Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Rest day for me today. Trying to figure out what rotation I will do starting tomorrow?
Debbie - the weather is so nice. I spent so much time outside this weekend. Great job on your walk outside. Glad the party was nice and the weather was so nice.

Cookie - yes, I do. We love living and be surrounded by the historic area. Lots of nice places to visit. Camino de Santiago sounds like an amazing place to visit. Lots of walking. Your son lives in Spain, right?

Good night. I am starting PT tomorrow.
'Evening! TB and then yoga today. Think this week may be our last one for kayaking.

Deb, those are interesting souvenirs in Brooklyn. Glad the weather was so nice for the party. Next year it will be your ds and dil having that party! Hope your dil is doing well.

Belinda, glad the knee brace is helping. The weather here has also been nice. Yes, our middle son lives in Barcelona. I think he's going to do the Camino with us. We'll go from Porto, Portugal to Santiago de Campostella - that is if we make it!

Today was a walk outside. We went to dinner tonight with my SILs who live here and my SIL visiting from TN. It was a nice night so we ate outside but they did put the heaters on.

Belinda - You are so good at picking rotations and sticking to them:) We have to enjoy the weather before the cold comes in.

Cookie - Great job with TB and yoga. You do get a nice amount of time kayaking especially with the warmer temps the last few years. My DIL has been very uncomfortable sleeping and getting up at night but it is almost here.


Today I started Jessica Smith Your Best Year Yet W1 TB Stamina Sets. See how far I will get or like it? I had PT for my neck today.

Debbie - thanks! I try to stick with rotations. Takes the guess work out. So beautiful outside today. Once the sun goes down, it gets cooler here too. Great job on your walk.

Cookie - that sounds like a nice plan. Glad your son is joining you on the trip. Great job on the TB and yoga.

Great job on your workouts, everyone.
'Evening! Got in a walk during lunch. Beautiful weather here! It was actually quite warm for our walk, especially compared to a week ago!

Deb, it's so exciting! Are you ready to be completely enamored with the little one? I can't believe I've turned into one of those people who has a photo of my granddaughter as my screensaver and think she's the cutest ever. Did the eviction work?

Belinda, hope the PT is helping. I've really enjoyed JS workouts and that rotation. While I haven't followed the year's plan completely, I've done a lot. She's very good at cuing and suggesting modifications.

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