CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good Evening,

I did Lean Legs and Abs Timesaver 3 Chair,Firewalkers and Bonus Barre then my planks. I am not happy with the way my hips look. I opened my blinds this morning and standing in my front yard was a momma deer and two young ones and I live in town.
Hi Girls...

Yesterday I ended up doing just day 2 of Debbie's Weight Rotation. My mom had some health issues this week, so I couldn't work out Thursday or Friday. Her problems ended up being shingles. My poor mom. :(

I'm going to repeat Week 1 next week, since I only got in 2 of the 3 workouts.

Today I did 21 DF Cardio Fix and Ab Hits Kickbox Abs

Hope you are all enjoying your Sundays!!!
Today starts Week 4 of Full Body. This week I do the same workouts as last week but in superset fashion. I didn't up my weights as I think I'm pushing it as it is. I don't want to hurt myself.

This is what I did:

3 sets/5 reps - 1 minute rest between each set

Super Set 1:
Barbell Row - 72#
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80#

Superset 2:
Leg Press Station - 175#
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 72#

Super Set 3:
Barbell Curls - 55# for 2 sets/45# for 2 sets
Close Grip Barbell Triceps Press - 72#

I lowered the weights of my barbell curls because I felt a pull in my upper back near my shoulder blade. Don't need that again. 45# felt good.

This workout was only 38 minutes so I was able to walk 1 mile on my treadmill as well. :)

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Good Morning,

KCM Kickboxing this morning.

Debbie-good job you should have snuck in some ab work. I should have stretched yesterday.
Good morning,

D16 is done :)

Good job everyone :) Keep up the good work.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in not sure about time for personals or not.

Here's today's workout:

Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Upper Body - Premix#2 No Blasts= 37 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 404

21DFX- Plyo Fix Extreme= 30 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 348

PiYo- Define Upper Body= 20 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 137

Total calories burned= 889:cool:;)

Debbie- you are smokin' those workouts, good call not to push it too heavy on weights no need to get injured. Great job and nice weights wow, I am so in awe of those. WTG girlfriend, your a rock star with your workouts so go have a super fun blessed day!:);)

Chris- Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear your mom has shingles. I hope she is seeing her doctor for that. I have been wondering if I should get a Shingels vaccine if it would be ok with MS because its an live bacteria in it. I wish your mom the best and to feel better soon. Great job with your workout yesterday with 21 DF Cardio Fix and Ab Hits Kickbox Abs. I love 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Extreme Fix workouts they are short and kick my butt love that. WTG on your workouts and hugs and prayers of well wishes for your mom.;):) Go have a blessed day!;)

Roxie- WTG with KCM Kickboxing workout today, that is a fun workout. Now go havc a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Great job with STS D16. You are so getting your use out of STS, Way to rock your workout! After conquering that go have a blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool::D

Today I did Cardio Coach #6 with Candace. Had a great workout. Love this one! 4 Challenges but it sure does go by fast.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.5 miles and burned 392 calories.

Nice workouts everyone, sorry I've had no time for personals!!! Have great workouts today!
Good Morning,

I did the weight workout Debbie did yesterday.

Barbell Row-45#
Flat Bench Press-45#


Barbell Curl-25# should have gone heavier
Close Grip Tricep Press-25# should have went heavier.

Debbie-good job with your workout.
Hi all...

Today I went back to Day 1 of Debbie's Weight Rotation. it went well!!!

I don't have a lot of time to type, my mom is now in the hospital. She got dehydrated and weak. I have errands and then go visit with her.

See you tomorrow!
Hi girls~:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21DFX- Upper Fix Extreme= 33 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 315

XTrain- D8- Hard Strikes = 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Total calories burned= 860:);)

Debbie- Wow girlfriend sounds like you rocked Cardio Coach 6 with Candance once again. WTG and high fives!!! Now that you conquered that go and have a blessed day!:);)

Roxie- Wow! Good for you rockin' the weight roation Debbie is doing, that is awesome and your weights are too! WTG!! Excellent workout today, well done. Now go have an amazing and blessed day.:cool:;)

Chris- Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. I will say a prayer for her to get hydrated and feel better and I hope she is feeling better and not in pain from shingles. My goodness your plate is very full right now and I will pray for you too, sending ((Hugs)). Congrats on doing the weight rotation Debbie is doing, good for you to do something for you. Take care be well, and know that you and your mom are in my prayers and have a blessed day.:);):D

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hey girls,

Forgot to check in this morning. I did went for a nice walk this morning.

Great job everyone and keep up the good work. I will be back tomorrow.
Today was full body again. Same workout as last Wednesday but in superset fashion. I upped the weights a bit on some exercises and kept it the same on others.

This is what I did:

4 sets/8 reps - 1:30 minute rest between each set

Super Set 1:
Arnold Press - 20's
Dumbbell Squats - 30's

Superset 2:
Incline Dumbbell Curl - 20's
Weighted Bench Dips - 40#

Super Set 3:
Incline Barbell Press - 75#
Dumbbell Pullovers - 32#

This workout was only 40 minutes so I was able to walk .75 miles on my treadmill as well. :)
Good morning,

D17 Legs is done :) Sorry, I have not time for personals. I have to get ready, DH is seeing a doc for his shoulder today.

I will try to catch up tonight. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Mix & Match Blasters- Tummy Trimmers/Interval Walk= 23 Min (2 Miles)
MV= 7.0
CB= 220

Ripped w/HiiT - Plyo HiiT One + Bonus Abs Two = 36 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 442

PiYo- Sweat= 35 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 311

Total calories burned= 973:cool:;):)

Debbie- You rocked another great workout today from your weight rotation really nice workout with weights today and a .75 mile walk, WTG!!! That is fantastic another killer workout for the books is done, go have a kick butt fun blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Nicely done once again with STS D17, WTG with STS you are inspiratonal. I hope everything goes fine for your DH at the doctor's.
Have a blessed day!:);)

Roxie- I hope all is well with you. I'm really interested in this roation that Debbie is doing it sounds like fun. Have a blessed day!:D

Chris- How's your mom doing? I'm praying for her to be ok. If you aren't able to juggle and fit in a workout with everything going on its more than understandable. Take care and please take take for you to relax and de-compress , its important. Hugs to you and lots of blessings to come your way. :);):D

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today I did Cardio Coach #3 and had a great workout. I like this one because it's 40 minutes and sometime you just don't want to run for an hour.

Workout was 40 minutes, I ran 2.88 miles and burned 312 calories.

I then did the ab work and stretch from KPC.
Good Morning,

I did Week 4 of Debbie's workout Supersets:

4/sets 8/reps 1:30 minute rest
Arnold Press-12's
Dumbbell Squats-30's

Incline Hammer Curls with a Twist-12's
Weighted Dips-20's

Incline Bench Press-30#

All my pre-surgery crap is done.

Debbie-good job with your workout

Chris-how is your mom?
Hi girls!:)

I'm running behind schedule and sadly won't be able to do personals. I did finish my workout though and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21DFX- Lower Fix Extreme= 35 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 334

Ripped w/HiiT- Circuit Lower Body= 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Total calories burned= 879;):cool:

I hope everyone has a blessed day and great workouts. Extra hugs and well wishes for Chri's mom and Chris. :);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today was full body again. Same workout as last Friday but in superset fashion. I lowered the weights a bit on some exercises because my upper back has been bothering me.

This is what I did:

3 sets/15 reps - 2 minute rest between each set

Super Set 1:
Double Arm Kickbacks - 8's
Hammer/Zottman Curls - 15's

Superset 2:
Pushups - 3 sets/15 reps on toes
Double Arm Row - 15's

Super Set 3:
Split-Stance Barbell Squats - 40#
Dumbbell Front Raise - 8's

This workout was only 37 minutes but my alarm clock never went off again after I hit snooze so I got up late. Not sure what happened there. I'm glad I at least got up in time to complete this workout.

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Hi girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I thought I did? I can't remember if I mention it or not ?

DH surgery is scheduled for Dec 11 or Dec 4? The doc is trying to squeeze him in Dec 4. Fingers crossed! If they can't get him in on Dec 4, he will get the surgery on Dec 11. DH rotator cuff is torn in 3 places. He needs the surgery soon or they can't repair his shoulder anymore that's how bad DH's shoulder is. The doc also was talking using tissue from a dead person to place into DH's shoulder since DH's tissue in this shoulder is completely gone:( I hope they don't have to do that, it's completely crossing me out:( I know, DH is in good hands and the doc know's what he is doing. My son is getting married in El Paso in Jan 2016. DH and I plan on taking the RV and the dogs. I hope DH recovers soon so he can drive the RV. I can't even reach the gas patal:p I am completely stressing out. DH on the other hand, is completely positive every will work out. Oh, I forgot to mention …DH can't move his arm for 8 weeks:( Yes, I am stressing.

I started doing Leslie Swanson Thanksgiving Walk Challenge. It's helping me with the stress that's going on right now. Yesterday I walked for 3 miles. Today I did STS D18 plus extended stretch and I will walk one mile later.

Great job, ladies. Sorry I have no time for personals. I will try to catch up later.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in. I won't have anytime for personals DH and I have to go and help his elderly parents with some stuff so I gotta get ready to go do that.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk it Off in 30 days- Burn 30= 30 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 297

KCM 30MTF- Boot Camp- Workout #1= 28 Min
MV= 7.75
CB= 296

21DFX- Cardio Fix Extreme= 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Total calories burned= 953;)

Great job girls on all your workouts today. Belinda-Hugs for you and prayers for your DH and his surgery all will go great with it.:);) Chris prayers for your mom and hugs for you. Hang in there Belinda and Chris hugs and prayers are coming your way.;):)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool:


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