friday but in superset fashion. Had a great workout. I have to say, I cannot believe the excellent results I get with this rotation. My upper body is cut again and it hasn't been that way in a long time. I gain muscle and definition with this rotation every time I do it. Love it!!!

This is what I did:

2 sets/12 reps with 1:30 minute rest between each set

Superset #1
Upright Rows - 40#
Leg Press Station - 175#

Superset #2
Flat Dumbbell Press - 32's
Pullovers - 32#

Superset #3
Overhead Dumbbell Extension - 32#
Elevated Deadlifts - 65#

Workout was 25 minutes long and I also walked 1.3 mile on my treadmill.

Belinda - Good luck to your dh. I will keep him in my prayers.
Hi girls:)

I'm not working out today because of how terrible I felt yesterday. I need to rest and recover today and then see how I feel tomorrow and see if I can workout then.

Debbie- Wow, congrats on the amazing cut results. Maybe you could PM me the workout. High fives to you for your hard work and results I'm happy for your results. WTG girlfriend, now take your cut and ripped self and go have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- I'm still praying for all to go well with your DH's surgery today, which it will of course!:) Hang in there girlfriend all will go well. Have a blessed day.:);):D

Chris- How are you and your mom doing? I hope things are better now. Be sure in the midst of everything in your day to take care of you to! ((Hugs)) Have a blessed Friday.:);):cool:

Roxie- Hiow are you feeling today? The tough thing I had to learn was to be patient and focus on what I could do which was either treadmill walking or walking dvd's. I know I'd have been tempted with Treadmill walking to start to run so I did Leslie Sansone walking dvd's and that helped. It was probably week 3 before I added back weights but nothing heavier than #10's. I started off really light and #5 or #7 to see if those were ok first and not too much for me with surgery and all. Just listen to your body and just know you will get back to what you did before but can't just now. So, be patient and let your body rest and heal. I found I could not and still have some pain at incision site with jumping jaks, now running on treadmill doesn't hurt. Go figure. So remember baby steps to get back to your usual workout self. If you like I can recommend some Leslie Sansone dvds or your can try one of Jessican Smith's on youtube here's the link to try one of her walking workouts. If any move hurts don't do that and just modify for your comfort. Take care and rest, have a blessed Friday.:);):cool:

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool:

Good morning,

Thanks for all the kind words and good thoughts about DH :) The surgery went well. The surgery took almost 3 hours, we didn't get home until late last night. The doc put 4 anchors to hold his arm and his shoulder together. The doc also noticed DH's tore his bicep :) , the doc also fixed his bicep. They gave DH a blocker to numb DH Arm/shoulder….the blocker is starting to wear off this morning. DH has his arm in a sling so he can't move his arm/shoulder. This morning DH is bleeding from his shoulder, trying to contact the doc/hospital:)

I will be back later to catch up on personals.
Good Afternoon,

I am feeling better todayI am able to walk with just a slight bend belly button hurts to stand straight. They told me there would be pain in my shoulders and upper back and I am feeling that today.

Nora-DH won't let me do anything until next week or after my doctors appointment on the 15th.

Debbie-good job with your workout, I was getting some good results from that rotation. I need to go back through and wt
Good Afternoon,

I have to hold my stomach when I walk and I have alot of back pain. So I caved and ordered the upper body and to the mat ice workouts it was the only two that interested me and I will basically have to start over after I recover. I am hoping to start walking Monday.
Hi girls!:)

I just finsihed today's workout as best I could for feeling very fatigued and balanced challenged today.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Blasters- Tummy Trimmers + Lower Body Blast= (2 Miles) 23 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 220

Greatest Hits- Vol. 1 Step - Bonus Circuit Workout= 45 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 399

Total calories burned = 619;)

Roxie- Sorry about the pain, it helped me to hold a pillow over my stomach and lessened the pain. Feel better & Rest! Have a blessed day and I hope each day the pain/discomfort lessens. :);)

Chris, Debbie and Belinda- Have a blessed weekened. Belinda- I hope your DH is better and you were able to get ahold of the doctors regarding the bleeding. I will keep you and your DH in my prayers.:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers & Merry Christmas!:);):cool:

Good Evening,

Dh will not let me walk on the TM until next week he is such a partypooper but I can't complain he cares.

Nora-I did the pillow thing last night. I had to call the doctor today I am constipated and miserable and I guess I am not taking the softener enough and she said to take a laxative so hopefully I will feel better tomorrow I have only taken 2 pain pills today

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