Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I did the mobility workout with Mira for chest, shoulder and neck. Than we went out for a late lunch with our neighbors and dogs.

Today Sadie gets groomed this afternoon. I will try to get a walk in before, I also will do STS 2 Biceps today.

Debbie - you need a dog, lol. I am sure you will miss her. I am wondering the same about Cookie. I wouldn‘t know what to pack. Great job on your walks Cathe's Boss bands Glutes & Core yesterday.


Today was my DILs baby shower. It was a nice day but I am wiped out:)

Belinda - Great job getting in a mobility workout & STS 2 biceps. It must have been a nice lunch with neighbors & dogs:) It's funny when our neighbors see us walking with either of our son's dogs they don't recognize us at first.


STS 2 Body Parts Triceps is done. I will go for a walk later, hopefully it will stop raining. Temperature really dropped here :(

Debbie - glad you had a nice day, sorry it wiped you out. I hope you recovered from it.

I will be back tomorrow. I have an orthopedic for my knees tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside & Killer Legs. The temps dropped here too, but during my walk not too bad.

Belinda - Great job with STS 2 Triceps. We only had a little bit of rain, but really need it, the tree's are drying out. I'm still tired but feeling better. Good luck with your orthopedic appointment tomorrow.


Today I did Deep stretch from JS Walk Strong 3.

I had my orthopedic appointment today. I saw a different doctor, really liked his approach. He wants to hold of 6 month on more shots and surgery. He said walking isn‘t good for my knees :( He wants me to use a elliptical, swim or ride a bike. I don‘t swim and I don‘t like riding a bike. I may look into an elliptical? They fitted me for a Ovation Medical knee brace, which I been wearing since this office visit. I have to get used to it, I only have to wear it if I am moving/walking. I am also getting Physical Therapy for my knees.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and Killer Legs. It‘s raining nonstop here. Enjoy your walks outside. Thanks you about my appointment today.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & arm workout at the gym. I went to the bank for some Euros. I rather use credit cards because they do the conversion for you.

Belinda - Great job with your stretch & JS Walk. It sounds like the Dr. has some good ideas. Lots of people at the gym love/use the elliptical. It does seem to be better for the knees.

Cookie - You must be having a great time.


STS 2 Legs is done. I also did Flow with Mira abs to work on my weak ab muscles. Side planks I couldn‘t do, can’t put pressure on my arm/shoulder.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and arm workout at the gym. That is a good idea getting Euros at your bank. We usually use our credit card. What is the conversion at the moment? We also pulled Euros out from a machine at banks in Germany. It‘s good to have some cash.

That‘s it for me today.

Today was a walk outside & ICE To the mat legs & glutes. I'm starting to pack for Greece. I make it so hard because I can't decide what to bring.

Belinda - Great work with STS 2 Legs & Flow with Mira abs. The Euros are $1.11. I hear that isn't too bad. How is the knee brace working out?


STS 2 Shoulder is done. I walked yesterday, I probably will walk today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and ICE To the Mat Legs. What is the weather like in September in Greece? Bring compfy clothes and a good pair of walking shoes. You will figure it out.

Have a great day and workout.

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