Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did a belly dance workout. I been going through everything furniture wise (couch set , book shelves weight bench we don‘t use. Who knows what else I find. Tuesday is the donation pick up. I also will drop of winter clothes to the homeless shelter in DC. I know they will get used. I also need to do a run to the animal shelter, I bought a bunch of clothes for Sadie that are to small for her. I tried to call the store, they wouldn‘t take it back. Although, all the tags are still on the clothes. I need to get better in returning things right away. Lessons learned.

Debbie - glad you feeling better and got a good night sleep. Glad you don‘t have covid. I am not sure if I go to the RT? I still have time to think about.

Hi Cookie

Good night.
'Evening! Too cold to do much so did ub workout and some indoor walking. Spent a lot of time catching up on some little projects around the house.

Deb, sorry you weren't feeling better but thankful it is not Covid! What's your book club book this month?

Belinda, what do you think started your big decluttering spree? Great ideas on where to donate your items to. I cringed when a friend got a dumpster and threw perfectly good items away instead of donating them.

Today I did STS Total Body. I took it easy and skipped when I needed to. No walk still to cold outside. Feeling so much better.

Belinda - Great job with your belly dancing workout. Years ago I bought some antique furniture it wasn’t the greatest quality. Just the other day I decided it’s time to get rid of it, because it’s falling apart.

Cookie - Nice UB workout & walk. This is the perfect weather to do indoor projects. I missed this months book club, because I was sick. Iit was Demon Copperhead, only made it through the 1st few pages did not like it. We only have it every other month so not again till March.


CL# 399 PHA SS w/the ball is done. I may sign up for another month of CL not OnDemand.

Great job everyone. Dh and I are very busy to declutter/simplify our lives. I have a donation pick up tomorrow. I decided not to do a sitting room in the 4th bedroom. I am donating it all. I am also busy washing winter clothers for the homeless shelter I plan on dropping off this week.

Debbie - so glad you starting to feel better. Great job on STS TB today. I always modify.

Cookie - I honestly been decluttering for a few years now. still have too much stuff. I need to stop buying things. Well, the big decluttering is my sisters fault :) When I talked to her last week, she told me she got rid of everything she isn‘t using or sits around unused. She said she feels so much lighter. She only kept thing like dishes for 2 people. That‘s it. When my husband was active duty, I had to host a lot of dinners a.s.o. I have a lot of dishes, cups, drink glasses you name it. I also have a lot of German things, I will probably never use. Why do I keep it? I don‘t need anything from Germany…..I am German! It‘s not my style anymore. I am more into the minimalist/modern. I like simple. With all my doctors appointments, I don‘t have a lot of time. I remember when you did a major decluttering when you moved a few years ago. My house is 4000 square feet. I also have a sawing Maschine, I never use. My eye site isn‘t the best. When we get the new RV, I want to keep it simple too.

Time to relax. Have a great evening.
'Evening! Haven't slept well the past two nights and now I'm feeling it. Decided to have today as a rest day and am hoping to sleep better tonight.

Deb, glad you're feeling better. It is warmer here today, but rain and much warmer temps later this week.

Belinda, only 2 dishes! Wow, that's really decluttering! It helps that both you and your dh are of the same mindset with it.

Today was a walk outside, it wasn’t too cold. I also did zoom yoga. I’m starting to pack.

Belinda - You are motivating me, i will be decluttering the FL condo between family visits. It’s easier for me to do, a lot of the stuff wasn’t mine. Sounds like a fun Live workout. I find so much variety/choices with the Live workouts.

Cookie - Rest up, just heard my niece & nephew have Covid again (the ones who just had the baby). They think they caught at a friends wedding. At least it will be warmer but too much rain:(.


the Salvation Army came and picked up everything except clothes which I will drop off at the homeless shelter in DC. We filled up an entire truck today. I had an entire living room set, gone!! I had a weight bench set that we didn‘t use that went too. I am so happy all those things are out of my house.

CL# 478 Low Impact HiiT with active recovery. It was perfect for this evening.

This is the place I donate for the last few years . DD and DIL volunteered a few times at this organization. They do a lot of amazing things for people and community. The organization isn‘t in the best part of DC. They are always so grateful when we drop stuff off. I will get up early tomorrow to get my workout in before we drive to the shelter.

Debbie - glad you feeling better. Great job on your zoom yoga and walk.Today was nice outside. I just didn‘t had time to walk. Awww….glad I motivate you to declutter your condo. I will go through my blankets early in the morning to see what else I can donate to the shelter. I did had a lot of attachments to some stuff, now it‘s gone. I feel great!

Cookie - yeah, she really decluttered. My sister said, she only need dishes for 2 people. Two sets of sheet sets. I agree, it helps Dh is and I are on the same page. I wanted to donate more to the Salvation Army, lol…I figured they are already here :) DH stopped me from getting rid of my porch furniture, lol.

Good night
'Evening! I'm feeling tired today. Did a chest and back wo. Was supposed to go to a meeting tonight, but honestly just didn't feel like it.

Deb, it must be nice to be getting the FL place the way you want it. Hope your niece and nephew don't have Covid too badly this time. It certainly is going around.

Belinda, good for you on decluttering and donating to such valuable organizations. I don't like to have a lot of things around either, but I could never get down to 2 plates. We have way too many visitors. But I do only have one sheet set per bed!

Today was a walk outside, cleaning & packing. We have an early morning flight. It supposed to be icy so fingers crossed no problems.

Belinda - It must feel so good to donate and know it will be loved by someone else who could use it:) Great job with your workout!

Cookie - This time of year is tiring the month of January last so long. I need to get rid of my old sheets, save them for painting. The thing is I have never paint except to touch up LOL.


I did Burn Sets: Express Legs Heavy Weight this morning. Got it in before we dropped off donations to the homeless shelter.

After we dropped of the donations at the shelter. We drove by a bus stop not far from the shelter, my husband noticed an old lady sitting on the floor in the bus stop covered in a blanket. She looked like she was in her 80‘s. When I saw the the lady sitting like on the floor with only a blanket, I had tears running down my face. What is an 80 year old lady homeless. I don‘t carry cash around with me, wished i had some. I already donated all the blankets/jackets/hates. We couldn‘t even stop our car to get out. I felt so bad, it‘s still hunting me. My husband said. the homeless shelter every night drives around and offer shelter for people on the streets. It‘s so sad if you see this in the America. The richest country in the world and yet people are living in poverty. Sad!

Debbie - yes, it feels good to donated and I know it will get to the right people. Great job on your walk, cleaning and packing.

Cookie - I do feel good decluttering and donating to such valuable organizations. The organization do so much for poor people. I just love what they do. I wasn‘t always like that, but know I don't like to having a lot of things around either. Less is more! I still can‘t get the grandma out of my head. She is someone’s mama or grandmother.

I am so beat. I been busting my butt off getting things together for both organizations. The most important one was the homeless shelter.

Good night.

I didn‘t sleep well last night, I wanted some light cardio. After it stopped raining, I walked for 60 min outside. Felt great walking outside. It wasn‘t in the 50‘s, not to bad. Sadie enjoyed it too.

I did decluttered and cleaned my bathroom cabinet. Tomorrow I am going through all my towels. I have way to many, lol.

Debbie and Cookie - I hope all is well with you two.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Got in a long walk today, and it felt good to be outside and moving.

Deb, hope the trip to FL went smoothly. The temps here have gotten warmer, so I'm hoping the same is true there.

Belinda, that is a very sad situation. And yes, it shouldn't exist.

We made it to Florida and visited my Dad. Traveling wasn’t too bad and had a nice visit. The weather is nice so enjoying before the cold front comes on Sunday.

Tomorrow I will sign up for the RT.

Belinda - It”s great you were able to walk outside. I’m sure it was heartbreaking to see the older Grandma homeless:(. You did so much by donating and I’m sure it will benefit the homeless in the area.

Cookie - Great walk outside. The good thing is January is almost over. People in FL are saying this is the 1st real winter they have experienced in FL in 20 years.


My OnDemand expired today. I did sign up for another month of Cathe Live.My husband and I enjoy CL, we may sign up for the 6 month or yearly one after that? I had to get blood test done today. I will walk than get in CL# 479 Turn it up Upper body

Debbie - glad you made it to Fl. Enjoy the nice weather. It‘s very nice here too. Good luck with your sign up for RT. I thought about it signing up, with my RP kicking my butt it‘s not a good idea being around with so many people.

Cookie - yes, it‘s a very sad situation. Great job on your long walk. I will get one in as soon as I finish my coffee.


Today was a walk on the beach. I signed up for the RT. It was a nice day for the beach but not sure how many are left. I didn’t start the cleaning of condo will do that when cooler.

Belinda - How exciting you & DD are going to the RT! You can do what you are comfortable with at the RT for your RP,

Cookie - Hopefully you are still getting better temperatures. How’s the new baby doing?

Debbie - I can‘t wait to see you at the RT. I thought long and hard about going. I gained so much weight with all the high doses of prednisone :( it is what it is. I been on it for over a year. I will be in the back somewhere and modify the heck out of Cathe’s high impact. Have you taking that travel insurance in case you can‘t make it? Great job on your walk. I also walked outside yesterday and plan on walking today.
'Evening! We met a friend for dinner and then went to see an illusionist. We really enjoyed the show and have no idea how he managed to do the tricks. Today we went to visit, ds, dil and the baby.

Deb, glad you had a beach day. Congrats on the rt! I remember having good times with you there.

Belinda, that's exciting your dd will accompany you on the rt!

Today was a walk on the beach & spent the day at the beach. It will be colder starting tomorrow so will start the decluuttering tomorrow.

Belinda - I look forward to seeing you;). I’ll be in the back too. Great you were able to walk outside.

Cookie - Sounds like a great show! It must have been so exciting to see the baby:)


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