Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Got in a walk and some stretches. The weather today was nice - even saw about five people swimming today!

Deb, the wedding is in just over two weeks - so exciting! Your dish sounds really good. It makes me hungry. Not sure why I wear things until they're done. It's a good thing that I had a replacement pair already.

Belinda, safe travels!

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. The weather was nice here too:)

Belinda - I hope all went well with your return home.

Cookie - Good day for a walk. I could have used some stretching today;) Wow, people swimming in October! I guess get it in before the winter. Our newspaper said a snowy winter, hopefully they are wrong. A couple would be nice but that's about it.


Today was a walk outside & STS Total Body. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight:)

Have a great weekend:)

We got into DC very late last night. We didn’t get to bed until 1 am. We decided to stay at DD’s house. We came home this afternoon. I went for a walk with Sadie. I just finished modified Cardio Slam. I almost skipped it, I am so tired today.

I forgot to mention went for a long walk on Wednesday, I was about to open my son’s gate to walk on the sidewalk. My Dil has a lot of decorations for Halloween on the gate, when I open the gate a scorpion fall from the gate. He was hiding the the spider web my Dil put up. It scared the living day light out of me. I never seen one that big. DS lives in the mountains. It’s also a new development, new houses are going up everywhere. I usually walk on the trail by near his house, lots of people walking daily on the trail.

Debbie - all is well. DH wanted to drive home last night, glad DD talked him out. We didn’t landed until 11 pm. Our suitcases arrived earlier than we did. Somehow they went to NY then to DC, instead from LP to ATL, lol. Great job on your walk and GS’s. We probably will not see DS and Dil for TG. We will be back in EP for Christmas. I hope Mag Pie will get better. She is an old lady. It’s heartbreaking seeing her like this. Poor baby!! Are you excited for the upcoming wedding?

Cookie - thank you. The flight it self isn’t that long, the layover are. You can’t get a direct flight. I hope the vet can help Mag Pie too. It’s sad to see her like this. She still likes her treats, lol. I also miss all my dogs that passed :( There isn’t a day I don’t think about them. Love the name Trio for for your uncle, I am sure he does too.

I will be back tomorrow.

I went for a walk outside before the rain. I also did STS 2.0 Trisets.

It’s awful rainy here. Miss the 90’s in TX.

I am not feeling well today. My stomach is upset. I hope I don’t have that stomach bug that is going around.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today was a rest day. It rained all day and it was gloomy.

Belinda - Sorry your trip home was so long:( Good idea to stay at DD's place. That is scary seeing the Scorpion. It's a good thing you didn't think it was part of the decorations:oops: It's good you were able to walk before the rain & nice work with STS 2.0 Trisets. I'm excited about the wedding but nervous too.

Waves hi to Cookie


DH and I met DS in DC for brunch. He arrived on Friday for business and leaves tomorrow already. Dil stayed with Mag Pie. Afterwards I went grocery shopping, I need to clean up my eating. I went for a walk this afternoon, it was very cold outside.

Debbie - it’s all the lay over. I did thought the scorpion was decoration, lol. Glad you excited about the wedding, sorry you nervous. I am sure everything will work out.

Good night.
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in. Had lots of family visiting for a nephew's wedding. It's nice and quiet now, and i'm loving it. The wedding was lovely. Yesterday went to a wake for my friend and today was her funeral. Just finished a late work meeting, and I'm worn out. Last night went to bed at 8!

Deb, it's exciting, and we can't wait to hear about the wedding. I wished there was a book telling me hints of what to do - there isn't much to help the mother of the groom. I'm covering my ears and not listening to you with any of the s--- talk.

Belinda, I would have jumped out of my skin if I were you with the scorpion! Glad your dh agreed to stay over in DC.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe's Legs & Glutes. Wow, my legs were tired.

Belinda - It was warmer here today, so hopefully your walk was better. I feel the same way my eating feels out of control. The minute it gets cold I want chocolate LOL. I will make some healthy hot chocolate;) I rarely do brunch but would love to do it more often.

Cookie - It sounds like the wedding was fun. Did you find something you had in your closet to wear? The one thing that makes me nervous is being able to say hello and socialize with family & guests. I'll be worried to make sure I talk to everyone I need too. Sorry you had to follow the wedding with a funeral:(

'Evening! Got in a lot of steps w/o a workout. Had to take today off to take Tio to a dr's appointment, get my hair done, and then have family dinner. Then dh and I went an "historic haunted seance" tour. A tour guide led us to different locations where a costumed presenter would appear and talk about their live (and death). It was fun and interesting. Now I'm beat.

Deb, I did find something in my closet. One of my ds told me about a boutique near my house and how that's where she found her outfit. Made me realize that's where I'll be going to look for the next three weddings coming up! Hope you're able to relax and enjoy the event, while socializing. The socializing part for me is exhausting.

Belinda, my eating has been out of control also, and I really need to rein it in. Does traveling through you off course? It sure does me.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 Giant sets. I went to Costco today and it was so crowded. I bought Halloween candy, the bag is so big but the same cost as the food store. Even candy has gone up in price.

Belinda - I hope everything is ok.

Cookie - Wow a busy day off;) It's sounds like you did some fun things. The "historic haunted" tour is something my SILs would love! I would be afraid LOL.


Today I did Great Glutes.

So, I saw my Rheumatologist yesterday. I been flaring in my left ear for a few weeks. My ear was red when I saw him yesterday. He wants me to try a new injections which has to get approved first. It can take a few weeks for the approval just like it did with MTX. In the meanwhile, I continue to take prednisone to keep things from getting out of control with RP. I been on prednisone since the beginning of this year. I am feeling the affect of the side effect. He wants me to taper down to 5 mg until I get the Actemira injections. I have GI problems with oral medications. Oral medications tearing up my stomach. I can take injections only, but they cost $$$$. My stomach can’t handle those serious meds, I have to take injections. If I don’t take those medications my ear will get deformed, I would get a saddle nose. There is no cure, it’s a progressive disease. I hope one off those day’s the researchers find a cure for RP. I want to bring awareness to this disease and maybe help someone else. For many years I was told I had ear infections. They were not ear infections. I had RPC for many ears, I had no clue nor did the ENT’s I saw over the years. I been experiencing a lot of ankle pain lately. My Rheumatologist took an ultrasound of my ankle, I have fluids in my ankles. No wonder I am constantly hurting :( I really need a break.

Debbie - great job on your workout yesterday. I went to Costco today. It was crowed here too. I hear you on candy getting expensive. I spent over $300 at Costco today. I hardly bought anything. Dh and I were like that must be a mistake. Everything is so expensive these day‘s.

Cookie - yes, I am always off when I traveling. The"historic haunted seance" tour sounds interesting. We have hunted tours in town too.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & core work. Just been trying to get some last minute things done for the wedding.

Belinda - So sorry you are going through so much. Hopefully they do find a cure for RP. I don't really understand or know enough about it. You do handle it well and are a good patient. I'm sure at times it must be frustrating and painful. It bugs me that important meds that people need are so expensive:( :mad:

Waves hi to Cookie


Today I did a live Belly Dance and X Train Bic and Tri.

Debbie - thank you for your kind words. There aren‘t enough with this rare no cure disease. Isn‘t it crazy people need this meds and they cost so my $$$$. Hopefully you get this last minute things done for the wedding.

Hi Cookie!!

Have a great day.
Quick update: my new medicine got approved. That was quick! I didn‘t expect it for a few weeks. My pharmacy will probably have ready for pick up by Monday. Fingers crossed! The nurse from Rheumatology has to give me a class on Monday before I can use the meds.
Sorry, didn't hit send on yesterday's post. Got in a long walk yesterday. Got in a shorter one today - about 3 miles. The weather was beautiful.

Deb, doing last minute things always take me a while! Hope you get a relax a bit before the big day so you can be sure to enjoy it.

Belinda, I second Deb's comments. She said it much better than I ever could. You're fortunate to have good insurance.

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. My DH is texting the kids a countdown, they don't mind but it would stress me out LOL.

Belinda - Great news that your meds were approved!! I'm sure Monday can't come soon enough. Great work with Belly Dancing & X-train bi's & tri's.

Cookie - It really has been great walking weather. We are getting rain again tomorrow it's like the 7th weekend in a row. Fingers crossed for no rain next Friday.


Sad day today. My son and DIL have to put Mag Pie to sleep today :( My heart is broken :( I will miss Mag Pie.

Instead of Tabatazied I went for a walk. I just couldn‘t get myself to do something after finding out about Mag Pie :(

Debbie - thank you! I hope it will be in by Monday. Great job on your walk and legs at the gym.

Cookie - great job on your walks. It‘s nice outside. Thank you.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, the sun came out after the rain. I also did STS 2.0 Upper 1. We are going to dinner tonight.

Belinda - I'm so sorry to hear about Mag Pie. It's nice you were able to see her before she passed. A walk sounded like a good idea.

Cookie - I was telling DH all the weddings you have coming up:)

'Evening! No walk but Essentrics. One of my sisters who lives in FL came up for a super quick visit. Came in last evening and leaves tomorrow morning. Glad I got to see her this evening.

Deb, the countdown would make me anxious also. You and your son will have anniversaries close together! Rainy here so not good for pleasant for walking.

Belinda, sorry to hear about Mag Pie but glad you got to see her last week. That's terrific that your meds have already been approved.

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