Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS 2.0 Recovery plus Standing abs.

Debbie - great job on that walk at the gym and Lean legs. It‘s so humid and hot in the Key West. I am feeling a little better, still have pain in my neck/shoulder/biceps. I need to get back into workout out, I am going light.

Cookie - I would get overwhelmed too having so many visitors. Tell them you out of town, lol. You need a break from all those visitors, lol. LOL, on pretending being a nice person.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was a walk and stretching. Tomorrow I have eye surgery, so not sure about being able to check in. Getting my left eye redone, fixing a broken lens and cleaning up more clouding from cataracts. Next week is the right eye.

Deb, glad your mom is doing better. Great job on always getting your workouts in.

Belinda, hope you take it easy and rest so you do feel better very soon. Lol at saying I'm out of town, folks would just think there's one more bedroom for them to use if I'm not here!

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It was a beautiful day, low temps and humidity.

Belinda - Your on vacation and your getting workouts in is great, your body needs the rest so good to take it easy:) I'm sure when you get back from FL the temps will be better. The cool weather here is only going to last till the weekend and temps climb back up.

Cookie - Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. It will probably feel good to see better when you are all healed. LOL on guests thinking they would have an extra room;)


I did STS 2.0 Supersets TB today. I am following the 8 week rotation. I am on week 1.

Debbie - I did took 2 weeks off working out. I am using light weights. At least, I get some movement in. I am doing a lot of reading, they all recommend light workouts. Right now, I am only doing 3 weight workouts and 3 mobility/stretching a week. Great job on your upper body and walk. It’s 86 with high humidity here. No walks.

Cookie - good luck with your surgery today. I am so sorry you have to go through it again, You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Your guest are funny, lol.Thinking about you today.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Surgery went well, but no exercise for a couple of days. Thanks for your well wishes.

Deb, low temps and humidity is so appreciated! You make me realize I need to pay attention to the weather predictions more. I rely on my dh, since it is one of his favorite topics.

Belinda, glad you're resting. I'm relieved one eye is done, and I will definitely be happy when the other is and all is resolved.
Cookie - I am so happy to hear your surgery went well today. Follow your doctor advice and get lots of rest. I know you happy if the other is done next week.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I also went for blood work for my physical next week. We went to dinner with older ds and it was nice.

Belinda - It's good you are resting and getting in your workouts. You did great at the Cathe RT:) The new workouts will be helpful. Were you able to see the full moon? I always love if we are in FL during a full moon, it's hard to see where Iive in NJ.

Cookie - Happy to hear your surgery went well. Do you have restrictions on reading or looking at phones/computers? I always wondered about that & if they would want you to use blue light glasses.


I did STS 2 Mat Yoga.

I got an offer with the VIP discount to join JS again. I couldn‘t resist. I do like her stretching and walking. Can‘t wait to try them out.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom yoga. I hope your test comes back good. Glad you had a great dinner with your ds. It rained so back I didn‘t see the full moon.

Cookie - get lots of rest and feel better soon.

Going to the beach.
'Evening! Just got in from a meeting, so my workout was a walk in between meetings, managed a few quick miles.

Deb, I'm supposed to stay off the screens and driving only with daylight. TG for my understanding DH. Did you have to do fasting blood work? I hate that since I love my firsts cup of coffee in the morning.

Belinda, glad you were able to get a good deal with JS. I do like what she offers, and she has some very good short workouts that pack in a lot.

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style legs. I ran a bunch of errands, it seems like lots of people on vacation this week.

Belinda - It is great you were able to get a discount for JS. Nice job with STS 2.0 Mat yoga. Is your DD still with you?

Cookie - Sometimes I like being driven around:) Great getting a walk in. I did have to fast and was missing my tea and coffee.


We took a walk on by the Marina. Than I did STS 2.0 Tri Sets TB.

Debbie - great job on your walk and GS Legs. You really like that one, hah? I am glad I got the discount too.

Cookie - I also need my coffee in the morning. I will keep the JS membership, so happy they offered me that discount. How are you doing? Good job on your walks.

Off to the beach

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style back, shoulder & bi's. We are going out to dinner tonight.

Belinda - It must have been nice to walk at the Marina & great with STS 2.0 Tri Sets TB. I find it easy to do Gym Style workouts at the gym.

Cookie - Hope you don't have too many visitors this weekend;) I'm sure it fun.

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! Essentrics and a walk today. The weather was beautiful and sunny. Unfortunately, the sun must have been too bright for my eyes, and got a wicked headache. No idea why my post from last night isn't here. I may have closed before hitting send. Sorry.

Deb, hope you had a great dinner last night. Do you have a usual place you go to?

Belinda, walking to a marina sounds lovely. Are there many dolphins in that area?

Today was a rest day. I couldn't sleep last night so ended up falling asleep during the day. We had a nice time at dinner and ate outside.

Belinda - Hope you are having a nice weekend!

Cookie - Great getting a walk in and Essentrics. It was sunny today, sorry you got a headache:( We rotate about 4 places to eat. DH can eat the same food all the time, I like variety:)

'Evening! Did a weighted pilates workout. I've never done much Pilates and thought it would be interesting to try for a bit.

Deb, my dh also can eat the same food all the time. Hope you sleep well tonight.

Belinda, hope you're resting and doing well.

Yesterday was STS 2.0 mobility 2, today was Jessica Smith Build Shoulder and back plus walk at the pier. That one reminded me of my PT exercises to strengthen my frozen shoulder. . Good workout.

Debbie - great job on your shoulder workout and walk. I hope you got some rest yesterday.

Cookie - sorry you got a headache from the light. You guys have sunshine we got some rain. Did you do the weighted Pilates from JS site? great job.

Tomorrow I will be starting week 2 of the 8 week STS 2.0 rotation.

Today was another rest day. I slept so much better. We went to my Mom's for a late celebration for my brother's & older ds's birthday. I ran a bunch of errands before we went.

Belinda - I'm happy you were able to get the discount for JS, sounds like you will really enjoy them. I bet they are a nice mix-in with Cathe's workouts.

Cookie - A weighted pilates workout sounds like fun. I was doing core workout last week that reminded me of pilates and I really enjoyed it.


Today I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body.

Debbie - glad you slept much better. I am glad for the discount on JS too. I do enjoy her workouts.

Cookie - how are you feeling?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
'Evening! Met a friend for a walk and talk at lunchtime. Great time and hilly walk.

Deb, glad you slept better. A rest day is a great idea. Happy birthday to your mom and ds. Do they have the same birthday?

Belinda, glad you enjoyed the JS workout. I really like her materials. The pilates was from Rachel Fit Pilates. Another friend had mentioned it.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe X-train Hardstrikes. We are planning a beach day tomorrow.

Belinda - Great job with STS 2.0 Giant Sets. I heard the next couple of days are going to be as hot as FL here.

Cookie - Nice getting a walk & talk with a friend in. I like hilly walks when they are over:) It was my brother's birthday, my ds would have had a closer birthday but he was born 3 weeks early.


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