CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Good morning,

Low Impact UB + SBF LB is done.

Debbie - thanks for your kind words. So sorry you had to go through this with Bear (((HUGS))) Brawler isn't suffering/or is in any pain. DM is a devastating disease. My vet said yesterday..that we have done 150 times more than most people would do with their pets. DM has 3 stages, I think we are in stage 3 with Brawler. He is still eating a lot. I know the day will come sooner than later :( Do you regret putting him down at home? I am still thinking about it. My vet said he would come to the house when I am ready. DH thinks it's a bad idea. The thought of putting him down at the vet and on the floor isn't going to happened. So sorry you had to go through this with Bear. I know it will take a long time to heal.

Roxie - thank you! Brawler isn't suffering. DH is painless, he can't move his legs. The whole situation is sucks! Wished they find a cure for DM! I know it wouldn't help Brawler but maybe some other dogs.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 50 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 635
Distance= 4.75 Miles

Beast- Build Block 1- Shoulders= 38 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 311

Jessica Smith- Walk On- 10 Minute Quick
Walk- 10 Min Butt & Thighs Walk= 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120

Total calories burned= 1066:)

Debbie- Good idea to call your doctor for a refill on the medication. Great job today on your treadmill walk of 2.5 miles today. I hope continuing your meds will help to heal you up to where you feel like you again. Take care and feel better, have a blessed day!:):D

Roxie- Awesome job on your 35 minute treadmill walk today, WTG!!! Now go and have a blessed day.:);)

Belinda- I see you did a workout yesterday with LI Challenge, good for you WTG. I read what you posted earlier I'm so sorry to hear about Brawler. I know you must be upset my thoughts and prayers are with you. ((Hugs))

Hugs, blessings,& prayers;)

Hi everyone,

Just came home from the Urgent Care clinic . My knee is killing me, I am at a point were walking was got so painful I can't take it anymore. I can't walk up/or down stairs. They took X-rays, I have a Knee sprain. They rapped my knee in a elastic wrap for support. That means for the next few weeks no cardio, or lower body workouts. No overstitching of my knee. I have to ice/or heat on my knee. If the pain doesn't stop I need to see orthopedic. At least now I know what's wrong with my knee :( I will be a good girl and follow the doctors advice on resting and staying off my feet. I been in pain for over 3 weeks. I hope with lots of rest I will be up and running again soon. I decided to continue with Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation, only do the UB workouts, sitting. Once my knee feels better will go back and do where I left off and try to finish UB/LB? I am kinda bumped today is leg day and I love working my legs. I already have an appointment scheduled for my PF/heal spur at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. I am pushing it off for month because of Brawler.

I really don't know what I am going to do with myself, lol? This will be tough for me sitting so much :( I can't sit still for too long.....

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Core De Force- MMA Power= 47 Min
MV= 8.25
CB= 529

PiYo- Sweat= 35 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 311

Jessica Smith- 5 Mix & Match Miles- Waistline Work= 16 Min
MV= 7.55
CB= 165

Total calories burned= 1005:)

Belinda- Good for you going to urgent care and getting your knee Xrayed. Yes definitely follow doctors orders and rest no cardio or weights until you get the all clear. I didn't know you had knee issues. Please rest up and take care. Please still check in so we can can get updated. Feel better!:);)

Have a great blessed weekend girls and healing prayers to those that need them.:)

Hugs, blessings,& healing prayers:);)

Hi everyone,

I recently bought BARLATES BODY BLITZ Fit in 5, I am am glad I did :) She had a buy one get one free sale last week. I did the UB = 36. I did the entire workout sitting and used a band. Perfect when you have injuries or go on vacation. My UB was burning. She used very unique exercises with the band and it burned :) My UB will be smoking hot this summer, lol. I also looked through Cathe's UB workouts, I can do S&H, Pyramid UB, Lift with HiiT UB, UB from CTX, Strong & Sweaty UB, 4DS UB....and I can do any Linda UB workouts. I will see what ab workouts I can do without using my knee too much. Maybe sitting ab workouts?

Nora - thank you! I been having a knee issue for over 2 weeks or so? The pain got so bad I couldn't walk. I am getting lots of rest, lol. Good job yesterday.

Have a great
Feeling so much better today! Still coughing slightly, but not like I was. I'm awake and feel human. So happy about that!! So today I did Home Gym Intervals #1 by Kelly, I figured this would be a good one to get started with this week. I will do #2 on Wednesday and to sure about Friday yet. I will do my treadmill running on Tuesday/Thursday. I didn't push myself but was sweating buckets when I got done.

This was intervals of around 1 min. 30 seconds on the treadmill and then 1 minute exercises. I used 10# for all the exercises.

Hot Potato Squat
Row, hop, Row
One Arm Row, right side
One Arm Row, left side
Step - Throw (love these)
Pendulum/Biceps Curl
Press & push, right side
Press & Push, left side

Workout was 32:30, burned 228 calories, went 1.25 miles on my treadmill. Avg. HR was 133 and Max was 176.

Then I walked on the treadmill for another 18 minutes and burned an additional 93 calories. Went .89 miles doing that.

Belinda - No, I don't have regret of putting Bear down here at the house. It would have been way too traumatic if we took him to the vets because he hated going to the vets. He was comfortable at home.

No time for personals but hope you all have a great workout day!!!
Good Morning

I did 4Ds Chest and Back then a 30 minute walk on the treadmill and abs from Oxygen.

Debbie- happy to see you back at it.
Good Afternoon girls!;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN + 3 Songs= 52 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 654
Distance= 4.85 Miles Yay!:D:cool::D

Body Beast- BBlk 1- Chest & Tri's= 49 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 401

Total calories burned= 1055:)

Belinda- I see your thinking a work-around workouts that do not use lower body so your knee can heal, good for you as long as you do not do anything that will bug your knee/go against doctor's orders. I want you to heal up and be well back at it. As long as the workouts you mentioned do not violate doctors orders then ok, just be sure to listen to your body and give it time to heal up properly. Nicely done on your creative workouts that don't bug your knees. Take care , rest and have a beautiful blessed day.:);)

Roxie- great workout yesterday with a 35 minute walk on the treadmill and three laps at Walmart while waiting for someone. Awesome workout today on your workout with 4Ds Chest and Back then a 30 minute walk on the treadmill and abs from Oxygen. WTG you are kickin' butt and takin' names on your workouts, bravo! :D:cool::) Now go have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- So happy to hear you are feeling better, even human amazing, bravo keep getting better. Great job on today's workout with
Home Gym Intervals #1 by Kelly. WTG!!! High fives girlfriend that is awesome. I hope you have an amazingly blessed day:);):cool::D

Hugs and blessings:)


Hi everyone,

Today I had AB scheduled, since it has a lot of LB I couldn't do it. I I did ICE Chiseled UB sitting down, worked out perfectly :) I skipped those bear crawls (or whatever they are called, lol) I did oblique crunches instead. I also did a few shorter 10-15 min UB workouts from YT. My UB is fried! I also did a Standing Ab workout ( I was sitting in a chair). I also can do lots of ab workouts with a DB/kettlebell sitting. My UB is fried.

I already have a cardio workout (sitting in a chair) picked out for tomorrow or I do Gilad's Lords of the abs tomorrow. I have to review this one and make sure I can do it? If no, I will figure something else out.

Debbie - I feel the same way about Brawler. He shakes like crazy at the vet :( Poor thing!

Nora - I never had pain like this in my knees, even if I wanted to do something crazy..I can't. Good job today.

Roxie - nice job on 4DS today. One of my favorite Cathe's workouts.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
Today I was going to do a CC but decided not too. I woke up twice last night having coughing attacks. I just don't get it, this cough is relentless. I walked on my treadmill at a fast pace on a 5% incline, that got my HR up and I sweating pretty good by the time I got done.

Workout was 51 minutes, burned 288 calories, went 2.56 miles and did 6236 steps. Avg HR was 94, Max was 128.

Belinda - I just read your post about your knee, OMG! I am so sorry you are in such pain. I have knee issues as well, but mine have to do with the cartiledge between the knee cap and whatever is underneath rubbing together. Some days its bad, most days I don't notice it at all. I hope yours heals fast, that really sucks!!! Do you know how it happened?

Roxie - Nice job on 4DS, love that series. Interested in the Oxygen Abs, what did it entail?

Nora - Great job on your run and BB yesterday! You are making me want to do BB. Maybe I will.

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Body Beast- Build Block 1- Legs= 38 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 311
Weights used- BB-#20-#30,#35 Db's- #15,#20,#25

ICE- Rock'em Sock'em= 49 Min
MV= 8.20
CB= 549

BeFit In 30 Extreme- Fat Burning & Abs= 22 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 255

Total calories burned= 1115

Debbie- Sorry that darned cough is still there. It probably just is one of those things that take a while longer than what you'd like, hand in there. Good call to walk on treadmill, sounds like the 5% incline gave you a good sweat of a walk 2.56 miles, bravo nice stats. WTG high fives!!:):cool::D Great job on today's workout now go have a great blessed day:);)

Belinda- Nice way to modify workouts or find ones that you can use that do not do lower body work. I love that you are finding some sitting cardio ones which is great for you. I was going to suggest some chair exercise ones, but see you already thought of that. You might be careful of not over doing upper body, maybe just specific muscle groups like sections from CrossTrain Express or something like that skipping all lower body and cardio, but maybe abs if its not knee friendly. Just do one upper body muscle group a day or something or skip a day to allow muscles to recover. Great job on ICE Chiseled UB sitting down, glad that worked out. Plus did some ab work from different youtube videos. Sounds like you got the abs good with all that maybe skip abs the next day and allow for muscle recovery. You seem to have got it all under control being careful to not do any lower body/traditional cardio stuff so you can just let those knees have time to heal. Take care and get some rest. H ave a blessed day and be well!:);):cool:

Roxie- have a fun workout and a blessed day!:);)

Hugs & blessings& healing prayers:);)

Hi everyone,

I did Lord of the Abs Core Challenge and a short UB from YT with the pilates ring (that one burned).

Debbie - thank you! Sorry to hear you are dealing with knee issue too. Have you seen a doctor? My pain is under my knee cap too :( I am seeing my doctor tomorrow. I hope mine goes away soon, it's driving me nuts already. Sitting on my butt all day is hard. I am not used to it. I hope you feel better too.

Nora - nice job today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a good one.
Today I did Home Gym Intervals #2 by Kelly and had a great workout. I love these workouts, I wish she'd make more of them. And if they were 40 minutes, that would be perfect! But I like the 30 minute workouts nonetheless. This one was fun and went fast.

This was intervals of around 1 min. 30 seconds on the treadmill and then 1 minute exercises. I used 8 & 10# dumbbells for all the exercises.

Bicep Curl/Squat - 10's
Kickbacks - 8's
Knee Smash, right side - 10#
Knee Smash, left side - 10#
Cross Press/Squat, right - 10#
Cross Press/Squat, left - 10#

Workout was 30 minutes, burned 218 calories, went 1.25 miles on my treadmill. Avg. HR was 135 and Max was 174.

Then I walked on the treadmill for another 1.25 miles for 24 minutes and burned an additional 123 calories. Avg HR was 90, Max was 106. Really low there, weird.

Belinda - Yes, I seen a doctor years ago about it. He said they can't do anything about it until it gets worse. It's not getting worse so I'm happy about that!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Today I did Home Gym Intervals #2 by Kelly and had a great workout. I love these workouts, I wish she'd make more of them. And if they were 40 minutes, that would be perfect! But I like the 30 minute workouts nonetheless. This one was fun and went fast.

This was intervals of around 1 min. 30 seconds on the treadmill and then 1 minute exercises. I used 8 & 10# dumbbells for all the exercises.

Bicep Curl/Squat - 10's
Kickbacks - 8's
Knee Smash, right side - 10#
Knee Smash, left side - 10#
Cross Press/Squat, right - 10#
Cross Press/Squat, left - 10#

Workout was 30 minutes, burned 218 calories, went 1.25 miles on my treadmill. Avg. HR was 135 and Max was 174.

Then I walked on the treadmill for another 1.25 miles for 24 minutes and burned an additional 123 calories. Avg HR was 90, Max was 106. Really low there, weird.

Belinda - Yes, I seen a doctor years ago about it. He said they can't do anything about it until it gets worse. It's not getting worse so I'm happy about that!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!

Debbie-she has two of those workouts on her Vimeo streaming channel
ood morning,

Ramped Up upper body is done. I have to get ready for my doc appointment.

Debbie - I am seeing my doctor today. I am tired of resting. I only can work my upper body so many time, lol. Nice job as always on your workouts.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Good Morning,

I did 4DS Shoulders,Core and Stretch followed by Rolling Hills on the treadmill for 30 minutes. My left shoulder is the injured shoulder and doing overhead presses are not easy so I have to keep my weights low so used 5,8 and 10lb weights.

Debbie-Oxygen Abs: 30 Basic Crunches
Oblique Crunches (30 reps/side)
Leg Raises (30 reps)
Bicycle Crunches (60 reps)
Rest 60 seconds then repeat three times

Belinda- hope you get some answers today

Nora-good job today
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's modified workout because I injured my left knee. I lost my balance while doing a bulgarian squat while holding 20# dbs in each hand and fell. Now I have a swollen knee. I have been icing it, I can walk no pain but I didn't think I should push it. It does hurt only when anything touches other than that it doesn't hurt so just trying to be cautious. I hate not running today but I will do something else.

Here's today's modified workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk Off Belly Fat- Fat Blasting Interval Walk= 31 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 339 Min

Core De Force- MMA Speed = 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

Body Beast- Build Block 1- Back & Bi's= 50 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 410

Total calories burned= 1062:)

Belinda- Nice job with yesterday's workout of Lord of the Abs Core Challenge and a short UB from YT with the pilates ring WTG!! High fives!! Have a blessed and amazing day.:):cool::D

Debbie- Awesome workout today with KCM's Home Gym Intervals- Workout #2, and a 30 minute 1.25 mile treadmill walk. Way to get it done today! High fives!!!:):cool::D Have a wonderful and blessed day:);):D

Roxie- enjoy your workout and have a blessed day:);):cool:

Hugs and blessings:)
Last edited:
Just came back from my doctor. He checked out my knee. He wants me to get an MRI on my knee, he didn't like the cracking noises in my knee. He still wants me to stay off my feet until he knows what's going on. He thinks maybe a tear since my knee is locking out too. My knee is also swollen up. Who knows what's going on? I hope this clears up real soon. I am already getting bored sitting on my butt all day long. My upper body is getting a really good workout, lol. I also got the flu shot today.

Roxie - thank you :) I don't go very heavy on shoulders anymore and still get a good workout in. WTG today.

Nora - nice job!
Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a great workout. I think I'm almost back to normal. I ran well and fast and other than coughing a few times I did great!!! Felt good to run again.

Workout was 36 minutes, burned 308 calories (TM said 335) went 2.5 miles and did 5051 steps. Avg. HR was 151!!!! and Max was 196. I think my HR is up because of the meds I've been on. Hopefully that will level out again soon.

Roxie - I'm hoping to get internet in my workout room soon, along with a TV that I can stream on. That would be cool. Thanks for the Oxygen ab workout. I love Oxygen's ab things, they are always pretty good.

Belinda - Wow on your knee, how could that have happened? I sure hope you didn't tear anything. An MRI would probably be a good idea. Dang, that sucks.

Nora - Nice job with your workout once again! Hope your knee is better today, that isn't good. It won't hurt you to skip a workout today and maybe tomorrow, let it heal.

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