Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


We are in Florence the last couple of days. Just too crowded but the food is so good. We are winding down to the last couple of days. I bought an esim card and it messed up my phone. Will have to go to Apple store when I return.

Belinda - Wow, that sounds like an amazing RV. A house on wheels! I’m sure you will make many memories with it:)

Cookie - Yes Assisi is where St. Francis is. Hope all is well.


We are home. We decided not to stay another day at the show, today was the last day.

Debbie - I am so happy you having lots of fun in Italy. Sorry the card messed up your phone. We pay for international calls everything we are in Europa which is only $10? I turn it off when I return to the US. Yes, it‘s a house on wheels. We also have a washer and dryer. 1.5 bathrooms. Outdoor TV and shower. Lots of space. The inside of the coach is all white. Very modern. We love it. We bought a 2024 Tiffin Alegro Open Road 38 US. We already making plans on where to go first. We will pick up the RV at Alboney NY

Today I did Iron D15 Shoulders.

Good night.
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'Evening! Sorry it has been a lot of family events and visitors the past few days. Not much exercise though.

Deb, your trip sounds fabulous! This year we're only going to Venice. Next fall we're going on a Northern Mediterranean trip which will include Sicily, Rome, Pompeii, Florence, Pisa and Venice again. Can't recall what else.

Belinda, how exciting! Your RV sounds nicer than many houses! What do you think will be your first trip?

We are home I did Caroline D15 Shoulders. Today I walked outside and did D16 Legs.

DH and I been talking about RV‘s for the last 2 years or so. We knew before we went to the show which RV‘s we wanted to check out. Hershey RV show is to big to see everything in one day. We actually almost bought a Newmar RV, it was on the higher end of what we wanted to spent. It only came with one bathroom. We knew we wanted at least 1.5. We looked at Tiffins first, fell in love with the white modern cabinets look. Still on the pricier side we wanted to spend. We talked the dealer down on the price and we got exactly what we wanted.
We wanted Wifii booster. Solar panels and so much more. We wanted Theater seats instead of a couch. Tiffin doesn‘t came with theater seats, the dealer which is upstate NY said he will make it happed. The passender seat does fully recline, lol We got everything changed out that I knew I didn‘t wanted in an RV like a oven (they too small to cook, we get more cabinets instead We also have a king size bed. Most RV’s come in a queens size. I need room, lol. Washer and dryer was a must for us. I remember what pain it was doing laundry at the camp grounds. Not only we got what we wanted, we also payed less than the already discount price at the show. We had an RV for 15 years. It just makes traveling so much easier plus you get to see more. We bought a 2024 Tiffin Open Road 38 US. It‘s huge! We gonna hit the road as soon as we pick up the RV. The dealer will set us up for a few nights in our RV so we can try things out plus they will spent a 4 hours or more to teach you how to use the RV. This way you know everything that you need to know. Oh, the RV comes with a doggie window, lol. So cute!! If any one of you is in the market to buy an RV or trailer. I would highly recommend going to one of the shows. Sorry for rambling. I am super excited!

Debbie - enjoy your time in Italy!

Cookie - lol, they are very nice. DH is already mapping out our next trip. Maybe Canada?

'Evening! got in some stretching today. One of my main work projects has suddenly really picked up pace and momentum and I'm struggling to get things done before we leave tomorrow.

Deb, it would be so much easier if there were universal cards. My dh iphone has a built-in SIM card so he doesn't have a problem. Enjoy your time and trip.

Belinda, that RV is amazing! It's so much better than a tiny house would be! A washer and dryer?!! That's really something.

Zoom Belly dancing and Iron D17 UB is done. I also walked outside. Weather is nice today.

Debbie - have lots of fun. Can‘t wait to hear more about your vacation. We are planning a family vacation to Hawaii Jan or Feb. I hope we get everyone’s schedule straighten out. DH and I will fly to TX next week to see our son.

Cookie - thank you! RV ing isn‘t for everyone. We always enjoyed it. It will get us out of the house more. I think it‘s better than a tiny house. It‘s a house on wheels. LOL, it comes with a full size washer and dryer. That was a must. It‘s a little luxury away from home. We are excited. Dh wants to take off as soon as we pick it up.

Have a great day and workout.

We are in Venice, we leave tomorrow morning. We were in Venice a day and a half. One of my favorite cities. Lots of people. I’m losing my voice so hopefully not coming down with something. It seems like a lot of people in our tour were getting sick. I’m ready to come home.

Belinda - Your RV sounds beautiful! You may want to live there year round. A couple we met were telling us how much they love traveling with their RV.

Cookie - I’m probably missing you by days:(. I’ll have to see how you like it. DH wants to come back & go to Sicily too.

Essentrics and that's all I could squeeze in. Leaving tomorrow, and I'm looing forward to it.

Deb, we'll be there next week, so we are missing each other by days. My son and his wife went to Sicily and loved it. Hope you feel better soon.

Belinda, one of my sisters lives in one for about half a year, and loves it. Hawaii is beautiful, and how lovely to go with your family. Will you have the rv in time to travel to visit your son?

Walk outside and Iron D18 LB is done.

Who is preodering Cathe‘s new workouts?

Debbie - I hope you don’t came down with anything. Fell better and enjoy your vacation,

Cookie - that is awesome your sister lives in an RV halve a year. We shall see what we end up doing once we pick up the RV. Hawaii was my kids idea. Safe travels tomorrow. Enjoy your vacation.

Great job everyone.

Even though it was a travel day lots of steps today at the airports. We flew from Venice to Montreal, Canada to Newark. I must say going through customs wasn't bad. Wonderful vacation but happy to be home:)

Belinda - I'm sure it's been really nice walking weather! I'm sure you will love your RV, it's great that they teach you everything about the RV:) I'm sure Sadie will enjoy it and the doggie window. You have lots of good things going on.

Cookie - Oddly enough I didn't realize you could only get to Venice by boat or train. It is an interesting city. Have fun!


Zoom dance this morning. I probably will try to do Iron’s workout for Friday (today is a rest day). I have a doc appointment tomorrow. In the evening we are going to visit our neighbors.

Debbie - glad you home safe. I always get tons of steps in at the airport. Glad everything went smoothly going through customs. You can have the RV delivered if you want to. We chose to pick it up and get familiar since it’s hight tech compared to our old one. Plus, if anything is not working they can fix it on spot. I hope Sadie likes the doggie window, lol. She usually sits on my lap.

Hi Cookie!

I need to move. BBL!

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It is nice to come home to cooler temperatures.

Belinda - Great job with zoom dancing:). Good luck with your Dr.’s appointment. I have a dermatologist appointment tomorrow too.

Cookie - We missed family friends in Venice by one day. So crowded not sure if I would recognize anyone.


I had a Womans health appointment today which too longer than I expected. I did not had one in over 4 years. Do you guys get a Pap smear every year? I used to get one yearly.If you 60, you only get a Pap smear every 5 years if your last one was normal. The doc did the test since cancer runs in my family. I don’t want to find out in 5 years I have a mass. She did take her time and answered all my concerns/question.

Debbie - good job with your walk. It’s getting cooler here. Good luck with your dermatologist appointment today. I see the dermatologist on Monday. I like going places but I am always feels good to be home again.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & a short leg workout. I'm still having jet lag so tired. My appointment went well but a really long wait.

Belinda - I was told the same thing every 5 years for a pap smear. I'm not too happy about that. I would think if cancer runs in the family it may not apply to you.

Waves hi to Cookie

Have a great weekend:)

Iron Day 19 FB today. We had a lot of fun with your neighbors Last night.

Debbie - I am not happy about the pap mear either. It’s a smaller % to get it, you still can get it. I can’t rap my head around it. What was the chance I get a rare, no cure, progressive autoimmune disease? Never in a million years I thought I would get anything like that. Put I did. You get a pep smear all your live than they stop. Makes no sense. I pay out of pocket if I have too. Great job on your walk and leg workouts.

Waves hi to Cookie.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. I feel like I am sleeping a lot but catching up. It was rainy from a tropical storm this weekend.

Belinda - Nice Iron workout! Great you had fun with your neighbors. People are living longer so why would you stop tests when people are in their 50's & 60's.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was Iron Bi/Tri + core and an indoor walk.

Debbie - it will take a few day’s catching up on sleep. It’s raining here too.I can’t rap my head around the tests when we get older. Before, it was yearly. People are dying from ovarian cancer. I guess it doesn’t matter at that age of 50 or older. Did you pre order Cathy’s new workouts yet?

Hi Cookie


Today was a walk outside between rain storms. I went to the Farmer's Market a few towns away but it was closed.

Belinda - Nice job with bi/tri/core workout & walk:) I didn't get a chance to really look at the new DVDs. I think I will pre-order.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today I did Iron D21 LB. I went to see the dermatologist today. I had a full body check up. I noticed some red spots on my arms. I was told they from old age :( Getting older is sucks.

Debbie - nice job with your walk outside. You brave walking in the rain It rained nonstop yesterday. I am sorry your farmers market was closed. I probably will order too.

Cookie - I hope you doing well.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside when it wasn't raining. It did seem to rain all day though. I can't wait to see the sun:)

Belinda - Nice work with Iron lower body. I had some spots taken off my face but have to go back for a full body check-up. I agree getting older sucks:)


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