CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

No workout yesterday, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I did! Today was another full body workout. Had a great workout.

This is what I did:

2 sets/12 reps with 1:30 minute rest between each set

Upright Rows - 40#
Leg Press Station - 165#
Flat Dumbbell Press - 30's
Pullovers - 30#
Overhead Dumbbell Extension - 30#
Elevated Deadlifts - 65#

I also walked 1 mile on my treadmill.

No time for personals, DH and I are heading out. YIKES!!!!
Hi girls!:)

I did not do an additional walk yesterday. Oh well, right. I did do my workout today and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Ripped w/HiiT- Lift It- Back, Shoulders, and Bi's+ Bonus Abs One= 59 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 524

21DFX Cardio Extreme= 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Total Calories Burned= 827:cool:;)

Well, that's it for me today girls. I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. See ya at tomorrow's check in. Have a blessed day.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good Evening,

I woke up with severe stomach cramps don't know why so no workout for me. We have had freezing rain for two straight days my car doors were froze shut and the trip home took twice as long.

Debbie-good job

Nora-good job
Hey guys,

I did D21 this evening.

Nora - nice job.

Roxie - hope you feel better soon.

Debbie - nice job on your weights today.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Good Morning,

I did Debbie's workout from Friday.

Upright Rows-40#
Static Lunges-15#
Flat DB Press-30#
Overhead Extensions-20#
Elevated Deadlifts-40#

Belinda-good job on your workouts and thank you I feel much better today.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30 MTF- Shape Up- Cardio Only-Both Workouts= 32 Min
MV= 9.25
CB= 404

21DFX- Dirty 30 Extreme = 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

KCM 30MTF- Home Gym Intervals- Bonus Waistline only= 9 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 61

Total calories burned= 836:cool:

That's it for me today I wish everyone a fab and blessed weekend. See ya all at Monday's check in,:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today starts Week 6 of the Full Body rotation I'm doing. Had a great workout. This is the same workout as last week but in superset fashion.

This is what I did:

2 sets/18 reps with 2 minute rest between each superset

Superset #1
Plie Squats - 30#
Cross Body Tricep Extensions - 12#

Superset #2
Barbell Reverse Curls - 35#/30# - this was hard today!
Lateral Raise - 11's/10's

Superset #3
Flat Dumbbell Flyes - 22's
Bent Over Reverse Flyes - 12's

This workout was tough. 18 reps is brutal, I don't like doing high reps. Workout was 30 minutes so I had time to walk on my treadmill for 1 mile. :)

Hope you all have a great day and workouts!!!
Good Morning,

My final workout before surgery was KCM Slim Sculpt Kettlebell workout 1.

Debbie-I almost did that workout in supersets.
Roxie- Hi! Wow, I didn't realize your surgery was scheduled. I wish you all the best with your surgery all will go well. I pray for a great out come, everything will be great! Hugs and lots of healing and well wishes coming your way!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers. You got this!

Hi girls!;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk it Off in 30 days- Burn 30= 30 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 297

Cardio Coach Volume #1 = 28 Min
MV= 9.35
CB= 357

Warm up, Challenge 1, steady state 1,Challenge2, Steady state 2,Cool Down.Plus Volume 3 Stretch.

Distance in Miles= 2.37
uised 1% incline speeds range from 5.0 mph-7.0 mph

Brett Hoebel's 20 Min Body- BPS Abs + Booty= 10 Min
MV= 6.50
CB = 89

Total calories burned= 743;)

Roxie- Nice job with KCM Slim Scultping, fun and challenging workout. I wish you much success with your surgery and a speedy recovery. I will also say a prayer for you to have an awesome outcome. :);):D

Debbie- great job with that killer weight workout rotation you are nailing that workout. You go girl, you are amazing! Have a blessed and amazing day!

Chris- I saw the pic of you and your mom on Facebook and she looks well. I hope you are holding up and able to take a breathe. Please remember with all you do you need to take care too! Hey, that rhymed. LOL!! Take care and may blessings follow and find you..

Belinda- I hope all is well with you and your DH. Please take care and have a blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):D

Good evening,

I did D22 today. I am getting ready for DH's surgery on Friday. I cooked a few meal, those are ready for the freezer :) I am also doing some x-mas cleaning, I have no idea how much time I will have the next 2 weeks :) After the surgery, DH can't lift/do anything for 8 weeks with his arm.

Tomorrow is our 32 year Anniversary :) Not sure, what we will do?

I probably will finish up M2 by Wednesday.

Roxie - good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted.

Nora - nice job on your workouts, girl.

Debbie - nice weights, girls.

Good night, ladies.
Today did Run Fit and had a great workout, Love this workout!! I was able to work out a little later because my dh is having shoulder surgery today (Belinda, you are not alone!!) He has a lump of fluid on top of his shoulder that needs to be removed. His recovery should only be a week or so.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.69 miles and burned 415 calories. Woohoo!!!

Roxie - Thinking about you, good luck today!

Belinda - I'm with you girl, my dh is having shoulder surgery as well. Nice workout!!!

Nora - Great workouts yesterday!! You are the queen of workouts. Nice job as usual!!!
Roxie - thinking about you today too :)

Debbie - thinking about your husband today too :) Had no idea he needed surgery today.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Muscle Up 2B Fit- Workout # 2= 30 Min
MV= 6.00
CB= 246

XTrain-D4-SuperCuts= 46 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 471

Total calories burned= 717;):cool:

Debbie- Nicely done with Run Fit workout today, sounds like a fun one, WTG!!! My thought and prayers are with your dh and wishing for his shoulder surgery to go great and for his recovery to go well too! Have a blessed day and know you are covered with prayers.:);)

Belinda- I am thinking good thoughts and praying for all to go well Friday with you dh's surgery. Its good you are cooking meals ahead and freezing them. All will go well with the surgery sending positive healing thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a blessed day and relax all will go well!:):(:cool:

Roxie- I know you are having surgery today, and I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and know everything will go great. Just focus on taking care of you now and following doctors orders exactly. You will be fine, no worries. You got this girlfriend. ((Sending Healing Hugs and Prayers))

Chris- I wish you and your mom well and keeping you both in my prayers. Have a blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool::D

Good Afternoon,

Surgery went well but fighting nausea haven't kept alot down and I just walked the hallway without passing out. Thank you girls for the well wishes.

Nora/believe me I will not feeling as well as I thought I would.
Hi Roxie!:)

I've been thinking about you. Glad everything went well. I have to say I never had nausea but had to work at peeing enough to allow nurses and doctor to let me go home same day, but was finally able to do so. One tip on the pain meds don't depend on them they will constipate you. I'd suggest walking to get things moving to help with that and drink lots of fluids and try prunes. I took the pain meds for just a couple of days after going home and stopped the constipation was worse than the pain. So, I took an aleve for pain and stopped pain meds altogether and take a stool softener for a day or two to get things going again. Good luck to you and happy recovery. ;)
Hi Roxie!:)

I've been thinking about you. Glad everything went well. I have to say I never had nausea but had to work at peeing enough to allow nurses and doctor to let me go home same day, but was finally able to do so. One tip on the pain meds don't depend on them they will constipate you. I'd suggest walking to get things moving to help with that and drink lots of fluids and try prunes. I took the pain meds for just a couple of days after going home and stopped the constipation was worse than the pain. So, I took an aleve for pain and stopped pain meds altogether and take a stool softener for a day or two to get things going again. Good luck to you and happy recovery. ;)

Nora-I don't get the option to go home same day I have to stay. Peeing isn't a problem I just can't sleep.
Hi Roxie!

I didn't realize you were still in hospital, sorry. Sorry you are having troubles sleeping. Is the nausea getting better and lessening? Hang in there. Did you have the same procedure I did with the robot laprooscopy hysterectomy? Try to rest and get some sleep maybe a nurse can give you something to help so you can rest. Take care and get some sleep!:);)

Healing hugs and prayers;):D


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