Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was ICE Chisled lower body. I didn't do any cardio since will be doing a lot of the RT. I ended up packing lots of shorts, because I know I will be hot.

Belinda - Hope you are having fun! See you tomorrow:)

Cookie - Your DH is right rest up, I heard sometimes it can take up to 4 days for Covid to show up, hopefully not. My DH hurt his back finally went to the Chiropractor for some help. DH was asking me how many times I think I have gone. I'm thinking my 1st one was 24 years ago, so I'm guessing at least 15. That sounds crazy!


We are at the RT the 1st class was fun, kickboxing. I’m tired hoping for energy for tomorrow.

Belinda - It was so nice to meet up with you & hour DD:). I didn’t realize it’s been so long but you both look great!

Cookie - I hope you are feeling better & relaxing.

Hi ,

Debbie - it was nice to meet up with you too. It’s been a very long time we went to a RT. You look great too. I am so tired from all the work outs. Lots of fun.

Hi Cookie.

Good night

Today was a lot of fun but tired and sore,

Belinda - See you tomorrow:)

Waves hi to Cookie


It was a great weekend! It was exhausting so hoping to catch up on sleep. Not very much traffic so that was really nice. We went to dinner for my older ds's birthday last week.

Belinda - Enjoy the rest of your time in NJ:) Safe travels to you and your DD.

Cookie - I hope you were able to catch up with sleep and feeling better.


It really was a great weekend. Like Debbie, i am exhausted. We drove home today. Traffic wasn‘t too bad. Before we took off I went for a 2 mile walk with Sadie while my DH got the RV ready.

Debbie - happy birthday to your older DS. Thank you. DD left yesterday. She is very exhausted too.

Hi Cookie - I hope you feel better.

Good night.
'Evening! Didn't check in over thew weekend b/c I figured you both were so busy with the rt. Glad you had fun and got to see each other. Are you tired? Got in a couple of walks and today was Essentrics.

Deb, hope your ds had a fabulous birthday and enjoyed the dinner. What was your favorite workout from the rt?

Belinda, how are you feeling after the workouts? Amazing that you managed to do a 2-mile walk after! Did you have a favorite workout?

Today was a rest day (sort of). We took our nephew out all day. We took him bowling, movies, arcade & to eat. I will sleep good tonight.

Belinda - It is great you did a 2 mile walk before the trip home. How is your knee feeling? Hopefully you were able to rest it on the trip home. It's nice you didn't hit too much traffic either.

Cookie - Great getting in walks & essentrics. It wasn't too humid at the RT which was good but it was hot. My favorite workout was kickboxing. Cathe previewed a mobility workout (from the new dvds) and that was also very good. We saw some clips of the new dvds playing on TV screens in the background while we were eating and they looked really good.


Today I did Day 59 and 60 today with Sydney C. Once I am done with her rotation i will sign up or start doing Cathe‘s workout.

Debbie - wow, you did a lot yesterday with your nephew. I hope you got some sleep. I did rested/iced my knee on the way home. Once I got home I got so stiff, my knee locked up. Probably all that sitting in the RV. I see my Rheum on Friday, hopefully he has some answers. Traffic wasn‘t to bad. Did you buy the download from the cardio/mobility?

Cookie - I needed to losen up my legs. They got really stiff on top of being swollen. I favorite was the kickboxing too. I didn‘t had to go down on the floor. I did like the others a lot too, at home I can use my weight bench with a lot of exercise instead going down on the floor. Cathe did some triceps pushups, I did them standing pushing of the weight track, lol. I do anything not to go down on the floor. My right knee is bone on bone. I tried on the cardio/mobility workout, I was in tears. Like I said at home I can use a chair/tower or my weight bench. I am looking forward to the new workouts.

Have a great Tuesday.
'Evening! Did a JS mobility/yoga wo today. I'm so into watching the Olympics - friends are making fun of me. I was caught trying to check on them during a meeting today.

Deb, you had a heavy workout yesterday with your nephew! Bet you and he both slept well last night!
Will the kickboxing workout be in the new series? I love her kb workouts.

Belinda, glad you are taking care of your knee with rest and ice. How is it today? Hope it goes well with your rheum appt tomorrow.

Today was a walk at the gym & Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Bi's. I slept well last night but still tired.

Belinda - Great job with Day 59 & 60. It's good that you iced/rested your knee. Hopefully the Rheum on Friday can give you some answers. I bought the dvds and downloads for the new series. It looks really good. I like the challenge with the balance discs, just hope I can get it;)

Cookie - Nice getting in a mobility/yoga workout today. I was wondering if you were watching the Olympics. I have been watching some of it, but when Simone is on I really like that. She was on today a lot so I can see why you were looking;) There will not be any kickboxing in the new series. Cathe said that the trend is for mobility workouts, I do see that even at my gym.


This morning I did 40 Minute Spicy Strength & Conditioning Workout | STF - Day 61. I will do a nice stretch later. I been adding more stretching.

Debbie - great job on your walk and GS Back, Shoulder and B‘s. Glad you got some sleep. I bought the DVD & downloads for the new series too. My balance discs are still in my car, lol. I was talking about this one you can buy the download for the Saturday RT class. I probably will wait until I am done with Sydney C. Rotations. I hope my Rheum has an answer to my knees too.

Cookie - great job on your mobility/yoga workout. I am trying to add more mobility/yoga into my daily schedule. Knee is still swollen/very painful. My Rheum appointment isn‘t until Friday.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Just got in from a long day at work, so today's a rest day.

Deb, I'm such a huge Simone fan. She's simply amazing. Love watching the Olympics and mark the dates on my calendar as soon as each one is announced. I should look to see if the kb workout is on CatheLive. How's your dil feeling?

Belinda, hope your appt goes well Friday and you get some answers and relief on your knee. I also purchased the dads and downloads.

Today was a walk at the gym & zoom yoga. The yoga stretches felt good.

Belinda - Great job with Day 61 Spicy strength sounds interesting. LOL, I didn't even see that download, thanks.

Cookie - She is so good and is still young so imagine how many more medals she will get. The KB workout wasn't filmed, but the cardio/mobility RT workout is on CatheLive. My DIL is feeling well, she popped recently.

Good morning,

Today I did D62 Abs $ Cardio and Cathe mobility.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom yoga. I been doing more stretching/yoga theses day‘s. You are welcome on the download. I will sign up for Cathe live after I am done with my current rotation.

Cookie - I hope you enjoy your rest day. Thank you on my appt. I think we all going to like the new series.

Have a wonderful day.

Today was a walk at the gym & Gym Style Legs. This is the hottest summer I can remember! It's so hard to be outdoors.

Belinda - Good job with D62 Cardio & abs & Cathe mobility! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow:)

Cookie - Has it been to hot to go kayaking on the lake?

'Evening! Just got in from seeing Tina: The Tina Turner Musical. It was awesome! Really good. Walk early this morning.

Deb, walking at your gym sounds a lot better than my walking outside. This weather is really wrecking havoc with my hair! We went out this afternoon on the kayaks. While It was beautiful, there really wasn't even a breeze! It is the hottest summer I remember also.

Belinda, sending lots of good thoughts your way for tomorrow! How long is your current rotation?
Good morning,

I did BEST AMRAP Butt and Shoulders Workout! | STF - Day 63 this morning. I have to get ready for my appt. I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Today was a walk at the gym & Gym Style Chest & Tri's. We are going out to dinner with one of DH's friend and wife for dinner tonight.

Belinda - Sounds like a good workout! Good luck with your appointment. Can you believe a week has passed??

Cookie - I would love to go see Tina Turner's play. Was that by you too? Must be tough to kayak without a breeze.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Today I did D64 Quick Tabata & Abs plus *GRAND FINALE* Full Body Strength Challenge Workout | STF - Day 65. I am done with Sydney‘s rotation. I will take a few day‘s rest, just stretching and walking.

Debbie - fantastic job on your walk and GS chest/tricep. My doc thinks I have myalgia and inflammation in my neck, shoulders, elbow and ankles. and I cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve in the neck). I had a spin xray yesterday. He wants me to try Cymbalta 30 mg oral delayed release capsule which is a medication that treats depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia and certain types of chronic pain such as nerve, bone or joint pain. Reading through all the sides effects is scary :(

Cookie - I also would love to see Tina Turner. Glad you enjoyed it. The rotation is 65 day‘s. Tomorrow I will do my last workout.

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