Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a rest day. Last night, we went out with some friends from the gym. We have been trying to get together for a year LOL. It was fun but I did not feel well today. We went to my Mom's later today and it worked out but I sure am tired.

Belinda - Kudos on finishing the December rotation! Playing around with the Lives sounds like a good idea. Getting your nails done is fun:)

Cookie - Time sure does fly! Sounds like you are doing some fun things this week. I'm happy the celebrations are over;) The hair salon wasn't too busy, they said before Christmas was crazy.


Happy New Year!!
Today was a walk outside. We are going to get to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. Later we will stay up to watch the ball drop.

Belinda & Cookie - Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year for 2024!

Happy New Year everyone.

No workout today. I been doing laundry and packing my suitcase. We fly early in the morning. I have to get up at 2:30 am. Not a lot of celebration for us. At least, we are home late afternoon. I will get a workout in on Tuesday.

Debbie - sounds like a fun evening. Not sure if I make it tonight. We have to get up early to drive to the airport.

Debbie and Cookie - Wishing you both and your family a Happy New Year 2024!

Have a good one everyone.
Happy New Year! Yesterday was a four mile walk , Essentrics and today was 6.5. Got together with a friend since first grade and her husband. Had dinner and played some card games.

Deb, hope you enjoyed your dinner. Did you also have your second holiday with your mom?

Belinda, safe travels. Laundry and travel prep are a workout!

I closed all my rings on my Apple Watch just walking around the airport. I always use the opportunity to squeeze in a walk when we have a layover. We got home around 8 pm, just to find out hour house was an ice box. The nest thermostat decided to drop to 51. Dh did change the temperature at the airport. Somehow it didn’t work, he didn’t pay attention.I cracked up the nest to 90 to reset it. It worked but very slow. It took a while before I and Sadie could take a shower. I didn’t wanted her to get sick. I do blow dry her after her shower. I woke up late today. I slept like a rock. I am still very tired.

I did Cathe’s newest TB Barbell workout this evening. I like it.

Debbie - I hope you doing well.

Cookie - thank you! I am exhausted. Great job on your 4 mile walk and Essentrices. Sounds like you had great time with your friend.

Good night.

Yesterday & today was a walk outside. I also did Cathe's new Killer Legs dvd. I really liked it! I didn't try the bonus barre workout but I want to.

Belinda - Wow, that was an early flight, great you were able to get your steps in at the airport. It must have been a shock to come home to a cold house. Our nest in FL needs the router to be rebooted so it isn't working right now. It is the 1st time this has happened, TG it wasn't the summer months.

Cookie - Wow, lots of walking miles:) Your legs must be sore. It sounds like you had a fun New Year's not too busy. We went to my Mom's on Saturday it was a nice day. Now I really need to take our "dry" tree down LOL.


I did Cathe’s 2023 Videos Gloved Up and Sweaty with cloves. I like this one. Very fun! I am doing Cathe’s 2024 Jan rotation, I will sub in some live workouts.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at UPenn tomorrow. I will get my workout in before I leave.

Debbie - I was getting worried about you. You haven’t checked in. Glad it wasn’t the summer months. I will do Killer Legs tomorrow. I am glad I don’t have to take Xmas tree down or decorations, lol. I really like not doing anything on Christmas.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great day and workout. BBl
Evening! Today was a 5 mile walk, work, and book club. Read Birnum Woods, which gave us lots to talk about.

Deb, trying to tire out the new dog addition, but it isn't work. His little legs are like pistons, they just keep going! How are you feeling today after that leg workout?

Belinda, oh that must have been hard coming home to such a cold house! Great job getting your steps in at the airport. Best of luck with the dr's appointment tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was a lot of stretching so helped with yesterday's workout. The tree is out and mess too;)

Belinda - I was going to try the Gloved up workout on Sunday, thanks for the recommendation. Good luck with your appointment at UPenn. How is the study going? Cleaning up after Christmas isn't as fun as setting up:)

Cookie - I see some dogs that don't want to walk, the owners have to coax them. It sounds like your dog is the opposite. You reminded me I need to start reading this month's book club pick.


I didn’t sleep well last night, was up most of the night. No workout this morning. I had to get ready for a 3 hour drive to UPenn.

Debbie - let me know what you thing of Cloved up workout. Thank you, my appointment went well. The study is doing well. I still have an enlarged atery, they all monitoring it. I have to go back in 6 month. I always dreaded taking all the decorations down. Glad you have no more mess and the tree is gone.

Cookie - Lol. Sadie is like that too. She loves going for walks. We should get a new thermostat in the mail. Came home today and the temperature was in the 60’s. I am taking part of a research for RP. Had a good visit with the Dr. She takes her time and answers all my questions.

Good night.
'Evening! Went to memorial for a friend's mom, so no wo.

Deb, did you have a tree taken down? Sorry I missed that. Glad to hear you enjoyed the workout. Yes, this dog loves to

Belinda, glad to hear the visit yesterday went well. My sister was saying this morning how her Next thermostat stopped syncing with her phone two months ago. She bought a new one this morning and it won't sick either.

Today was a walk outside & it was cold out. We went to walk & feed DS's dog. She is so cute and has so much energy for a little dog.

Belinda - I'm glad your appointment went well, sorry it is so far away. I hope you sleep better tonight. Do you nap in the car?

Cookie - I'm sorry about your friend's Mom. We took our Christmas tree down and a trail of needles from on our deck to the woods where DH put it. I swept but very hard to get up, maybe I will use the electric blower.

'Eveniing! Today was a long walk. I fell yesterday on a slippery sidewalk and my sciatica has been twinging off and on, so I been doing a lot of standing and walking to avoid sitting! Supposed to have a big snowstorm this weekend.

Deb, that's terrific for your ds that you are so close and willing to help out! Plus, you get the benefits of having a dog w/them doing most of the work. Do you call yourself the dog's grandmother? One of my son's says that about his dog, but I'm not crazy about that title. We'll take our tree down after tomorrow. We celebrate Three Kings Day first.

Belinda, hope the appointment went well, and that you were able to get some restorative sleep.
Good morning,

I am not seeing my post from yesterday? I did Killer Legs yesterday.

Debbie - no I don’t nap in the car. I feel much better getting some sleep.Kudos to you and Cookie walking in this weather. Small dogs have a lot of energy, lol. Sadie does too.

Cookie - please be carful with those slippery sidewalks and your sciatica. We got the snow.

I will catch up later
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I did : STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 and I will do a mobility or yoga later. I forgot to mention, I am following Cathe’s Jan 2024. I probably will sub in her live workouts next week.

'Evening! Got in another long walk today and did an Essentrics for back pain workout. Boy, it felt good to do that after the walk. My dh and I are thinking about either doing the Great Saunter (@32-35 miles) in NYC or a portion of the Camino de Santiago, so building up endurance will be important. Waiting for hockey game to start. Decided to stay home and watch it on tv than chance the snow. Small Three Kings celebration.

Deb, we noticed the terriers seem to have a lot. Our chihuahua/Dachsund is a slug! Are you expected to get snow?

Belinda, I can't sleep in the car either. You are an Energizer Bunny with your workouts. Did you renew your Cathe Live subscription?

Today was a walk outside, it was just starting to flurry. Now we have a lot of snow 6 inches so far. It seems like a long time since it snowed. Last night we went to see the play Fiddler on the Roof at a local theater it was really good.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you the last couple of days! You are so good about picking & completing rotations:) Are you getting snow too? Does Sadie like the snow?

Cookie - Nice getting your walk in before the snow. You must be getting even more than me. Sorry about your slip:(. In the Spring they replaced some panels on sidewalks in the neighborhood, and when they are wet they are slippery. You would think they would know the right materials to use. We used to celebrate Three Kings Day, not sure why we stopped.

'Afternoon! Snow is still coming down here,and now it has changed to fine flakes. Got inspired by Belinda, and did sts 2 ub 1. I'm fried!!!

Deb, 6 inches!!! Hope you don't have to shovel that. The snow is probably taller than your son's dog. After we saw Fiddler last year, I had a hard time getting some of the songs out of my head.

Belinda, you inspired me to do some of Cathe's January rotation. You are so good at sticking to them.

Taking a rest day today. I needed to go grocery shopping. Now I am to tired. I will probably take a walk tomorrow. The snow should be melted.

I been going through and cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. My younger sister in Germany cleaned out her entire house. She only keeps what she has been using. She inspired me so much DH and I went through our living room. I will do my kitchen since I am deep cleaning it too in sections. My kitchen is huge.

Debbie - the rotations make it easy to get a variety of workouts in without the dread factor. Glad you had fun with the play Fiddler on the Roof. I haven‘t gone to our local Theater in a long time. Need to check out what is playing.

Cookie - I am so glad to hear I inspired you to do Cathe‘s January rotation. The rotations are like having a personal trainer plus they are fun and it takes the guessing each day what to do. I still have OnDemand until Jan 26th. You are so good with your walk. I will go for one tomorrow.

Good night.

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