Cossack Squat/Lunge with a Bear Crawl Press in Cathe's STS 2.0 Mobility #2 Recovery workout


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Pictured here are Cathe and Kristin doing a Cossack Squat/Lunge with a Bear Crawl Press in the STS 2.0 Mobility #2 Recovery workout. This exercise not only promotes range of motion, flexibility, and mobility but also strengthens the lower body, core, and upper body too.

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Not sure until I see the full move but I'm thinking you may be able to just eliminate the shoulder press part and just do the cossack squat/lunge or even just side to side low lunges with a hold.
Good idea! I tried doing a Cossack squat to the side and then just reached to the floor,
not exactly what they’re doing, but close, and not as low…I just can’t get down there like that, and if I do, I ain’t coming back up so pretty, I can promise you that! :)

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