CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good morning,

JS Toning walk is done:)

I will be back for personals after DH's doc appointment. Have a good one, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Blasters- Walk, Kiok, Jab- 1 mile = 11 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 105

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Iso Strength Chisel = 37 Min
CB= 354

Rockout Knockout- Timesaver #2= 37 Min
MV= 9.10
CB= 460

Total calories burned= 899:cool:

Belinda- Congrats on an awesome JS Toning Walk workout today, well done. I was wondering if that particular workout was on dvd? Just wondering as I have been looking at her walk workouts there is a 30 day one and a 21 day one offered at amazon on dvd. I am not interested in downloads. I'm getting to that point I don't really think I need to get more dvd's beyond what I have ordered and own thus far. Although I have bought some Leslie lately wanting to add some walking dvds to the collection. Have a blessed day, Merry Christmas!:D

Debbie- Great workout today doing the weight rotation you've been working on and today in superset fashion, impressive! Wow! Those weights girl are so impressive you go girlfriend feeling strong today! Now go have a blessed day, Merry Christmas!:);)

Chris- Sorry to hear you were out of commission due to kidney stone, yikes!! So glad to hear that you are better now, Phew! I understand your mom has been sick and is now doing better as well and still in rehab. I wish you both a Merry Christmas and will pray for you both to stay on the mend.:);):D

Roxie- Hello & Waves, I hope you are feeling a little better each day and improving. Just be patient and rest. Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);)

Good Afternoon,

Watching the grandson today so no workout.

Nora-thank you and I am doing my best to take it easy. I previewed Athletic Condtioning 2 workout 1 looks good.
Today was cardio and I did Cardio Coach #3. Had a great workout. Next week will be my active recovery week and I'm looking forward to it. I'm getting burned out a bit. Need a break.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.84 miles and burned 302 calories.
ETA: I also did Cardio & Weights ab work.

Hope you all have great workouts! Sorry, no time for personals but you all had great workouts yesterday!!!
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Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill this morning snd my legs were shaking after. I went in to work to let my boss know when I plan on going back and it's amazing how many people care about you and miss you.

Debbie-good job with your workout, I have decided to wait until the full 6 weeks before starting weights.
Hey girls,

Today I did STS D37 Legs + Extended stretch and Jessica Smith 30 Day Walk HiiT walk + Healthy Back ( ran out of time yesterday).

Nora - yes, JS Toning Walk workout is from her 30 Day Walk series. I bought the set on Black Friday. It was 40% off the reg. price :) I have own all of Jessica's Smith DVD's. I like her 30 Day Walk set better than her others. I prefer Jessica's walk over Leslie's. Don't give me wrong, her workouts are great but sometimes her chatter can get on your nerves :D Plus, I get a better step count with Jessica's walk. I am on a no buying right now, I only use what I already have. My DD said yesterday I am hoarding workout dvd's:oops: LOL! She said….I don't need anymore. She is right:D

Roxie - glad you starting to feel better, good job this morning.

Debbie - good job, as always!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi Girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and just have time for a quick check in. Sorry no personals today.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Blasters- Tummy Trimmer Walk + Lower Body Blast Walk= 23 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 220

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Iso Speed Hammer = 24 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 229

X10- Fat burning circuit= 30 Min
MV= 8.80
CB= 360

Total calories burned= 809:cool:

H ello's and waves to all of you. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Merry Christmas!:):D

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);)

ood morning,

Today I will do STS D27 and abs.

Nora - nice job yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Today I did full body and had a great workout. This was the same workout as last Friday but in superset fashion. This is the last day of this rotation for me. :( I'm bummed it's over. Went fast.

This is what I did:

3 sets/12 reps, 1:30 minute rest between each superset

Superset #1
Zottman Curls - 17's
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 13's

Superset #2
Incline Barbell Press - 70#
Pullover - 32#

Superset #3
Plie Squat - 35#
Upright Rows - 45#

Workout was 35 minutes so I walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

I forgot to say (and I added it to yesterday's workout) that I did Cardio & Weights ab work after I did CC #1. Love that ab work.

Roxie - I'm glad you won't be lifting until after you 6 weeks, that is a good choice. Nice job on your walking, though, that is great!! Nothing much can keep us down, right?

Nora - Nice calorie burn again!! You are amazing and nice workout.

Belinda - I think you asked me a while back if I ordered Hammer and Chisel and I have not yet. Not sure I will.
Hey girls,

I did STS D27 and JS Strength 30 min walk.

Debbie - I really want Hammer & Chisel but I am on a NO buying right now :) So far so good! Plus I need to use what I already have.

Have a great Friday and workout everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Chisel Endurance= 37 Min
MV= 8.25
CB= 417

Ripped w/HiiT- Low Impact HiiT Two + Bonus Abs One= 37 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 429

Total calories burned= 846:cool:

Belinda- Great job with your workout of STS D27 and abs. WTG!! Have a Blessed Friday!

Debbie- Nicely done today with the last workout of your weight rotation, that was awesome!! Great job with your workout and killer weights girlfriend. Have a blessed and fab Friday!:);):cool:

Hello's and waves to Chris and Roxie, have a blessed day girls!;)

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);):D

Good Evening,

No workout today my legs were shaky and my stomach is sore so took it easy.

Debbie-I have written the rotation out so I can give it another shot when I am healthy.
Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes than did KCM's Stepbox Dumbbell Drills using 3lb weights skipped one drill that I am not allowed to do and modified alot now I need a nap.
Good morning,

Jessica Smith 30 min Fat Blaster is done :)

Roxie - good job this morning, girl :)

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hi girls,

I also did Cathe Basic Step + Stability ball abs today. This makes a total of 8 dvd's completed, I have 192 to go to reach my goal :p

It was snowing this morning :( It's bitter cold outside.

Maybe I will do a nice stretch later?

Enjoy your weekend. BBL!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- 5 Boosted Miles- warm up + mile1 + 2+ 32 Min
MV= 7.20
CB= 315

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Total Body Hammer = 36 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 319

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- 10 Min Ab Hammer= 13 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 89

Total calories burned = 723:cool:

Roxie- Sorry you did not feel well yesterday just take it easy on those days and if you don't workout that's ok just listen to your body and rest. Nice job on today's workout of your 30 minute treadmill walk and KCM's Stepbox Dumbbell Drills using 3lb weights its good you skipped the drill you needed to. You go right ahead and modify to suit your needs so shame in that we all modify, I know I do where needed. Please don't over due it just take it easy and rest and back off when needed. Go gave a restful blessed day!;):)

Belinda- Nicely done today with Jessica Smith 30 min Fat Blaster, WTG!! Go have a fab and blessed weekend!:);)

Hello's waves & Christmas blessings and hugs to Chris, and Debbie!:D

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);):cool:

ood morning,

Today I did ICE Low Impact Sweat and Jessica Smith -D21- 30 Min Pyramid Power walk.

Roxie - good job on that walk this morning.

Nora - kicking butt with your workouts. Keep it up, girl.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout,everyone.
ood morning,

Today I did ICE Low Impact Sweat and Jessica Smith -D21- 30 Min Pyramid Power walk.

Roxie - good job on that walk this morning.

Nora - kicking butt with your workouts. Keep it up, girl.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout,everyone.

Belinda-did you like that ice workout I only ordered the mat glute one and upper body.
Belinda-did you like that ice workout I only ordered the mat glute one and upper body.

Roxie - I did :) There wasn't really anything new, same moves you seen in her other workouts, I did enjoyed it. I haven't done Mat and upper body yet. My dvd's should be here by tomorrow. I did a download today.

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