Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside it was really nice out. Last night we left the light on in the attic and the noise wasn't too bad. The critter catcher will come here on Monday and put a temporary one-way tunnel into the attic so the squirrels will be able to leave but not come back. He doesn't want to just close any openings up because if they were to die in the attic the smell would be terrible.

Belinda - Great job with your barre/stretch workout. It's great Sadie bounced back quickly. DS's dog gets sick from eating things in the yard she shouldn't.

Cookie - Our fall foliage is just starting. It must be fun to walk when it is so colorful. My favorite thing was the Acropolis in Athens and the beautiful water and scenery on the islands. Is the Chinese food in China very different from what we get in the US?

Today was a walk and tb. Pretty wet day here but the foliage is beautiful.

Deb, hope tonight is your last one with those squirrel squatters. Does the sound of them at night keep you up? Good idea leaving the light on. I can't wait to see the Acropolis! The water in every photo I've seen from there is incredible. The food in China is so different from what we get here. Even though I had told our dd that she didn't believe the difference. It is so much fresher, less heavy sauces, and more flavorful. Lots of veggies and seafood. We also had meat, but it wasn't served as a large component of meals. Dessert is most often fruit! DH enjoyed the beers. Even with eating a lot, we didn't gain any weight.

Belinda, glad Miss Sadie is doing better. It is so hard when they're sick, we feel so helpless. Any trips planned? You have the wedding in December, right?

Rest day today. My body didn’t wanted to move.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. Hopefully you get rid of those squirrels squatters soon.

Cookie - I agree, we do feel so helpless when our fur babies get sick. We have trips planned, we still waiting for the RV. Yes, the wedding in December. Food is so different then there.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. The squirrels didn't keep us up last night it is warmer out so thinking they left for awhile. The critter catcher is supposed to come back Monday or Tuesday to set up the tunnel & patch any places they can get in.

Belinda - It's good you rested you did a long STS 2 rotation and it was well deserved. Is the wedding in a part of FL that was near the hurricanes? Where our condo is, is a mess, not sure when we can go back.

Cookie - Nice work with your walk & tb. The same with Greece the food was so fresh and not heavy. We ate lots of fish & DH wanted a Greek Salad everyday. I had some of the best fish there as well as Greek Salad. I would probably love Chinese food in China, not crazy about the sauces in Chinese food in the US.


I did a barre workout this morning plus dance workout.

Are you guys buying anything from Cathe’s sale? She has some really good prices. I already have everything.

Debbie - yeah, you are right. I need a break after finishing STS. I will do light stuff this week. Than do thing next week. I am so sorry your condo is a mess. I hope you don’t have too much damage. The wedding is in Tampa. DD will check this week.

Cookie - you and Debbie make me hungry talking about Chinese food and Greek food. Yum!

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! A walk and pilates tb wo. Had a massage today, and now I'm so tired. It wore me out!

Deb, sorry your condo was impacted by the storm. Have you been able to find out about how bad it is? I bet the fish and the Greek salad were fantastic. They do eat so much healthier than we do. Honestly, we don't recall seeing anyone obese. Hope the critter catcher gets the job done.

Belinda, a barre and dance workout? I thought you were resting this week! JK! You can't sit still. I didn't look at her sale, as I think I have everything. I should go check it out, just in case ...

Today was a walk outside & Lean Legs & abs. Our unit didn't have damage but a few of the other units did. The parts for the elevators has been delayed since there is such a high demand. It's sad because a lot of elderly people live year round in the building, and it would be difficult for them. The condo is 20 floors. Our power was restored yesterday but cable still out. A lot of the local restaurants are closed and making repairs to open up again. We saw pictures of some of the damage and it was bad.

Belinda - You made up for your rest day yesterday;) Nice getting a barre and dance workout in. I didn't hear too much about Tampa so fingers crossed everything is good. I looked and I have a lot of what on the sale.

Cookie - Nice getting in a walk & pilates TB. We hear about the condo almost every day with an email the manager sends out.

Debbie - Tampa got hit from the hurricane. My friend lives there. They just got power again. I do have everything on the sale. Those are some amazing prices.

Cookie - did you buy anything thing? Nice job on the walk and Pilates.
'Evening! Another lunchtime walk - well maybe a long lunchtime, and yoga. Think we are just past peak foliage, but it still looks beautiful.

Deb, glad you didn't have damage. That must be very challenging for the elderly and physically challenged. How's your dil feeling?

Belinda, one of my little dogs, the Westie-Cairn got groomed today, and boy what a difference. He was overdue. Does Sadie go to a groomer? I didn't get anything either. $5 for some of her dads?!!! Those were steals.

today I had physical therapy assessment for my neck. I will start PT on Monday. I did a short posture workout.

Cookie - it’s getting so cold here. It got so cold here, I didn’t go for a walk. I was so cold all day for some reason. Sadie is a Yorkie, she gets groomed regularly. She just had one 2 weeks ago. Yeah, those $5 deals were a steals. I didn’t buy anything either.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it did feel cold but the sun helped. I also did Perfect Pump Upper body. Tomorrow they come to install the one way tunnel in our attic. We haven't heard anything except some noise around 5AM.

Belinda - How often will you have to do PT for your neck? The deals were great, good Christmas gifts. That's sad to hear about Tampa, it seems like lots of places will rebuild. Hopefully it won't take too long, we know of some waiters that are out of work:(.

Cookie - Nice getting in yoga & a walk. It's been really dry here so some leaves are falling before turning. It's about 2 weeks before DIL gives birth, but she is suffering from carpal tunnel (pregnancy related). She isn't sleeping well and is in pain.


I probably will go for a hike/walk at the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park in WV. I live very close by the Park.

Debbie - great job on your walk. Yeah, it’s very cold here too. I will have PT twice a week for my neck. Yes, it’s very said about Tampa. Cathe’s sale was great. I didn’t buy anything. I have everything. Sorry about your Dil suffering from carpal tunnel. Hope she feels better soon.

Cookie - have a great workout today.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. We had dinner with our older DS tonight.

Belinda - I'm sure the hike/walk will be so pretty today with the fall foliage. Do you take Sadie?

Cookie - I hope you had a great day.


Today I did a lower body stretch. My knees didn’t like the walk yesterday. Feeling it today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom yoga yesterday. Great job on your walk today and TB at the gym. The hike/walk with the fall foliage was so pretty. We take Sadie with us. She enjoyed the walk.

Good night.
'Evening! Guess I didn't click post yesterday. Walk both yesterday and today, and today was also abs and glutes.

Deb, 2 weeks! Now that's exciting! Sorry your dil is dealing with carpal tunnel. I never knew that could happen as part of pregnancy. Has the tunnel worked?

Belinda, you're lucky to live near the Historic site. It is beautiful there. Hope the PT helps. Will you also be having it for your knees?

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