Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Zoom Belly Dance and Iron D2 UB is done.

Debbie - it is a lot of fun belly dancing. Glad both shower were nice and your new further DILs friends and family were all nice to you and your mom.Great job on your walk and Be Back.

Cookie - it’s nice if you have family/friends came over, it’s also nice when you have your house to yourself again. Relax and enjoy the quiet. Absolutely I feel my abs after a belly dance class. I really enjoy belly dancing. Each class is diffrent.

Have a great workout and day.
Got in a long walk but came home looking like a beet - it was hot and my face got red!

Deb, glad your future dil's shower was so nice. And folks should be nice to you - you're kind and caring. They say if you want something done give it to a busy person, the matron of honor sure fits that description. And yes, I am enjoying just one guest!!!

Belinda, how are your knees? Are you back home?

Today was a walk outside & Body parts Chest. I had my yearly physical and it went well. My Dr. is younger but very caring. I did my blood work ahead of time (her suggestion) so we could discuss it. It worked out really good.

Belinda - Busy workout day for you:) How is the music for the Zoom belly dancing classes? My zoom instructor doesn't play any but we can link to her playlist on Spotify. I don't have it, so I don't use music.

Cookie - It's funny because my walk started out ok, but quickly became very humid. I hope it didn't take too long for you too cool off.

Good morning,

I have an very early Orthopedics appt. this morning. I woke up around 2 am couldn’t sleep, I got up did Iron D3 Legs.

Debbie - good job on your walk outside and BP Chest. The humidity is very high here, no walks for me. Glad your appt. went well yesterday. Good idea getting your blood test done before. The music she plays in belly dancing is Middle Eastern music or Modern Egyptian classical music. We dance to the beat of the music.

Cookie - I have an appointment for my knees today. I am back home since Sunday afternoon. Be careful with the heat outside. I am not walking in that heat.

I will be back later.
'evening! Today ended being a rest day, but honestly didn't have time for the wt workout I had planned. Long work day. Our neighbor's b'day is today, so we took her and a friend out to dinner to celebrate. Been doing too much eating lately!

Deb, very glad your physical went well. Good idea getting your blood work done prioir. I get so pleased w/a good dr's report - guess that shows my age!

Belinda, do you use those hand bells when dancing? I was trying to remember what they are called but couldn't. One of my neighbors was saying she wanted to take belly dancing lessons. She has a bad back and is in her 80s, so I don't think it's going to happen. Hope your appointment went well.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I keep having weird dreams about Gremlins LOL. I had watched the movie about a month ago, but strange dreams are happening now.

Belinda - 2am is real early. Kudos on getting your workout in. Did you go back to bed after your workout? I hope your knee appointment went well.

Cookie - It does seem like there are lots of birthdays & celebrations during the summer months. My zoom instructor was house/dog sitting in an 48 story building, she was on the 18th floor. She panned around and showed me the view, it was beautiful.


Yesterday I saw my Orthopedics . We talked for a long time. He kinda left it up to me if I wanted surgery based on the swelling/pain in my knees and how much I can handle pain wise. He is very worried about my RP and what it could do after surgery. I am prone to infections and flair ups. After my sinus surgery in Feb, I had a hard time controlling my RP. Both knees are in pain now. He also thinks the pain may come from arthritis and RPC. I had both knees x-ray today. I know that RP can cause stiffness/swelling/pain in the knees. I have a feeling RP is causing it. He wants me to take another inflammation medicine. I already take a lot of inflammation meds. My Rheum will see the report from the orthopedics. He said, if I want I can try another gel shot which I got in both knees today. I hope it will help my knees. I am afraid getting surgery. I am afraid what it will do to RP? I need to get off the prednisone. He also gave me a home Therapy exercises I can do at home instead going to PT. I still have the option to go to PT if I want to. I lost a lot of muscle mass in my right quads. He wants me to strengthen it by doing those exercises. These are exercises you do before a hip and knee replacement.

Today was zoom Belly Dance and a walk.

Debbie - no, I stayed up after my workout. I left the house before 6 am. There was no time to go back to sleep. Sorry about your dreams. I hope they go way soon. Great job on your walk and zoom yoga.

Cookie - I hope you had fun with your friend yesterday. You are a good friend. I never heard of hand bells? We only wear a hip scarf ( and clothes lol) My belly instructor would say “ you are never to old, lol“.

Good night.
'Evening! Had a very long work day and just got home a bit ago. Didn't have time to get a workout in.

Deb, how strange that now you're getting the dreams. Your yoga instructor sounds terrific.

Belinda, hope you relaxed and recovered. Found out I have cataracts, and the dr said it could be related to long-time predisone use.

Today was a walk outside (not humid today) & Body Parts Back. I went to get my hair done today. I also ran a bunch of errands.

Belinda - It is a lot of decisions to make about your knee. Is it possible if the gel shots work to continue with them? I'm guessing you may be limited to how many you can have. It's good that he gave you some exercises to build up strength in your quad. It's nice that your belly dancing brightens your day:)

Cookie - Hopefully today was your last long day before the holiday. You must sleep well on long days. It seemed like lots of people were traveling today.


Today was a walk outside & Body Part Biceps. We were up in the air as to celebrate my birthday in Italy or home but we decided to go to dinner tonight.

I'm not sure if you know this but, how is important is it that I have Euro's? Most everything is paid for even some tips.

Have a great weekend:)


Walk outside and OnDemand Belly dancing. I just love it.

Debbie - I hope you had a wonderful and fulfilled day yesterday.

Hi Cookie!


Today was a walk outside. Dinner was nice and had a good night sleep. I feel like I have so much to do before the trip.

Belinda - Nice getting your walk in and belly dancing class. Are their a lot of students in each class?

Cookie - I hope your enjoying the last days of summer :cool:


Iron D5 Biceps, Triceps and abs is done.

Debbie - great job on your walk. Glad you had a nice dinner and got some sleep. When are you plan on leaving for your trip? DH and I plan on visiting our son in TX. We plan on going to an RV show in a few weeks. Who knows? Sometimes she had a lot of students and sometimes she doesn‘t. Some students don‘t mind being on camera, some do. She has them on the side, not sure how many there are, lol

Hi Cookie!

I am done for today. Enjoy your Sunday.

Today was a walk outside. We also had dinner with my ds's for my birthday.

Belinda - Nice work with Bi's, tri's & abs:) It must be tempting to go to the RV show, they are so beautiful. When we are traveling, I see (not sure how much) rental RVs. We are taking the red-eye on Tuesday. I have never taken a red eye. Should be interesting. My zoom yoga instructor doesn't have a lot of people on the day I take it, much more during Covid.

Waves hi to Cookie


IRON Series 30 Min Quad Workout - Dumbbell Leg Day | 6 + 30 min Barre is done.

Debbie - nice work with your outside walk. Happy birthday to your DS. It‘s very tempting to go an RV. They gotten so expensive over the years. I think a lot of people are hiding during the dance class, lol.

Hi Cookie!

Have a wonderful day.

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. I put STS 2 on hold till I get back from vacation. I have never flown somewhere with a 6 hour time difference. I hope I don't get jet lag, not sure what to expect.

Belinda - Lots of leg workouts for you today, they are probably toasty:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Debbie - safe travels! Enjoy your vacation. You probably will get jet lag. It usually takes 3 day‘s to get used to the time change. Red eye is good. You will fly during the night. It should be quiet on the fight. Great job on your walk and leg at the gym.
Sorry for being mia - have had a lot of visitors! Down to only one.

Deb, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. Hope you have a fantastic time on your trip, and we look forward to hearing about it. What did you decide to do about taking Euros?

Belinda, you are such a trooper with your workouts and your health! When are you going to Texas?

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