Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! A Jessica TB workout and am getting ready for a walk. Had to help my fav dog pass. She had that growth on her liver, and her appetite decreased. She also was less patient with the other dogs, and that had never been an issue before. My dh was thinking we should let nature take its course, but we're leaving for a 3.5 trip to China in a couple of days. I felt we owed it to her to be there. Thankfully the vet mentioned the stress of us not being home would be a lot on an ailing dog. That helped him a lot.

Deb, great thinking on noting where and when you see Fantastic Mr Fox and sharing that with animal control. It might helped them to get him. While we've seen foxes, they haven't been anxious to be seen by us! You sure are having visitors this year! Hope you figure out them soon.

Belinda, hope you're not overdoing things. Thanks for the video, I'm going to check it out. Lately I've been discovering that I like Pilates! Never really had tried before.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I went to Costco today and saw so much Christmas decorations/toys. I know when I worked retail it was out the day after Halloween. They are putting it out sooner and sooner.

Belinda - Nice getting a walk in, the video looks good and she explains well.

Cookie - So sorry to hear about your dog:( It would have weighed on your mind during vacation. How exciting you are going to China! We booked a trip to Greece about 10 days at the end of September.


Today I did STS 2 Lower body 2 and the neck/shoulder and chest mobility I posted a few day’s ago.

We are heating out again on Saturday to drop of the RV at Alabama. Yesterday Tiffin did sent out their mechanics (they at Hershey Park at the RV show) to make sure the RV is safe for us to drive. He fixed a few things like put another seal on the outside of the slides to make sure when it rains outside, we don’t get flooded inside. We shall see. They have to replace the front windows, they installed them wrong. They will fix everything that we put on the list on Monday. They think they get it all done in 5 day’s? Who knows? DH and I emptied the entire RV. It makes it easier for the to work on things. I will leave my weights and everything I need to get a workout in.

Debbie - nice walk outside and zoom yoga. I went to Costco the other day, I was surprised about all the Xmas decorations. I am not ready. I used to do her pilates a few years ago, somehow I got away from doing Pilates. She does explains well. How exciting you going to Greece in 10 day’s. You gonna love it. So beautiful. Have you been to Greece before?

Cookie - I am so sorry to hear about your dog :( it breaks my heart. If the quality of life isn’t there and the dog suffers it’s time. It would have weighed on your mind during your vacation. How exciting your upcoming trip to China. Have you been to China before?

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 Supersets. We are going to dinner tonight our next 2 weekends are so busy.

Belinda - Great STS 2.0 lower body workout. It is great the Tiffin sent out their mechanics to make sure your trip will be safe. Will you do sightseeing when you in Alabama? I heard the beaches are beautiful, not sure how close you will be. We haven't been to Greece, Italy was our first time in Europe.

Cookie - Hope all is well.

'Evening! Managed to get some indoor walking in but spent most of the day with Tio and his dr appointments.

Deb, Christmas decorations?!! Wow, I'm not ready for that. Hope you had a lovely dinner. Greece will be wonderful. So exciting! How did you choose Greece as your next destination? I just listened to a Rick Steves podcast about the Greek Isles. Next May we're going to Athens.

Belinda, glad they were able to fix somethings right away and hopefully will get the rest well done soon. Thanks for the sentiments about my dog. It is for the best, but it never is easy. We were in China when we adopted our daughter, but this is her first trip back, so it's very exciting. Also means a ton of paperwork for her as a returning former citizen. My dh, daughter and girl we raised but weren't able to adopt are all going. Should be very interesting.

Today I did STS 2 Upper Body 2. I also did some shoulder stretches.

Debbie - we will be sightseeing. I had no idea Alabama has beaches. Good to know. Thanks for the tip. Tiffin head quarter is a Red Bay, not 100% what‘s around. We will figure it out once we drop it off. You gonna love Greece. Alesia been to Greece not to long ago. She loved it.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your fur baby ((HUGS)) It’s never easy :( That is so cool your daughter first trip back to China. I am sure she is excited. Does she still have family in China. I am happy you all get to enjoy the trip together .I never been to China, sounds like a great place to visit. How long are you plan on staying? You are a good mama.

Good night.
'Evening! Arms and Abs today. Lots of errands and work, trying to clear things up before we go.

Deb, hope your dinner was lovely, and the weekend not too busy.

Belinda, yes, we're all excited! China is really big and amazing. It will be interesting to see how much it has changed. Friends who have gone back a few times have said, each time the changes were rapid and vast. We'll be there three weeks.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. Tomorrow I am going to Long Island with my SIL to visit our good friend from high school.

Belinda - I'm sure you will find lots to do in Alabama. I've never been but the South has so many beautiful towns. Great job with STS 2.0 UB 2. It should be interesting to see Tiffin's headquarters.

Cookie - It's great your DD & girl you raised will be going with you. It will be so exciting. When you adopted DD did you spend time sightseeing? DH wanted to go do other parts of Italy but I wanted to switch it up and Greece was a place we wanted to visit.


My SIL and I went to visit my friend in Long Island yesterday. Besides the Yankee Game traffic and forgetting our lunches at her house the day was a lot of fun;) We babysat her 4 year old grandson and he was such a good boy. I ate potato chips and fruit for lunch since that was all we had LOL. It was a beautiful beach on the Long Island Sound. It was also really nice weather and no crowds.

Today I walked but was tired from traveling and beach yesterday.

Belinda - Safe travels:)

Cookie - I'm guessing you are either packing or leaving. Enjoy your trip:)

Hi everyone,

We are dropping off the RV at Tiffin headquarters Red Bay , AL. Yesterday driving up here, at a rest area to stretch our legs. Another RVer noticed our exhaust pipe was coming off. We did made it safely up here. We probably will not see the RV for awhile. We decided not to stay in Alabama, instead we are driving home. We will stop in Tennessee tonight.

I got up at 4 am to do STS 2 Body Parts Legs. I am on week 5 off STS 2.

I will try to do some personals.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe's Metabolic Blast. I am doing the last few things this week for the bathroom renovation in Florida. It is frustrating not being their to see things in person and figuring out what would work best.

Belinda - You must be exhausted from traveling. You are dedicated to get up early and get your workout in:) Sorry about the exhaust pipe problem, good thing it was caught before you stayed. I'm sure it is frustrating but better to wait at home.

Cookie - Enjoy your trip!


We finally home. It rained the entire time since we left Knoxville Tennessee. Tough ride home, couldn’t stretch my legs. Once I got home I did STS 2 Shoulder. Glad it was a shorter workout.

Debbie - I hear your frustration on the renovations in FL. Who is supervising and letting them in? I am sure it will look fabulous. Once you get to Fl you have a beautiful bathroom. If I wouldn’t get up early, I would never get a work out in, lol. I am exhausted we just came home from the Keys’, quick turn around to Alabama. Thank you about the exhaust pipe. We were at a rest area outside Tennessee. DH had to take it off, we didn’t wanted it brake off and cause an accident. Great job on your MTB Blast and walk.

Cookie - enjoy your trip!

I will catch up on personals tomorrow. I am tired.

Today was a walk outside. I went to Cracker Barrel with my SILs and than to look for gifts for my DILs baby shower.

Belinda - I'm happy to hear you are both hope safely. I forgot about the tropical storm coming up the coast:( Great job getting STS 2 shoulders in. I'm sure you will sleep good tonight.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was a walk outside & yoga. We went to see DS & DIL for dinner tonight.

Belinda - I hope your legs are feeling better and you are catching up on sleep.

Good morning,

I thought I posted yesterday? Must have forgotten to hit the enter button. Sorry! Yesterday I did a back mobility with Mira and Belly dance. Today I will do STS 2 Back.

Debbie - great job with your workouts. I hope you found a baby shower gift. I hope you had a great time with your DS and Dil last night. It’s raining here, no walking for me.

I will be back.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Total body barbell at the gym. We are now dog sitting our older DS's gf's dog. We saw her a lot as a puppy and haven't seen her in 6 years but she still remembers us.

Belinda - Great job with STS 2 Body Parts back & JS chair yoga. It's good you were able to get her subscription.

Have a great weekend:)

Today was walk outside and STS 2 Body Parts Chest and Jessica Smith Gentle Yoga Stretch: Flexibility and Relaxation (from “Gentle Yoga Stretch DVD).

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and TB barbell at the gym. That‘s a long time you haven’t seen the puppy. Dogs are smart. Glad you had fun with the puppy.

Cookie - I hope you doing well?

Have a great weekend.

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