CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good morning,

DH and I went for a long dog walk this morning. It's so beautiful outside :)

Question for you girls? Do you still buy workout dvd's? Or downloads?

Debbie - I hope you feel better soon. Good job this morning. I am really enjoying Karen Voight workouts these day's. Besides her stretch dvd, what else can you recommend?

Nora - I am on a Karen Voight kick the last few weeks. Her workouts are still good and her stretches are wonderful. They really open up my hip flexor. Nice job yesterday.

Roxie - I don't want to sound mean, but you can keep all the snow :p:D It's so beautiful outside, the last few day's. DH told me it's getting colder starting next week :( Not looking forward to winter.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.

Belinda-definitely dvd's but I did download a spin workout and have only done it once. I don't like looking at a computer screen to workout so I would end up putting on a dvd
Good Evening,

I did the second superset

First Set:
Dumbbell Military Press-15lbs

Second Set:
Incline Barbell Press-30#
One Arm Row-25#

Third Set:
Hammer Curls 12#
Skull Crushers-25# barbell

Debbie-the headaches are one of the reasons I am wanting a hysterectomy.

Nora-good job listening to your body.

Belinda-it was in the 70's today but a cold front is moving in.
I wish they'd get rid of that "Pre-Order" thing at the top of this website. Isn't the Pre-Orders done? Anyways, I did full body again today and had a good workout. Went up with the weights on some exercises.

This is what I did:

2 sets/15 reps - 2 minute rest between each set

Super Set 1:
Weighted Bench Dips - 25#
Dumbbell Curls - 15's

Superset 2:
Static Lunges - 20's
Lateral Raise - 11's

Super Set 3:
Bent Over Raise - 12's
Incline Dumbbell Flye - 21's

Workout was 28 minutes. I also did 3 - 1 minute planks because I'm neglecting my abs again and I also walked on my treadmill for 1 miles.

Roxie - Nice workout!! Next week we have new exercises and reps/rest patterns. :) When is your surgery?
Good Morning,

I had no desire to get out of bed and workout but I didn't want to let Debbie down so I did KCM's Stepboxing Kickbox Drills. I did a few ab exercises which I need to do more of.

Debbie/don't know yet I meet the surgeon Monday aiming for the first of Decemeber that's when my boss wants me to get it done. Nice job on the weights looking forward to next week.
Hi all! Happy Friday!

I only have time for a quick check in today so sorry no personals.

Here's today's workout:

21 Day Fix- Cardio Fix= 32 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 393

XTrain- D2- Bi's & Tri's - Premix #9 TS Rnds 1-7= 37 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 330

Total calories burned= 723:);)

I hope everyone has great workouts today and is feeling fit, fierce, and fabulous this Friday, go have a blessed Friday girls!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hey girls,

DH and I took a walk this morning. I also did Shape Pilates with Lizbeth Garcia = 30 min.

Nora - good job today.

Debbie - LOL, the pre order is still going on :) Good job this morning.

Roxie - good luck on Monday, girl :) Good job this morning.

See you all tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Good morning,

I am not sure if I get a workout in today? DH has an appointment with his surgeon for this shoulder this afternoon.

I will be back later today.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Mix & Match Walk Blasters= 23 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 220

Walked 2 miles did Interval walk and Tummy Trimmer blaster walks w/#2 Db's in each hand.

21 Day Fix- Dirty 30= 30 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 328

KCM 30 MTF- Abs & Core- Sections- HGI Bonus Waistline= 9 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 61

Total calories burned= 609;):)

I'm done for today girls. I hope everyone has a blessed weekend and I will see you all Monday. :);):cool:

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;):)

Good Morning,

I did Debbie's weights that she did Friday and CLXI've Got Abs really going to do more core work this week. DH wants to go for a bike ride this afternoon.

Nora-good job with your workout.

Belinda-I hope DH is ok.
Hi there!!!

I took rest days Thursday and Friday. Today I doubled up. I did KCM Circuit Burn 1 and then RWH Back Biceps Shoulders, no finishers.

Thanks Deb for the weight workout!!! I think I will start it next week. I need a change from RWH and it will be nice to not follow a DVD workout for a change. I also buy DVDs. Like Roxie, I don't like watching my laptop for a workout. .... I've been pre-menopausal. I'm having headaches and weird periods. It's very annoying and I hate it! Blech!!

Nora, nice job on workouts!! Do you feel totally recovered from your surgery now?

Roxie, nice job keeping up with Debbie!!!! You have both inspired me.

Belinda, I hope all is well with your DH. He has a lot of joint issues, huh? Poor guy!! I like Karen Voight too. I have one of her step circuit workouts, I haven't done in forever!!
Good Afternoon,

4.3 mile bike ride this afternoon.

Chris-I am glad I could inspire you but it's all thanks to Debbie and it does feel good knowing I can do a wt workout without a dvd.
Nice job on the bike ride, Roxie!

Today I did Crossfire, Fitness Blast/Plyo Tabata/Core Premix.

Work tonight...
Today is Week 3 of the Full Body rotation I'm doing. Had a great workout this morning. And boy is it cold outside. 28 degrees!! YUCK!!!

This is what I did:

4 sets/5 reps - 1 minute rest between each set

Barbell Row - 72#
Flat Barbell Bench Press
- 80#
Leg Press Station - 175#
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 72#
Barbell Curls - 55#
Close Grip Barbell Triceps Press - 70#

This workout was 41 minutes so I was only able to walk .75 miles on my treadmill. :)

Belinda - That's funny - the pre-order is still going on. I thought it was over a long time ago.
Good morning,

I did M2 D13 today and walked the dogs this morning.

Debbie - nope pre - order still going on :) Your weights are impressive, girl :)

Chris - he sure does :( Serving 31 + years in the military is taking it's tolls on him :(

Nora and Roxie - good job with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hi girls!;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21DFX- Plyo Fix Extreme= 30 Min
MV= 8.50

Leslie Sansone- Mix & Match Walk Blasters- Short and Sweaty + Tummy Trimmer walk= 23 Min
Walked 2 miles.

4DS - HIS-Premix#10 Chest, Shoulers, and Triceps= 34 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 279

Total calories burned= 847;)

Chris- Hi! Great job on CrossFire yesterday, That is a fun premix I like that one alot. Bravo on your workout yesterday WTG! I hope you had a great workout planned for today as well. So nice to see you over here. Have a blessed and fabulous awesome day!:);) I had my surgery on September 16th and I feel like I'm at about 80-90% back. I still have an occasional twinge like a needle stick feeling where my suture scars are but I look and everything looks fine. So far so good on the surgery recovery front. Thanks for asking!;)

Debbie- Wow 28 degrees, yikes!!! That is cold, keep warm girlfriend. You are kicking butt on the full body weight workout rotation you are doing, glad you are having fun with it. Congrats on the weight workout getting it in there today and walking on the treadmill. Its nice that the weig ht workout is focused and time efficient so you have time for cardio before you need to get ready to start your day. High fives on your awesome killer workout, WTG !!! You're a rock star!!;):):cool:

Belinda- Hi! Great job on today's workout of STS Meso 2 Disc13 today, WTG!! Now go have a healthy and fit blessed day!:);):cool:

Roxie- Hello waves. I hope all is well with you and to wish you a blessed day.:);):D

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today I did Run Fit and had an ok workout. For some reason my endurance was not up to par today. Not sure why. I could not concentrate on my breathing and that was really messing me up. :(

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.7 miles and burned 392 calories.

Nora - Nice workout!! You also rocked it yesterday! Nice job!

Belinda - I see they changed the pre-order bar at the top. Oy....

Roxie - Where are you? Did you do the workout yesterday?

Chris - Hi girl!! Hope you enjoy the workout rotation.
Good Morning,

I forgot about a staff meeting yesterday morning so I couldn't report my workout and then I had a doctors appointment yesterday afternoon and spent some time with GS. I had to cut out one set of barbell curls and tricep press due running late. This morning I did a spin workout and CLX Ab Burner.

4/sets 5/reps 1 minute rest:
Flat Barbell Bench Press-40lbs
Barbell Row-45lbs
Barbell Squats-45lbs had trouble lifting the steel bar I was using.
Stiff Leg Deadlift-45lbs
Barbell Curl-3/sets 5/reps 30lbs
Close Grip Tricep Press-3/sets 5/reps 30lbs.

Debbie-just a busy day yesterday I am still with you.

Belinda-good job with your workout.

Nora-the surgeon I met yesterday will do everything vaginally and her max weight limit is 20lbs so I woolose to much strength but DH says I will start out just walking.
I just typed out and lost my whole post! Grrrrrr~

Quickie then,

I did the first day of Debbie's & Roxie's Weight Rotation. It took me a bit to figure out which weight to use on some of the exercises. But I think I did ok. It will go faster when I get a hang of it. I also did STS Extended Stretch!

Nice workouts, everyone!!!!
Hi girls!:)

Sorry for the late check in, I will do so now, but sadly no time for personals.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits= 20 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 232

21DFX- Upper Fix Extreme= 33 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 315

Drill Max- Timesaver Cardio Blast= 39 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 426

Total calories burned= 973:cool:;)

Great job girls on all the workouts done today, you all are so inspirational. Now go smile, and have a blessed day!:);):cool:

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;)

Good evening,

Today I spent the day with my DH, it's his birthday :) The kids are all here too :)

The only workout I did was LS walk workout.

I will be back tomorrow. Good job on your workouts everyone.

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