Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I took a walk to the beach earlier, got rained on twice. It wasn‘t suppose to rain. Not sure where the rain came from, lol? I let Sadie walk in grass, little did I know it was crab grass :( The poor thing was covered in those little spikes. I felt so bad for her. DH and I pulled them all off her. One was so deep in Sadie fur, she stated to cry :( Lesson‘s learned, not let her out of her stroller near the beach.

I will do a stretch later instead of STS 2.0 Recovery.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and Cathe X-Train Hardstrike. That is a tough one. Have fun at the beach today.

Cookie - great job on your walk. It’s always fun to walk with a friend. How are you doing?I do enjoy JS workouts. I do Rachel Fit Pilates wall Pilates really like those.

I‘ll be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout
'Happy Tuesday! Got in an abs & arms wo, plus Essentrics, and a bit of a walk.

Deb, lol at enjoying hilly walks when they are done. Sorry about my confusion with the birthdays. Hope you had a fabulous time at the beach.

Belinda, it was one of her Pilates but not a wall one. I like it and will try to do more of them. Are you still bellydancing? Hope Ms. Sadie is doing better. One of our prior dogs used to tangle with porcupines a lot. Some of the needs would be in so hard, we would have to bring him to the vet.

Today was a beach/rest day. It was nice by the beach with a breeze. It was busy everyone enjoying the last of summer. Tomorrow will be really hot and the next day fall like temps:oops:

Belinda - Hopefully the rain was cooling. Oh no those spikes are painful:( unfortunately I've walked in them. I'm sure Sadie will love being in the stroller.

Cookie - Great getting in your workouts & walk. Your poor dog tangling with the porcupine:( I wouldn't want to encounter one.


STS 2.0 Supersets Total body is done. I will do a stretch today.

Debbie - glad you had a nice relaxing beach day yesterday. Enjoy the nice weather. It‘s been raining here all morning. Yikes, on walking in those spikes. That must been very painful. Sadie loves her stroller, lol.

Cookie - glad you enjoy Pilates.Pilates is tough. I still Belly dance. Oh no…sorry your dog got tangled in those spikes. One got so deep in her skin/hair we though we had to take her to the vet. Nice mix of workout yesterday. How is your eye doing?

Have a great workout and day. I hope the rain stops soon
'Evening! More Essentrics, Pilates and a short walk. Started for a longer one, but all of a sudden it started raining. The weather has been very changeable all day.

Deb, ouch! Walking into those prickers must have hurt! A rest day at the beach sounds absolutely fabulous. And even better with a breeze!

Belinda, how is Sadie doing now? No issues from the prickers? My left eye is doing better and tomorrow is the right eye's day. I'm not as anxious this time, since last week's surgery went smoothly. Thanks for asking.

Today was a walk at the gym & zoom yoga. I had my yearly physical and it went well. My sugar was high but I will take steps to lower it. She also wants me to eat more of a variety of protein, fruits & vegetables. I guess I tend to eat the same things a lot.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body. I hope it stopped raining there, we were lucky the rain came around 9PM. I was in FL walking on the crabgrass when I walked on the spikes. Who would have thought?

Cookie - Nice work with essentrics, pilates and walk. It was very hot and humid here today & drops by 20 degrees tomorrow.


STS 2.0 Chair Yoga is done.

Not sure if I mention it besides the dashboard cracking. We noticed with all the heavy rain here, it‘s coming into the coach. I took a video 2 day‘s ago. Dh sent it to the Tiffin and dealer. They all trying to figure out where the rain is coming in? We probably once we get back (after my infusion have to take the RV to Tiffin in Alabama. It‘s flooding very bad inside. It still not stoping up from our vacation.

Debbie - nice workout with your walk, and zoom yoga. Glad your physical went well. Variety of food is good start. I never thought Fl had crabgrass. We had it in El Paso. We still have a lot of rain.

Cookie - good luck today with your surgery. Nice job getting essentric, Pilates and a walk in yesterday. Thanks for asking. Sadie is doing well after all those pickers.

Have a great day and workout

Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 Trisets. I had to have the Dtap vaccine for protection for when the baby is born, boy does my arm hurt.

Belinda - Great job with chair yoga. Sorry you are having issues with the RV, but TG it’s under warranty. Hopefully the rain stops soon.

Cookie - Good Luck with your surgery today.


STS Trisets TB is done.

We decided to drop off the RV to Tiffin at Alabama on our way home from Florida ,leave it there how ever long it will take so they can fix everything that is leaking/broken.I have my infusion on the 9th. I have to be back. I noticed this morning rain was coming though the bedroom floor. Everything we get very heavy rain it leaks inside. The RV will probably stay there for a week if not long. We shall see. I believe they didn‘t put enough seal around the outside the RV?

Debbie - thank you. We will take the RV in next week. TG we have warranty.

Cookie - I hope your surgery went well. Thinking about you.


Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 Mobility 1. My birthday is Sunday but we are going out tonight to dinner.

Belinda - Great getting STS 2.0 trisets in. You'll probably save time by dropping off in Alabama on the way home from FL.

Cookie - Hope all is well.

Have a great weekend:)
'Happy Saturday! Anyone have big plans for the long weekend? Surgery went well and am getting ready for a walk, since it is cloudy out. Did a yoga/pilates workout this morning.

Deb, great idea to get the vaccine early! You must be getting so excited about the baby coming and becoming a grandmother. Our ds and dil got us a Frameo. I catch my dh looking at baby photos a lot!

Belinda, oh no on the leaks!!! Hope they straighten things out quickly and there's no lingering damage. I should try that chair yoga wo, I keep forgetting about it.

Went to beach today. I did Mobility 1 today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and STS Mobility 1 today. Have a great birthday dinner. Happy birthday.

Cookie - I am so happy your surgeries went well. Great job on your walk and yoga Pilates. The chair yoga is pretty good. You should give it a try. They will straighten things out. Just a pain dropping it off and come back pick it up. Wished the infusion wasn‘t in the way.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. We needed to replace our cable box because the old one is no longer compatible to our cable company. Of course it didn't work and now the old one doesn't as well. On a positive note they will send someone out tomorrow to figure it out.

Belinda - It's nice you were at the beach today. Great job with Mobility 1. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Cookie - It sounds like you are doing great after surgery:) Great getting in a walk & yoga/pitates.

Happy birthday, Deb! Hope it has been a very lovely day for you. A walk but not too long as it suddenly became hot and humid. Got in a full body wt wo instead.

Deb, hope you had a fun time celebrating last night. One of my sisters has a birthday on 9/3 and she would brag that school starting was just another celebration of her! We just went thru something similar with our cable box!

Belinda, hope you had a chance to enjoy the beach again today. Those mobility workouts are really good, and i feel a difference when I do them regularly. Have you noticed a difference from doing the infusions?

Today was a walk outside. It was a nice quiet birthday, I took a rain check for Ice Cream, the weather wasn't the best today. My cable box was a quick fix, the company sent it to me without registering it to my account.

Belinda - I hope you are enjoying the holiday.

Cookie - Thank you for the birthday wishes! LOL on your sister, it does seem when your birthday is around a holiday it's never ending;) Great getting in a walk & full body. We had clouds, rain, humidity and sun quite a mix.

Good morning,

STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 is done.

Yesterday ended up being a rest day with lots of walking at the Key West. We got caught up in the Jimmy Buffet parade, lol. We parked our car near by. Parking a car is very expensive. We left one place we wanted to have a late lunch, they wanted $27 for the first hour, WTH? Had to walk around the parade. The humidity is so high here.

Debbie - happy birthday! Glad you had a wonderful and quiet day. Glad your cable box was is fixed. It‘s too hot to walk here unless I get up very early in the morning like 5 am.

Cookie - great job on your full body workout. How are you feeling? I do feel a little better. I still get flairs. My doctors wants me to wait a few more month. I do feel better doing the mobility/stretching/yoga.

Have a wonderful day and workout.
'Evening! Pilates, Essentrics and kayaking today. Hard to believe Labor Day weekend is here and done! Wow, this was a very fast summer.

Deb, my dh loves ice cream. He, my mother and a niece would often drive to a lot of ice cream stands in one day in search of that day's best. We often stopped at five in one day! Since it doesn't like me, I would just watch them eat their cones, and boy did they enjoy every one! Hope your ice cream is worth the wait.

Belinda, those parking prices are outrageous! Did you get the see the parade? That sounds like fun. I couldn't do the heat and humidity there. Glad the workouts and infusion are working for you.

Today was a walk outside, it was a nice day. I also went to the gym and did a leg workout. Older ds came for dinner.

Belinda - When we go to the main beach area for lunch the parking is outrageous. We park where it is reasonable but it is a walk. It makes me so mad, they take advantage of people. I'm sure August in Key West is hot & humid. Great getting in STS 2.0 Lower Body 1.

Cookie - Lots of workouts for you. I was just thinking, I can't believe school is starting this week:( I would have loved to join your family on their ice cream outings. There are 3 ice cream places I can't decide on, maybe I will try one each week before the summer is over;)


I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Tomorrow is a stretch day/foam rolling. I will do LB1 tomorrow and UB1 Thursday before we leave Friday. I can always get a stretch workout in on travel day‘s.

At first, we wanted to drive from the Keys to Alabama, leave the RV there. After thinking about it a little more, we decided to go home first, empty the RV (Only bring what we need for a few day‘s). They have to do some work on the cabinets as well. It‘s just easier this way. We have way too much stuff inside the RV. It‘s a lot easier for me to travel in the RV than in a car for 14 hours both way‘s. Nice job on Raw KB workout.

Debbie - nice job on your walk and leg workout. I hope you had fun with your family. They sure take advantage of the parking situation. Yes, it‘s very hot and humid in the Key‘s.

Cookie - yes, we got to see the parade. Parking is outrages. It‘s so hot and humid here. We only stay out for a few hours. On the Pier a few restaurants don‘t have AC, they keep the windows open with fans running. Not too bad.

Good night.
'Evening! TB weights and a walk today. Had to take a shorter loop to avoid the a lot of sun - it still bothers my eyes. Even had to take a break from the computer b/c of eye strain. There are nice benefits to eye surgery!

Deb, yesterday was a busy day for you. One a week for three weeks sounds totally doable. My group would do all three in one day! They made up a rating system and eveyrhing! All in fun, though.

Belinda, I'm not crazy about humidity, so I'll avoid the Keys in the summer. One of my sisters was there this year for the month of March and said it was lovely.

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