Good morning girls!
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Body Beast- Tempo- Chest/Tri's= 52 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 426
Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN+ 2 songs = 46 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 584
Distance= 4.35 Miles
Total calories burned= 1010
Debbie- Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes fingers crossed all goes well on June 7th and that the biopsy is benign. Wow, sorry that your posion ivy seems so stubborn. I hope your doctor gets back to you soon. Great job on your TM walk today and you were wise to be cautious about getting to warm or sweating, be careful and I will pray for this to go away so you can feel better.

Roxie- High fives on your 30 minute TM walk, great job.

Belinda- Its so awesome your kids are so close to you and you all have a fun time together, that is a blessing. Glad you had a great time with your kids. Great job on your workout yesterday with STS M2 W4 D24 and SBF Barre Fire

I hope you have a fun workout today/rest day and have a blessed day!

Hugs & Blessings
