We got into DC very late last night. We didn’t get to bed until 1 am. We decided to stay at DD’s house. We came home this afternoon. I went for a walk with Sadie. I just finished modified Cardio Slam. I almost skipped it, I am so tired today.
I forgot to mention went for a long walk on Wednesday, I was about to open my son’s gate to walk on the sidewalk. My Dil has a lot of decorations for Halloween on the gate, when I open the gate a scorpion fall from the gate. He was hiding the the spider web my Dil put up. It scared the living day light out of me. I never seen one that big. DS lives in the mountains. It’s also a new development, new houses are going up everywhere. I usually walk on the trail by near his house, lots of people walking daily on the trail.
Debbie - all is well. DH wanted to drive home last night, glad DD talked him out. We didn’t landed until 11 pm. Our suitcases arrived earlier than we did. Somehow they went to NY then to DC, instead from LP to ATL, lol. Great job on your walk and GS’s. We probably will not see DS and Dil for TG. We will be back in EP for Christmas. I hope Mag Pie will get better. She is an old lady. It’s heartbreaking seeing her like this. Poor baby!! Are you excited for the upcoming wedding?
Cookie - thank you. The flight it self isn’t that long, the layover are. You can’t get a direct flight. I hope the vet can help Mag Pie too. It’s sad to see her like this. She still likes her treats, lol. I also miss all my dogs that passed

There isn’t a day I don’t think about them. Love the name Trio for for your uncle, I am sure he does too.
I will be back tomorrow.