CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Good Morning girls!:D

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 43 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 546
Distance= 4.11 Miles
I had to make up for yesterday's run th at did not happen. I had to stop early bummer I wanted to run further, but son wanted me off treadmill so I was nice and did so.

XTrain-D4- Super Cuts- Premix #8 Timesaver First part= 28 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 288

KCM 30MTF- Circuit Burn- Abs Only= 6 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 41

Total calories burned= 875 :cool:

Belinda- Nice workout yesterday with JS Fusion walk + SBF LB + mat workout, great job! Have a great workout & blessed day!:D

Debbie- I hope you are starting to feel some relief and feeling better. Have a blessed day!:):cool:

Roxie- How are you feeling? Better? So what workout do you have in mind for today? A fun one no doubt. Take care and have a blessed day:);)

Hugs and blessings:D

Hi everyone,

I did a chair workout from youtube today + SBF UB.

Debbie - hope you feel better.

Roxie - good job on that walk.

Nora - great job today.

Have a great evening.
I'm finally feeling human today, although I am not at cardio or weights status yet. I decided to just walk on my treadmill for a while to get the blood going. Glad I did but I am really tired now. All I want to do is go home and sleep. I haven't been sick like this in at least a decade. I do not like it.

Walked for 40 minutes, went 2 miles and did 4720 steps. Burned 222 calories. I've did more walking in that 40 minutes then I did in any one day last week. Holy crap did my steps drop. On well...

So my FB needs an update and I'm afraid to update it because it is working fine. I'm afraid the update will make it not sync again. Have any of you done the system update? How were your results?
Good Morning,

I did a spin workout yesterday and today. I am thinking of doing Travel Fit until my shoulder feels better.

Debbie-I have found that with the new wrist Fitbits you have to swing your arms to get credit so I use my Fitbit One for spin workouts. Glad to hear you are feeling more human.
Good morning,

Today I starting 2 weeks of Low Impact. I did AB today. I finished a month of GS's last week . I still have to do GS Legs, I will do it this week.

Roxie - that is what i have to do with my fitbit, lol. Good job today.

Debbie - glad you feeling better today.

Nora - have a great workout today.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Good Afternoon girls!

I'm running late and have a Doctor's appointment and can't do personals, other than to say I hope everyone is feeling better and has a blessed day!:):D

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN + 3 Songs= 49 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 622
Distance= 4.49 Miles Yay!:D:cool:

Body Beast- BBlk 1- Chest & Tri's= 49 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 401

I'm starting a new rotation of Body Beast - Lean Beast.

Have a blessed and great day all~!:);)

Hugs and blessings:);)

Feeling even better today yet still coughing some. Ridiculous. And I think I either bruised or cracked one of my ribs yesterday while having a coughing attack. I keep getting these awful attacks and hope to God I don't have one today because I just can't cough like that anymore. OMG, it's horrible. So I hope whatever is hurting by my ribs goes away soon.

Walked on my treadmill for 2.55 miles. Went 50 minutes and burned 292 calories and also did 6149 steps. Avg HR was 102 and Max was 129. Not bad.

I miss lifting. :(

Roxie - What do you mean about the FB and the wrist?

Nora - I'm jealous, I miss lifting. Have fun with BB!!!

Belinda - Nice workout. How is Brawler?
Good Morning,

I did Charlene Johnson PiYo Lower Body define and forget she over works one side and under works the other then I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

Debbie-with my Fitbit Alta HR if I do a spin workout I don’t get any step credit but the One clips to my waistband and gives me credit for spinning. I can do a work with just my wrist one and get nothing but do the same one with my One and get up to 4,000 steps. Take care do that rib maybe grab your side when you need to cough.
Good Morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Fit Split- Boxing Bootcamp- Timesaver #2 Just Kickboxing + Abs = 47 Min
MV= 8.70
CB= 558

Body Beast- BBlk 1- Legs= 38 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 311

Jessica Smith- Walk Strong 30- 1 Mile of Motivation= 15 Min
MV= 7.70
CB= 158

Total calories burned= 1027:cool:;)

Debbie- glad you are feeling even a little better minus the coughing attacks. I have coughed so much and hard with what you have and did see the doctor and he said I probably strained a muscle. Any ways it doesn't feel good and just plain sucks. Nicely done on your treadmill walk high fives for getting it done.;) I hope you continue to feel better and the coughing lessens or stops. Have a blessed day.:);):cool:

Great job girls on all yesterday's workouts, WTG girls!:):cool::D H ave a great & blessed day everyone:);):D

Hugs & blessings:);)

Hi everyone,

Today I did Karen Voight Slim Physique DVD, Monday workout: Cardio & LB. That one was pretty good for a 30 min workout. I had that dvd since 2014 :( There is a workout for each day, I will try to follow them in order. Not sure, if I will do them every day? I will try my best!
I also did day 2 of the Shape up for the summer challenge.

Good job, everyone.

I will be back tomorrow.
I walked again on my treadmill, same as yesterday, 2.5 miles. I'm feeling better, ribs are still sore but now I don't think I cracked them. I think it is just major muscle strain and some bruising.

Roxie - If your ankle is small enough, you can place your FB watch around it and that will work for spin. I know a few people who have their FB on their ankles at all times because there are times - like grocery shopping - where FB does not register steps. Which really irritates me. If you wear it on your ankle it is really accurate. I hate not being able to see my stats, though, so I wear mine like a watch at all times.

Have great workouts everyone!!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Body Beast- BBlk 1- Back & Bi's= 50 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 410

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 49 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 622
Distance= 4.62 Miles

Total calories burned= 1032:)

Debbie- So glad to hear you're feeling better and on the mend. Yes I would imagine your ribs would feel sore from all the coughing, but its most likely due to muscle strain from coughing. Great job on today's workout of 2.5 miles treadmill walking, that is awesome. I hope you continue to feel better every day. Take care and have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- WTG on Monday's and Tuesday's workouts with Karen Voight Slim Physique DVD, Monday workout: Cardio & LB. Way to get it done, girlfriend. You are amazing and no doubt had a great workout today with Low Impact Cardio Supersets and SBF D3 LB barre . High fives on your workouts and have a blessed day!:D;)

Roxie- I hope all is well with you. Take care and have a fun workout & blessed day:);):cool:

Hugs & Blessings:);)

Good Afternoon,

I did Cathe’s Total Body Sculpting perfect for a rehab workout and then I did a HiiT 20 minute StudioSweat Spin w/Elli from 10-26-17.

Debbie-I just switch to my One it does the trick.

Nora-good job today
I once again just walked on my treadmill, can't get this cough to go away. It's not as bad but it's still there. I really want to start lifting and running again. I could probably do some lifting again but my ribs still hurt pretty bad. I sure hope I didn't crack them.

Walk was 50 minutes, burned 301 calories (dang!), went 2.5 miles and did 5992 steps. Avg HR was 110 and Max was 138.

Have great workouts everyone!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk Strong 30- 1 Mile of Motivation= 15 Min
MV= 7.70
CB= 158

KCM 30MTF-Amped UpCardio- Workout #1= 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Core De Force- MMA Kickbutt= 37 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 429

Body Beast - Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 1022

Roxie- Great job on your workout yesterday with Cathe’s Total Body Sculpting perfect for a rehab workout and then I did a HiiT 20 minute StudioSweat Spin w/Elli from 10-26-17. Awesome workout high fives, WTG!!!:cool::D:)

Debbie- Nicely done today with your treadmill walk of 50 minutes, burned 301 calories, with distance of 2.5 miles and did 5992 steps. Bravo way to workout while waiting for the cough to go away. Great job on your workout today, be patient and get well. Have a blessed day.:);):cool:

Hello's and waves to Belinda- Hope you have a fab and blessed pre-Friday and fun workout. Take care!:);):cool:

Hugs & blessings:)

Hey guys,

I did LI Challenge today. That's it.

After Brawler's vet appointment this morning, I am not in a good mood to do much :( Brawler had a catheter, which came out a little over a week ago. Well, after the catheter came out we noticed he hardly went pee. We talked to our vet and he said, sometimes it can take a few day's before he goes normal again. Told us to express Brawler's bladder a few times a day, which we been doing since he got the catheter taking out. It's been over a week and we got concerned about Brawler. We took him in this morning for an X-ray, vet was looking for stones. The x rays didn't show anything. Everything is pointing to DM, which I read online about :( The vet was talking about a research center we could take him and they would have to cut him open and put a bag inside :( I told my vet I wouldn't put Brawler through anything like this :( We talked about all the possibilities :( He also promised me when the time comes he would came to the house :( All I want to do is cry :(
This thing is still lingering so I called my doctor yesterday and asked for another round of the Zpac. He did give me another prescription and I started it last night. I am so tired all the time and the cough won't go away. So hopefully this next round will do the trick. My ribs are better but when I lay on my stomach it hurts a bit. Hopefully it is just a pulled muscle.

I walked on my treadmill for 2.5 miles again today. Walked for 50 minutes and burned 294 calories. Went 6083 steps. My Avg HR was 96 and Max was 128 which is weird because every time I looked at my watch, it was reading in the 70's. Not sure why.

Belinda - Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about Brawler. You did right not making him go through surgery. We had that opportunity for Bear, too, but I couldn't stand thinking about him going through surgery and then not knowing what would happen anyways. It is the hardest thing to put our little friends down, but there comes a time when you have to let them go for their own comfort and that is loving them as well. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do - put Bear down - it was the saddest day of my life, but I know he is better off because he was so thin and wasn't eating anymore and he just wasn't living anymore. :( Still makes me cry thinking about it. I will be thinking of you and I am sending out hugs and prayers. Brawler knows you love him, he knows you will do whats best.

Have great workouts and a great weekend everyone!!
Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes this morning.

Debbie-did they test you for the flu?

Belinda-it sucks when you have to put them down but you also no they are no longer suffering

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