Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was walk outside & Gym Style Legs. I had my hair colored not sure if I like it. I will wash and see.

Belinda - It is hot in the Northeast but that will change soon. Nice long walk for you:)

Cookie - Happy to hear you weren't near the bus crash and had a nice time in Venice. Did they have to put the risers out when you were there? They didn't when we were there.

'Evening! Guess our lovely weather is about to change. It's been cloudy most of the day and tomorrow rain is expected. Took advantage of the weather and got in another walk and did some Essentrics exercises. I'm waking up with severe cramps in both legs lately.

Deb, did you change your stylist? I'm afraid to change partly because of that! They didn't have the risers out when we were in Venice either. While I loved it, life in Burano seems more my style.

Belinda, how can you walk in Texas heat! You are tough!

We went on a long walk today. Afterwards we went to the outlets.

Debbie - it is still nice here too. In the afternoon it’s too hot to go outside. Evenings are very nice. Told my son if its not to late tonight I would like to sit outside. We are going out to dinner with my daughter in laws parents to a famous steak house. I am sure once you wash your hair you like your new color.

Cookie - yes, my DS and DIL have a great set up. Although DIL uses the gym, lol. We are having lots of fun. It’s dry heat, no humidity. I have to be carful to make sure I drink lots of water. Later in the afternoon it gets really hot. We walk early in the morning. Good job getting in your walks. I am not looking forward to cloudy/rainy weather.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today we decided to go take a day trip to the Catskill Mountains. DH & I hiked a few trails to see waterfalls. We met DS & future DIL for dinner (they came after work) & staying till Sunday. We are too old to walk trails in the rain so we only did a day trip;)

I didn't wash my hair but will do so tomorrow. I think the kids were in shock because it was blond/brown and it is now grey. I get it when woman decide to stay grey and not dye it, but I only had some grey and don't want to pay to have all grey. Will keep you posted to see how it goes.

Belinda - Enjoy the nice weather and good you get out early. Have fun at the Steakhouse for dinner:) How much longer will you stay?

Cookie - Good getting your walk in before the rain. I didn't see Burano but the tour guide told us how they are known for their lace work. I have been going to this stylist for almost a year. I asked for some darker low lights. Since it's DS's wedding I may go back to my old salon and get a color corrector if it doesn't wash well.

Got in a Body Blast workout - forgot how much I love that series! It was the wt one, which I modified. Had a niece-to-be bridal shower and not getting ready to go to an afternoon hockey game. It's a light rain, so I might be able to get some steps in between periods.

Deb, hope you get can your hair to how you want it to be. The wedding must be soon. Sounds like a very nice day in the Catskills, and then dinner with your ds and future dil!

Belinda, how was the dinner? Were you able to sit outside? Not having humidity must be very nice. People are always surprised how much humidity affects how we feel.

Today we hiked at Hueco Tanks State Park & Historic Site. Next time we come, we will take a tour. My son, DIL, DH and Sadie hiked up one of the mountain. It was very steep, I passed. Glad I did, they all admitted how steep it was for them. I tried going up, as soon as I did my right knee started to hurt. The rest was flat hiking, very beautiful hike. They made us watch a 11 min video on what not to do and what to do. There is a lot of historic stuff they don’t want you to touch. The trail was easy to hike besides going up the mountain. I bought a carrier for Sadie , like I mention I was afraid of snakes and what else is in the desert. Sadie goes were we go. The weather was perfect for hiking. We hiked for almost 3 hours, we only saw one mountain. There are 3 total. Like I said, next time we will take a tour. So much history. We lived in EP for 5 years and never visit the Hueco Tanks State Park. Absolutely beautiful. Afterwards we grabbed lunch.

I also did my final workout D30 Arms, ABS and core. Not sure what I will do next week?

Debbie - I also hope you get the color you want. I hope you had fun at Catskills and dinner with your son and soon to be DIL.

Cookie - we ate at the Cattleman's Steakhouse at Indian Cliffs Ranch, inside. It wasn’t crowed at all. They had the AC on high, i was actually cold. Yes, humidity can affect people. Great job on Body Blast. Have fun at the game.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside during a brief peek of the sun. I rewashed & styled my hair it’s looks so much better. I didn’t want to get additional color because it dries my hair too much.

Belinda - The state park sounds beautiful. It’s great you did it with your family. Better to stay back to protect your knees. I’m sure you were able to still see so much. Sadie must love the outing too.

Cookie - I’m always amazed how full your days are. A shower & hockey game! I remember loving the Body Blast series:). I liked the mix of workouts.

Got a walk in this morning and then we went to see the play Company. It was really good. Stephen Sondheim was such a great writer! Got a call yesterday from a friend, but didn't answer right away b/c I was at the hockey game. Called after during car ride home, and she told me my neighbor died. Was a huge shock.

Deb, glad you're happier with your hair. I have to remember to buy more deep conditioning masks - thanks! I think Butts and Guts was my fav from that series, but haven't done that in forever.

Belinda, glad you're enjoying your time in EP, and very proud of you for NOT doing the steep portion! There used to be a Cattleman's bar and restaurant in Manhattan, wonder if it is a related business. They had terrific food.

Today I took a rest day. My son’s dog Mag Pie is almost 16 years old. My son and I got Mag Pie from the shelter. Mag Pie isn’t doing well today. Reminds me of Brawler and Chu Chu :( So sad to see them like this. She can’t hardly walk. All we can do to make her comfortable. It’s hard breaking to see her like that.

Debbie - glad you like your hair. Great job on your walk. They all had trouble hiking that mountain. I walked on the trail with Saide in the carrier. Sadie loves going places. She is a world traveler.

Cookie - they are not related. There is only one Cattleman's Steakhouse which is in El Paso. Very expensive, IMO. Very good steaks.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I haven't seen the golden retriever most of the summer. Today when I was walking, I saw her at the side window. The next thing I know she is barking but don't think the owners knew she wanted to go out. I thought that was cute.

Belinda - Sorry your son's dog isn't doing well:( It's nice you and DH could be there to help comfort Mag Pie.

Cookie - I looked up the play it sounds like a good one. Sorry to hear about your neighbor:(


I did STS 2.0 SuperSets TB. I decided to follow Cathe’s October rotation. See how it goes.

Debbie - Thank you.Mag Pie isn’t doing well. I am glad to be here with her and my son. I got Mag Pie for my son when we lived in Germany. Glad you got to see the Golden Retriever. My son has 3 dogs, one is a Golden. Luckily, they all get along with Sadie. Great job on your walk.

Cookie - I hope you had a great weekend.

I just ordered Cathe’s 4 new presale. I ordered dvd’s and downloads. I was hoping I could pick something else up on the daily deal. Cathe’s presale pice is going up tomorrow. In case someone wants to order. I really like the downloads when I am on vacations. Very convenient!!
'Evening, Essentrics and a walk today. It was a damp, dreary day here.

Deb, I bet the golden misses you! We saw a man training two in the park as we went by. He told one of them to go to us and come right back. Sure enough, that's just what the dog did. Wish my current cadre of dogs were so well trained!

Belinda, glad you're there for Mag Pie. It is so sad. I use her streaming service, so I won't need the dvds or downloads.

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Shoulders, back & bi's. I started cleaning up in the backyard since it was a nice day.

Belinda - It's nice that Cathe still does the rotation. Thank you for the heads up on the pre-sale, I would have forgotten:) Your son must have his hands full with 3 dogs. It's great they all get along with Sadie.

Cookie - Nice work with Essentrics & walk. I remember someone telling me my dog was well trained because I called her and she came. I just think she thought I was going to feed her :p


I walked over 3 miles this morning and did XTrain Hard Strike. I can’t remember the last time I did Hard Strike, so much fun. The music was great.

Debbie - great job on Gym Style Shoulders, back & bi's. It’s very nice Cathe still does rotations. The Oct one looks great. That is funny someone telling you your dog was well trained, lol. You are very welcome on the heads up. Yes, DS has his hands full with 3 dogs. DIL and DS loves dogs.

Cookie - Nice work with Essentrics & walk. I am glad to be here for Mag Pie too :( It’s very sad to see her like this. It breaks my heart. I forgot you use the streaming service. Did you sign up for a year or monthly? Maybe I need to look into it? You get both the live and OnDemand.

Have a great day, everyone.
'Evening, some Essentrics, a shoulder workout and walk today. Had dinner with my tio and one of my sisters. I've missed our Tuesday dinners the past few weeks.

Deb, It's been so damp here, that it feels cold. Are most of the leaves down in your yard? My dogs always come for food!

Belinda, how's Mag Pie today? I have the yearly subscription. To be honest, it just easier for me and less things to have around. I like that I can be anywhere and be able to access the workouts, plus the premixes. I also stream Essentrics and Jessica Smith. Whenever I do retire, I may re-evaluate the situation.

Today was a walk outside. I also ran a bunch of errands. I needed to go to 3 food stores to get all the items I needed. Luckily not far away.

Belinda - Nice long walk! The X-train series was a good one.

Cookie - Busy day for you workouts, walk & dinner. Tio is a nice name. Our leaves are falling, lots still on the trees and just starting to change colors.


Today I walked over 3 miles and did STS 2.0 Giant Sets TB. STS 2.0 is scheduled for tomorrow, I did it today. I am flying home tomorrow.

Debbie - I love X-Train series. Don’t you hate it when you have to go to 3 food stores to get every ing you need. Glad it wasn’t to far away. Great job on your walk.

Cookie - Mag Pie is not doing better or doing any worth. She has another vet appointment soon.Thanks for asking. I love the idea of subscribing, my internet isn’t always the best. I still love my dvd’s. If you subscribe to a few, it adds up.

I will be back on Friday.
'Evening! Another walking day! Had to throw the sneakers out when I got home - there was a hole right thru them! Good thing I have the new ones ready to go.

Deb, what are you making with the food? When is the wedding? I have one of my nephew's weddings this weekend and still haven't figured out what to wear! Tio means uncle in Spanish, but I always just call him Tio or El Guapo - the handsome one. He loves that. He's 92, so I try to see him as often as possible.

Belinda, safe travels! Hope the vet can help Mag Pie. It is so hard. I still miss my dogs that have passed. Luckily, where we live now, we have pretty good internet, so that makes streaming a good option for me.

Today was a walk outside & core work. I had my hair trimmed today. The hairdresser curled it to give me some ideas for the wedding. She will not be able to do it since the wedding is on a Friday. I invited her because she is a friend of the family. My future DIL made appointments for hair and make-up for the bridal party and her Mom. I'm still undecided because they are going so early.

Belinda - Good you were able to get your workouts in. I hope Mag Pie feels better. You had a nice long visit with your DS & DIL. Will you see them for Thanksgiving? Have a safe trip home:)

Cookie - The wedding is Friday, 10/27 getting closer. You must have put a lot of mileage on your sneakers but that's a good thing. I made chicken thighs, onions, garlic, cherry tomatoes, artichokes and olives roasted in a large pan in the oven. I put it over pasta it comes out really good. Your Uncle must love the names you have for him.


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