Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a rest day. We had a nice time at dinner last night. We are going to their daughters wedding in December so it was nice to meet DH's friends wife.

Belinda - Kudos on getting the Sydney's rotation done:) It's great that the Dr. was able to get a quick diagnosis. Hopefully the meds work with minimal side effects. Do they do anything for a pinched nerve?

Cookie - Today I saw the Lifetime 2018 Simone Biles Movie. It was really good, I didn't know her story. The story ends at the Rio Olympics so hopefully they make an additional movie.


Today was walk early this morning. I will do a nice stretch tomorrow.

We are at Bethany Beach. The beaches are very crowded. We are on a private beach.

Debbie - I hope you enjoyed your rest day. We are both going to a wedding in Dec. Glad you had nice time at dinner last night. thank you on the Sydney rotation. We still waiting for the xray‘s. I ha the meds yet. They scare me. I don‘t think it will do anything to the pinched nerve.

Hi Cookie.

Good night.

Today was a walk at the gym. I am counting the days until the humidity drops & thunderstorm stop, so I can walk outside;)

We went to my SILs for lunch to see my nephew and his son before they go back to TN. Unfortunately it rained so we needed to stay indoors.

Belinda - Is the private beach crowded too? Have a nice time at the beach:) How about the tropical storm/hurricane Debby will it be a problem for you? I've never been to a wedding in December. I'm wondering if it will be decorated for Christmas.

Cookie - I hope you are having a relaxing weekend:)

Sorry for not checking in over the weekend. We had a deluge of visitors, a houseful overnight and more during the days. The last left this afternoon, so I came home and did laundry and cleaning. Counting that as my workout.

Deb, it seems like it could be a long time of waiting for the heat and humidity to drop. Did you see/hear about the Turkish shooter? Just amazing stories at the games.

Belinda, hope the hurricane isn't a problem for you. Glad you got and are getting more answers from the doctor.

Today was a walk at the gym & some leg exercises. I went for a bone density test today, hoping it has improved from several years ago. I had the start of osteopenia.

Belinda - I hope you are safe from the rain & hurricane.

Cookie - You must be exhausted from your weekend, but I'm sure it was fun. I didn't hear about the Turkish shooter but just looked it up. I'm wondering if the internet is helping spread the amazing stories from prior years. The TV news doesn't cover very much.

Good morning,

Walk outside this morning and Chris C. Neck, Shoulder Release last night. I will stretch tonight.

I will be good and take it easy this week. I should get my x rays results today. Hopefully its only a pinched nerve.

Debbie - the private beach is empty, lol. DH is monitoring the hurricane situation. We are safe here. The wedding I am going in Dec is at the beach. I doubt it will have Xmas decorations.

Cookie - we are safe. I don‘t know how you do it with all your visitors. I would be exhausted too.

We are going to the Board walk.

Today was a walk at the gym & STS 2.0 Supersets. We had bad storms here tonight but luckily we didn't lose power.

Belinda - It's nice when the beach is empty especially this time of year, have fun:) Hopefully you get good results tomorrow. A beach wedding sounds nice, we see them when we are in FL, but haven't gone to one;)

Cookie - I hope you are catching up.


Today was a walk outside & core work. It wasn't the best conditions (drizzling) but happy to change it up.

Waves hi to Belinda & Cookie

Good morning

The storm strack changed from our last review. Since it is moving back inland along our path we are heading out this morning. This should give us rain with relatively low winds. Last night we cleaned the RV, did laundry.

Debbie - great job with your workouts. The results came in Wednesday. I am still waiting for a call from my doc. The x ray‘s look good on my end.

'Evening! Sorry for not checking in the last two days. We lost power on Tuesday and yesterday we went to NYC for the day. Saw Cabaret and had a scrumptious dinner at Victor's Cuban Cafe. Cabaret was fantastic, and they had the theatre like it was a 1930's Berlin speakeasy with Cabaret performers an hour before the show. Really amazing. We used to go to Victor's when it was on upper West Side and lived nearby. Today was Essentrics.

Deb, you are so very good with getting your walks in. I was planning on one but the rain started earlier than predicted. Glad you didn't lose power. I'm disappointed to have missed that evening Olympics highlights and there's always YouTube!

Belinda, one of my sisters lives on the panhandle side and it is often pretty empty on the beach there. Are you near there? Hope you got good news and relief from the doctor.

Today was a walk at the gym & STS 2.0 Giant Sets. It rained all day today.

Belinda - Safe travels. Good to hear your x-rays look good. I'm still waiting for results from my bone density test.

Cookie - Sorry your power went out. It sounds like a fun day & interesting play. We are looking to get tickets for my birthday in September, not sure which play yet.


Today was a walk at the gym, still raining. We are going to dinner tonight.

Be back tomorrow

Have a great weekend & stay dry;)

We are home since last night. I did Cathe‘s yoga today.

Debbie - good luck with your bone density test. The x tray‘s didn‘t sow much. The pain in my neck/shoulders and body has to come from somewhere.

Cookie - we are going to the Key West. We just left Bethany Beach in Delaware. Sorry your power went out.

Have a great evening.

Today I did a Suzanne Bowen Fitness “Deep Stretch with Abbie“ 30 min. It was the first time doing that stretch. The first 15 min she used a chair/counter top than she did a nice hip open stretches. I am going to try to do some barre workouts/mobility workouts with no weights. I will see how it goes.

Hope you both having a great day.
'Evening! Lost power again yesterday. Boy, did we have a lot of rain and wind. A walk today and some stretching.

Deb, did you get some of that storm that came thru? Hope you had a lovely dinner last night. There are so many good play options to choose from.

Belinda, that's good news on your x-ray. Hip stretches are my daily-go to.

Today was a walk outside, the rain stopped and not as hot. I find walking outside harder than the treadmill but more to look at.

Belinda - Great getting in Cathe yoga & Suzanne stretch workouts, I'm sure it is what you body wants. Are you heading out with the RV again?

Cookie - We did have storms & so much rain. We had a tornado watch yesterday afternoon but it was fine. Sorry you are losing power. Do you have a generator?


No workout to report. Cleaning my house and packing up for Tuesday.

Tomorrow I get my infusion, originally we wanted to take off afterwards. Instead of rushing around, we decided to leave for the Key West on Tuesday. We will be gone for 4 weeks.

Debbie - I think that is what my body needs right now. We are heading out with the RV on Tuesday for 4 weeks in Fl.

Cookie - no factors on the x ray‘s. They can‘t detect inflammation in xray‘s. I am still in a lot of pain. It has to come from somewhere? I need to start doing daily hip mobility too. Sorry about the power loss. Is it the first time you lost power with those storms?

I signed up a 7day trial for Jessica Smith TV today. I did 30 min yoga, really liked it.I still can‘t lift my arms up or move my head side to side. Not sure what is going on? I hope whatever this is goes away soon.
'Evening! Walking and a kayak ride today.

Deb, I love walking outdoors, except for when it is really humid. There's something about being in the air and looking at so many things that helps to clear my head. We do have a generator. My dh wants to upgrade to a whole house one that comes on automatically, but they're more than I want to spend on it right now. This was the storms were incredible. Glad you are ok.

Belinda, hope you like JS tv. Her workouts have really evolved, and I like them. She has a lot that are about 1/2 hour, which fits in my schedule easily. Second time this week we lost internet - and during an Olympics week!!! 4 weeks is a long time.

Today was a walk outside. It was a sauce week, so wiped me out. DH was stung 3 times, he didn't see a bee's nest on our recycling pail's handle:(

Belinda - Enjoy your time in Key West! I've been to Key Largo & Marathon haven't made it as far as the Keys. Hopefully the infusion will help with the pain you are experiencing.

Cookie - It must have been a nice day for kayaking & walk. DH wanted to get a house generator too, but the cost was expensive. For awhile there we had lots of outages but not too much anymore. I have a small portable electric one.


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