Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Got in a long walk today, errands, cleaning and some cooking, but have run out of energy and enthusiasm for baking. I won a Santa mug, edition of The Night Before Christmas (which was written and published near here), and lots of chocolates. Since I don't usually win anything, I was thrilled. Can't imagine how excited I would be if I ever won a large prize...

Deb, glad you were able to get some orders in. Did you get the seafood salad today? This is going to be our quietest Christmas so far, and my dh is struggling with all the kids not being here.

Belinda, good idea on skipping the burpees and modifications. I'm going to wait a bit before trying Cathe's new ones. My sciatica needs to really relax before I can try them. Bet the weather in TX is nice for walking.

Today was a walk outside, it was cold. I was able to get my seafood salad. I panicked the store was pretty crowded but I was lucky. I went to Costco afterwards to get shrimp cocktail, turned around because the parking lot is so big and people were waiting for spots. I was going to go tomorrow morning but DH suggested to go at dinner time. Great idea because there were no lines!

Belinda - Nice work with Boss Bands. It's great you are celebrating the holidays in warm temps:) It may warm up a bit here, right now very cold. It sounds like you picked a good modification.

Cookie - Nice getting in a long walk! I ran out of energy today too. Tomorrow is a new day;) I can see why your DH is struggling when everyone can not be together for the holiday. It's funny how the holidays are fun but a certain amount of sadness too.


Instead of circuit blast today I did Cathe Live Reindeer Games. Thanks Cam for mention it. It was a lot of fun. Cathe must have been so hot under that costume. I liked the latter band workout.

Debbie - it was very nice weather yesterday. Today it‘s raining. I hope it stays warm until we here. Great job on your walk outside. Glad you got your seafood salad. The stores are pretty crowed here too. That‘s a great idea to shop at Costco at dinner time.

Cookie - great job on your long walk. Good idea to give your sciatica enough rest before doing Cathe‘s new workouts.Yesterday was so warm here, not today. It‘s raining like crazy.

Have a great workout and day.

Today was a walk outside & cleanmax. Boy am I tired, one more day to go:)

Belinda - I saw the preview it looks like a really good/fun workout! Nice way to get in the Christmas spirit:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Merry Christmas everyone,

Today I did the Interm. Christmas belly dance and a walk outside. DS, Dil, DD and I went to church today.

Debbie - if you get a chance try the workout. Great job on your walk and clean Max.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!
Belinda & Cookie - Have a great day, enjoy time with your family!

Belinda - I love that you are doing Christmas workouts! I've been cleaning with Christmas music on. In my mind it helps me get it done;)

Merry Christmas,

Today I did XTrain Tabatacise.

Debbie - I love when instructors doing Christmas workouts. We are watching lots of Christmas movies.

Cookie - I hope you doing well.

Have a wonderful time with your family.


Today was a walk outside. It was pretty nice temps for Christmas Day! We went to my Mom's with my older DS & brother. Younger DS was working so next week back at my Mom's.

Belinda - Nice X-train Tabatacise workout! I love watching Christmas movies too:) Are you staying in TX for New Year's?

Cookie - I'm sure you are having fun with family.


I also went for a long walk outside with DD and Cooper. We all went to my son‘s in laws. They have a huge family. We played games, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. We all had a great time. I never heard of those games before. So hilarious. Everyone had to take a covid test before arriving. Glad I went. So much fun.

Debbie - good job on your walk. Glad you had fun with your mom and older DS and brother.

Hi Cookie.

Good night.
'Evening! It ws a weekend of visitors coming and going, but very nice. My son and dil gave us a digital photo frame, which will be terrific for sharing the baby pictures. We're getting very excited. Today was a4 mile walk and a fusion strength wo.

Deb, two Christmases to celebrate, one week apart. Your mother will love it. Glad you were able to get all the food you wanted.

Belinda, what a fun time you had! What were the games? My kids love to play games when they're together.

Today was a walk outside. I had a yearly dermatologist appointment she is so thorough checking for skin cancer.

Belinda - It sounds like you had lots of fun:) Great Lite workout and walk. The rain is coming here so your lucky to be in nice weather.

Cookie - It sounds like you had fun entertaining with family. I bought me DH a digital frame for his birthday in September. I need too put some pictures on it :oops:


Today was a cycle workout on the schedule. I did a dance workout instead. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - great job with your walk outside. I hope your appointment went well yesterday. When are you getting the results. It‘s getting colder here too.

Cookie - what a great gift plus you can share baby pictures with your family. One game called “ left, right. middle. The other she made up, lol. Very fun!

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Today was a walk outside before the rain & zoom yoga.

Belinda - Nice dance workout & walk! Has Sadie been enjoying your visit? The Dr. said everything looks good just watching something on my finger. The games sound like fun.

Cookie - Will you have family coming for New Year's?


P30 Upper Body and Perfect30 Perfect Flow: Mobility Basics is done. I am not sure if I get a walk in today? It’s very cold outside today.

Debbie - glad everting looks good. The games were a lot of fun. Sadie is enjoying being around so many dogs.

Have a great workout and day.
'Evening! Yesterday I was exhausted. Think all the visitors are wearing me out, plus the holidays. Did stretching and had a dr's appt, so that took up a lot of time.

Deb, my dh is having fun playing around and putting more photos on the frame. Perhaps your dh will upload some. Glad your derm appt went well. I need to make one, thanks for the reminder.

Belinda, glad you're having so much fun. I had planned to do the Perfect flow one today, maybe I'll get it in tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. I had a hair color appointment which took along time. It's been raining all day here:(

Belinda - Nice work with the Perfect 30's:) Will you spend New Year's with your DS & DIL.

Cookie - I agree it's been exhausting. I have another round of get together's & hopefully can relax by 1/1/24:)


I did P30 Lower Body and STS 2.0 Mobility 2.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. I hope you had fun getting your hair done DD, Dil and I got our nails done the other day. I hope it stopes raining.

Cookie - it’s exhausting having a lot of visitors. I hope you get a break. Maybe you should start visiting them, lol. You need a break.

Have a great Friday everyone,

Yoga Max is done. I finished Cathe’s 4 week December 2023 rotation. Not sure what I will do next week. Maybe play with her Live workouts until my subscription runs out.

I will be back later.
'Evening! Hard to believe this year is almost over. Honestly, time really does seem to fly. Got in a walk today, and it felt good. Also met a friend for lunch and squeezed in an Essentrics workout.

Deb, your second round of celebrations is this weekend, right? Hope it is all enjoyable and goes smoothly. Was your salon more crowded at this time of year?

Belinda, my dd enjoys getting her nails done. She has the gel ones. How long are you in TX?

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