Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS 2 Tri Sets Total Body.

Debbie - nice job on your walk on the beach. Getting fresh air is always good. Thank you on my appointment.

Cookie - nice job with your JS LB. Sometimes it just doesn‘t happened with the walks. Yes, we got very nice weather. Thank you on my appointment yesterday.

Have a great day and workout.
Cathe's mat yoga today. Off to a hockey game. Second to last one of the season.

Deb, glad you're enjoying the fresh air, beach and great choices you made on the furniture. Sounds smart to hold on to the condo for a while, at least.

Belinda, what. workout you did today! When will you get the results from the ekg?

Today was a walk on the beach. Our throw rugs come tomorrow. I bought them on line so I hope it works out.

Belinda - Great job with STS 2.0 TB. How is Sadie? Penne’s vet put her on a diet.

Cookie - Great job with Cathe Mat Yoga. Do you miss when the hockey games are over? Hockey is very popular in Florida, you wouldn’t think so.

Good morning,

I will do Functional Mobility Fusion and a zoom dance.

Debbie - great job on the walk. I am sure the throw rugs will look amazing. Aww….about Penne. Sadie probably needs to be put on a diet too. Since the weather is getting better hopefully she will walk it off.

Cookie - great job on the mat yoga. I should get the results in a few day‘s. I will call on Monday.

I will be back later.
Managed to get in most of a walk before sleet started comng down. I looked like I was covered in white by the time we made it home!

Deb, one of my friends got a some of those Ruggables. They look nice. Hope you very happy with yours. Did I miss something about Penne? Hope she's okay.

Belinda, you had a busy day planned. Hope it was a good one.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day, didn’t need a sweatshirt. The rugs came late tonight so will set-up tomorrow.

Belinda - Great job with Functional mobility & zoom dance. Walking does help but so hard to do in the winter with little dogs.

Cookie - it seems like the weather is up and down but I guess that is normal for March. I think the rugs I bought are very similar to ruggables. Penne’s vet wants her to lose about 4lbs which is becoming very challenging.


'Evening! Essentrics today. Way too cold for a walk today.

Deb, don't think I've ever had a pet the vet hasn't suggested to lose weight! Hope you like the rugs. We do miss going to hockey games when the season is over, but during the season, it limits us doing other things. We missed quite a few this year due to visitors coming.

Belinda, hope you're having a great weekend.

Hi, Deanna!

Today I did a zoom dance.

Debbie - lucky you, for not having to wear a sweatshirt. It‘s freezing cold here. Enjoy the nice weather. Great job on the walk on the beach.

Cookie - great job on your Essentrics. Way to cold to walk today here too.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was too cold to stay on the beach. We walked around town.

Belinda - Great job with zoom dance. My DSs said it was really cold today.

Cookie - Great job with Essentrics. Hopefully the cold weather goes away quickly. We haven’t had a/c on at all, a couple of times the heat.


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