Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a rest day. Two of my SILs did a last minute trip to the beach. It was a nice day with lots of laughs. The beach wasn't very crowded but lots of H.S. kids getting in beach time before school.

Belinda - Great job with STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. It's funny I was thinking about having all your stuff in the RV, and leaving it for service. One time DH's sunglasses went missing and another time my yoga mat. They weren't expensive items it was just the principle of it.

Cookie - Great getting TB weights & walk in. The sun was strong & bright today. I'm sure it didn't feel comfortable after eye surgery. To you find you can see clearer after the eye surgeries?


STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 is done. Tomorrow I will do STS 2.0 Upper Body 1.

Debbie - glad you had a lot of fun at the beach with your SILs and it wasn‘t so crowded. I am sure it would be fine leaving my stuff in the RV for service, I just don‘t like other people touching my things and moving it If I can avoid it. Sorry your and your husband went missing. I agree it‘s about principles.

Cookie - we plan on coming next March to the Key West. It suppose to be not as hot and humidity here. It also rains a lot here around this time. Your sister is smart coming in March. I hope you recover quickly from your surgery.

Off to get my last minute shopping done and do more sighting. BBL
'Evening! Cathe's Perfect 30 yoga, Got new Covid vaccine and flu shot today, plus a massage. Think I'm going to be feeling all of it tomorrow!

Deb, what a lovely day with your sis! Glad you had the opportunity. My eyes are still adjusting, but the feeling of wearing "dirty eyeglasses" is gone. I often kept thinking they were dirty when it was just my blurry vision. Since laughing works muscles, you should count it as a workout.

Belinda, I'm sure you'll have a great time in March there. Yeah, my sister got lucky. A friend had asked her to housesit for a month! Great job on those workouts.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was so nice out I did the yoga on the deck. We went for ice cream tonight;)

Belinda - Great work with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. I didn't even think about it, but they probably would have to move your stuff around. Maybe it will take less time to repair if you clean it out.

Cookie - Great getting in Perfect 30 Yoga. It must be a relief not having the feeling of dirty glasses. I remember when I had floaters and was seeing small black spots. I thought it was bugs or dirt on my windshield. TG it went away.

'Evening! UB today. Beautiful weather here, but didn't wake b/c the bright sun was bothering my eyes. The reflection during a meeting actually gave me a headache.

Deb, glad the weather is good and you're enjoying it. And ice cream!

Belinda, hope you're doing well. Are you driving home today?

We are hading off tomorrow. RV is clean and ready to go. I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 this morning. We spend the last day walking around Key West.

Debbie - that‘s why we are getting everything out the RV. They have more time to fix it instead moving my stuff around. Great job on your zoom yoga and walk outside.

Cookie - I would homesit for a month too. She is very lucky. We are driving home tomorrow.Great job on your UB today. Sorry about the headache.

I will check in tomorrow night.

Today was a walk outside & Perfect Pump Upper body. I also had a dentist appointment today for a cleaning.

Belinda - It must have been nice to spend your last day walking around Key West. Safe travels tomorrow. Will you do it in 2 or 3 days?

Cookie - Hopefully your eyes will be less sensitive to the sun soon.

'Evening! Beautiful day here, and got in two walks and lower body.

Deb, hope the dentist appointment went well. Have you started prep for the grand baby? We're going to see ours tomorrow.

Belinda, safe travels today. How long will it take for you to get back home?

Today was a walk outside. We are dog sitting Penne for 2 nights. We took her on our walk with a pet stroller. We let her walk but used the stroller when there isn't a sidewalk & on hills. She has been good except for the barking.

Belinda - Safe travels:)

Cookie - Great getting in 2 walks & lower body. It was beautiful here today too. If the dog wears me out can't image what the baby will do LOL.

'Evening! Got in a 30 min workout this morning and then we went to visit ds, dil and baby. Was hoping to get a walk in with them but it was raining.

Deb, does Penne like the pet stroller? The thought of pushing one up a hill doesn't thrill me. Our son's dog, who has now lived with us longer than she has with him!, is a little dog with a sharp, piercing bark. It drives me crazy. It is amazing how fast the baby is growing.

Belinda, hope the traveling is going smoothly.

Today was a walk outside. At first the walk was good, but than we saw a fox (we have seen him before) it looks sickly and has no tail. Another man was nervous and said the fox was following him and his dog. We paused and DH held Penne and waited for the fox to pass on the other side of the street. It was scary, but because we waited ended up getting caught in a downpour. A neighbor invited us in from the rain but we decided to just run home.

Belinda - Hope all is well and traveling is good.

Cookie - I could just imagine how fast the baby is growing:) It must be so much fun to visit the baby. Penne likes the stroller for short periods, but today it was useful when we were caught in the rain LOL. The barking is driving us crazy, not sure how they will do it when the baby arrives.

"Evening! TB workout and a walk. Went to visit eldest ds this afternoon and walked around there a bit. Was admiring the architecture of a church, when the rector came out and gave us a tour of their garden and the church. Learned a lot about Tiffany windows!

Deb, that's so scary about the fox! TG you all and Penne were alright. Wonder if animal control was aware of the fox. It is amazing how fast babies grow - guess I had sort of forgotten. She's started crawling and loves food. You're going to love being a grandma. You're lucky the child will be near you also.

Belinda, hope your weekend and traveling is going well.

We just got home. We drove from the Key West to stayed one night in Jacksonville FL. Yesterday I ended up with almost 4 miles, not what I planned to do. We stayed at the hotel 2 years ago, loved the beach. When I tried to walk from the campground to the beach with should have been 10 min. Turned out to be a 4 mile walk. I was wondering everywhere there was constructions and the access to the beach was blocked off. I had to walk all the way to the hotel which we stayed 2 years go, to access the beach. When I walked I noticed a sand wall going up which was there before. I couldn‘t help myself, I ask a couple on the beach what happened to the beach? He told me the hurricane washed away all the dunes on the beach they are trying to keep the water from coming in further :( Not the beautiful beach I remember. My short walk turned out to be a long one. I did ended up walking along the beach there was no other way around to the campground. No shot cuts. Very sad!

Last night we stayed one night in Nord.Carolina. Beautiful campground. Very hilly and had a nice lake. Lots of nice hiking. I did ended up walking around the campground. We did stopped at rest areas to get some walks in. Got in a few today.

Debbie - how scary about the fox. I would call animal control. Glad Penne is ok. Sorry about the rain.

Cookie - That is interesting you learned about Tiffany Windows. Must be an old church?

I will be back tomorrow and catch up on personals. I get my infusion tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside, the weather was nice. We walked after Penne left. We saw the fox again but it didn’t bother us. I picked up a stick just in case, didn’t want to take chances. Good idea I will call animal control tomorrow. There are lots of small dogs in that area.

Belinda - You got a lot of walking in. Hopefully they will replenish the beach, I heard they are beautiful in the Jacksonville area. It sounds like the campgrounds you visit have lots of nice scenery.

Cookie - I love Churches with Tiffany windows. How cool & nice the rector took the time to explain the history to you and give you a tour.


I walked after i got home from the infusion and did STS 2.0 LB1.

Debbie - That fox gets to comfy in your area. He is probably looking for food. Great idea picking up a stick. they will replenish the beach. The beach I was on was very beautiful in Jacksonville. The campground with the niece scenery is defiantly worth going back too.

Cookie - how old is the church? You don‘t see Tiffany windows in newer churches anymore.

I am so tired after the infusion. It wipes me out. Good night.
'Evening! TB and a walk today. Surprisingly, there's a lot of Tiffany windows in this area. Another church, not far from yesterday's has the largest number in one building, as well as libraries and other places. They really are beautiful.

Deb, hope animal control is able to take care of the fox. Good idea walking after Penne left.

Belinda, you're amazing - don't know how you could walk and do its after an infusion!

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. We did see the fox but briefly in a different part of the neighborhood. Another neighbor told us she called animal control. I will give it a couple more days and take note of time & locations and also call.

Belinda - Great job getting in a walk & STS 2.0 LB. Take it easy, I'm sure the infusion takes a lot out of you.

Cookie - Great work with TB & walking. We have some old churches in town with beautiful windows. I hope they don't ever change them.


Walk outside and STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 is done. I will do a short stretch later.

Debbie - good idea taking notes of the fox. The infusion is taking a lot out of me lately. I did rested before I got my walk in and workout. I did sleep well last night. Great job on your walk and lower body at the gym.

Cookie - I took a little nap at during the infusion. Although the infusion takes a lot out of me each time. I get a cocktail of meds before they start the infusions for the side effects. Laying there for a 3 hours my knees lock up. I need to move them.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside and STS Giant Sets. We didn't see fox today. I have a new problem :( , I think something is living in our outside gutters. When I researched it, I read squirrels and birds build nest in gutters. I hope I can find someone that can help with the problem.

Belinda - Great getting a walk & STS 2.0 UB 1 in. I'm sure the infusion takes a lot out of you, kudos on getting in done and getting in workouts & walks. After the initial fatigue, does it help you out the rest of the month?

Cookie - It was cold here last night & this morning. It must be by you too.


Today I did walk outside and this hip mobility workout

Debbie - great job on your walk and STS Giant Sets. Oh no on the gutter problem. I had no idea squirrels and birds build nest in guttters.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Have a great day.

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