Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did Stacked Upper Body and Core.

Debbie- you hope your husband is doing better today. Great job on the yoga and walk.

Cookie - sorry about your sciatica acting up. Hope you feel better soon.

Good night

Today was a walk outside & X-train Supercuts. I made homemade chicken soup last night and before bed my stomach hurt. I had a little more tonight and again it hurt. Only my stomach hurt just assumed it wasn't the soup, but I was wrong:( DH is feeling somewhat better but resting.

Belinda - Nice work with Stacked UB & core. When will you be going to TX?

Cookie - I thought DH's might be sciatica too but the pain seems to have moved to his hip. Smart to do flat walks. Hopefully you can get the massage.


LITE Stacked LB and LB barre. I also went for a walk today.

I fly to TX early Monday. House is clean, I still need to pack my suitcase and wrap Xmas presents.

Debbie - nice job on your walk XTrain Supercuts. I hope your stomach is feeling better. Chicken noodle soup usually helps me.

Great job on your workouts everyone.

Today was a really nice day for a walk. I shopped for food (so crowded) and cooked part of Christmas Day food. We order in when DH’s family comes on Christmas Eve.

Belinda - You got a lot done & workouts too! I’m sure Monday will be a good travel day, you should be ahead of the rush.

Waves hi to Cookie, hope your feeling better.


Today I did a belly dance and barre upper body/core.

We are leaving and staying at DD’s condo tomorrow. Early Monday morning we are flying out. I will not check in until late afternoon. Not sure, if I get a workout in or not? We shall see.

I am still packing my suitcase….still have to wrap a few xmas presents. I can’t decide how much clothes to bring?

Debbie - I am tired. Glad i got everything done. I hope I am ahead of the travel rush. Great job on your walk. Great idea to order when your Dh’s family comes on Christmas Eve.

Great job on your workouts everyone.

Today was a walk outside & another nice day! DH joined me his pain has improved. We are going to dinner tonight. I received a notice the new dvds will ship soon.

Belinda - Nice belly dance and barre ub/core. I'm sure it is tiring traveling around Christmas. You are on top of things and will have a good time! The good thing is you will have access to washer & dryer. Safe travels!

Cookie - I'm sure your busy with the holidays so close.

Evening! Sorry for not checking in. Got in walks yesterday and Friday. Today I'm feeling completely worn out, so decided to just do things around house and take it easy. DS1 came for Sunday dinner. Went to a few craft fairs yesterday with one of my sisters - had a nice time together.

Deb, hope your stomach is doing better. Smart to order in. What do you usually get? Glad to hear your dh's pain has lessened. My sciatica is still bothering me. How's your ds1 doing?

Belinda, safe travels tomorrow. How long will you be in TX? Enjoy!

Today was a walk outside before the rain. I passed the mall today the line to get in the parking lot was backed up for a few miles down the highway! ! I felt bad for those people.

Belinda - Sage travels

Cookie - Nice getting in your walks. Good to listen to your body and take it easy. DHs family tradition was no meat on Christmas Eve (seven fish). I think it’s an Italian tradition. We will have seafood salad, pasta dishes, stuffed mushrooms, pizza. I will make a pesto shrimp pasta dish. DS1 is doing well.


Today was a walk outside & X-train legs. I can't believe Christmas is a week away:)

Belinda - Safe travels, looks like I misspelled it in the last post;)

Cookie - Will most of your children be visiting this holiday?

Good morning,

We left our house on Sunday to stay at DD’s condo, we few out of Reagan’s. We went there in the evening, I noticed her heater wasn’t working. We cound’t get the heater to work. It was so cold, we both couldn’t sleep. We considered a hotel in DC, but we had to get ready in. 3 hours to leave for the airport. Yesterday, I slept a little on the plane. Once we arrived in TX, I showered, eat and slept some more. I caught up with my sleep. I had all the intentions to workout. I guess, I play catch up this week. It‘s in the 60’s here. When we left DC, it was cold and rainy.

Debbie - no problem about the misspell. Great job keeping up with your workouts and walks. I can’t believe Christmas is next week too.

Hi Cookie.

I will be back to report my workout.

I signed up for Cathe On Demand. I only signed up for a month. I don’t have the Lite downloads, I only have it on DVD’s. I do like OnDemand. Played with the blender, it stopped after a few minutes? I ended up going back to OnDemand and picked the Lite workouts from the drop down which worked. I am on week 3 of the Dec rotation. Instead of starting with Monday’s workout which is Circuit Blast, I am so tired I did Lite Pyramid Bonus lower which is scheduled Friday. Oh well! I will continue with the Lite Pyramid Upper tomorrow, than work backwards, lol.

Woke up with a massive headache. Not sure, what else I will do today? BBL
'Evening! Finished an evening mtg last night and must have just completely forgotten to check in! Sorry. Yesterday was a blur but did an arms wo. No walk yesterday as it was a pouring, hard rain with lots of wind. It acuallly was hard to sleep Sunday night because it was so loud. Today was a walk and a very long Essentrics workout.

Deb, I always thought the seven fishes celebration sounds fantastic. I also can't believe it is less than a week til Christmas. DS3, DIL, DD and her fiance will come Sat and leave Sunday. DS1 will come Sunday evening and be here for Christmas. DS2 won't be able to make it. My tio turns 93 on Sat, so we'll also have a family celebration for him on that day. Very glad to hear your son is doing well.

Belinda, think you're going to really like Cathe on Demand. If you're only missing a couple of the dvds, you could consider just purchasing those downloads, if you don't keep the OnDemand. I use the Workout Blender to play the selection. Hope you're back on your regular sleep cycle and the headache went away.

Today was a short walk. I went to the mall with 2 of my SILs, my niece and her newborn. We all needed last minute gifts but I didn't see what I wanted and ended up ordering when I went home.

Belinda - It's hard enough to sleep before a big travel day but without heat must have been tough. It's good you caught up with sleep and are in warmer temps. A good idea to get Cathe on Demand so you can get your workouts in.

Cookie - Walking hasn't been easy. Nice job getting in an essentrics workout. It's great most of your children will be home for Christmas. I'm sure your Uncle will love the celebration, 93 is an accomplishment! We get most of the seven fishes in the seafood salad.

Good morning,

Pyramid Pump Upper Body premix #3 is done. That was a sweat fest. I am working out with bowflex dumbbells, I like them but it’s hard to switch them out with Cathie’s speed. I had to pause a few times. Had a great workout.

I downloaded Cathe‘s new workouts. I like what I see so far. I probably will do the KB this week.

Debbie - I think I slept for 14 hours straight, lol. I tried to buy the Lite downloads on Black Friday I couldn‘t get the coupon to work. I gave up, lol. I will get it next time. I hope you had a great time with your family. I ended up ordering everything online.

Cookie - I figured out the blender this morning. For the life of me I couldn‘t find the premix for today‘s workout. Sure enough it was in the workout blender. I also noticed the videos working just fine in the workout blender, it pauses with each chapter. I guess, I should have waited a few sec yesterday, I would have realized it‘s working just fine. I do like On Demand. I have all Cathe‘s Lite DVD‘s but not the downloads. Like I mention, I was going to buy it with the 40% off coupon on Black Friday.

We all going to my Dil parents house on Christmas. I am a little nerves about covid with all her family being there.

'Evening! Got in a 4 mile walk and a yoga workout. My sciatica is still bothering me, so trying to take it easy with workouts. Took Tio to a dr's appt and then to lunch. We call these times our "dates."

Deb, I'm having a hard time coming up with gift ideas for my ds3 and dil, other than a gift card. I want a present that they can open in addition to the gift card. Shopping with your family sounds like fun. How was the newborn with all the lights and commotion of the shopping mall?

Belinda, glad you got caught up on sleep and figured out the workout blender. I don't like the price of streaming but definitely love it for the convenience! I went to a wake for an aunt on Monday, but only stayed for about 1/2 hour. Others were together almost all day. Got a text four of the attendees tested positive.

Today was a walk outside & quick upper body at the gym. All day I thought today was the 12/19, I went to order the seven fish seafood salad and they closed the orders:( I went to the store and the associate said if I come early on Friday I can place an order. He said not to come Saturday or Sunday the lines will be out the door.

Belinda - It sounds like you are settling in and catching up on sleep. Great Pyramid UB premix workout! I was wondering does TSA give you a hard time when you have wrapped gifts?

Cookie - Nice long walk! I would take it easy too close to the holidays. I am giving the new couple some photo ornaments (from the wedding) with their gift card. The newborn loved the lights! I told my niece after the holidays if the baby is fussy to walk around the mall.


Today I did a live Belly Christmas Dance and Cathe new Kickboxing workout. I liked it a lot. I logged in 36 min. Very easy to modify and the music was good. Cathe has some burpees and jumps, I just modified them. Worked out great. Some of the moves are familiar to her other workouts, liked the combos.

Debbie - great job on your walk and upper body at the gym. Wow, on you trying to order food. What are you going to do? I put all my wrapped gifts in my suitcase not carry on. I allways tell the TSA about all my meds in my carry on. Never had a problem.

Cookie - I am glad I figured the workout blender too. It‘s actually very easy to use, if you are not half asleep like I was. I agree, streaming is expensive., definitely convenience! Oh no, about them catching covid. They all agreed to test for covid before everyone visits. Not 100%, it‘s better than nothing. I will keep my distance on Monday.

I am getting ready to pick up DD from the airport. BBl
'Evening just a walk and some gentle stretching today. Planning on working 1/2 day tomorrow, running some errands and then cleaning, cooking and baking! Library called and I won the prize in their fundraising raffle. Since I usually don't win anything, I didn't even pay attention to the prize. I'll find out tomorrow.

Debbie, what a lovely idea for your ds and dil! Very thoughtful! Hope you're able to get the store early tomorrow and can get the food. I remember often taking my guys when they were little to see the mall displays and get out of the house.

Belinda, smart thinking putting the gifts in your suitcase. Thanks for the info about the new kb workout. I'm definitely not doing any burpees! Hope they all test negative and wear masks.

Today was a walk outside. I found 2 places to order from and placed orders. Will go tomorrow early to get the seafood salad. It is a specialty item so couldn't even make that on my own & not many stores sell.

Belinda - A Christmas belly dancing workout sounds like fun:) I received my dvds but will not be able to try till after Christmas:( I was wondering about the gift wrapped packages, on the news they said not to put in carry-ons. I just couldn't understand because they x-ray the bags.

Cookie - Nice walk & stretch! I'll be doing everything you said until the 1st guess arrives LOL:) The holidays sure take a lot out of of us. How exciting let us know what you win.


Boss Band TB is done. Had a great workout.

Debbie - the Christmas dance was a lot of fun. I received my DVD’s the other day too. I did downloaded the new workouts. We had too many Xmas gifts wrapped packages, it was easier to put them in the suitcases. DD had some in her carry on? Your seafood salad sounds amazing. Great job yesterday

Cookie - I skipped all the burpees. I did a squat, left than right leg step back. It was close to a burpee, lol. She does them slow enough to step right/left leg back. They all will test, no mask :( I probably will spent most outside in their yard. What is cool you won something. Great job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout. Getting ready for a walk outside.

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