Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & upper body 1. It was nice to sit outside last night so many pretty flowers and a trellis with a grape vine.

Belinda - Nice walk & Body part legs workout. I remember at the RT's during the zumba classes some of the girls would wear hip scarves.

Cookie - Nice getting your workout in. A sangria party sounds like fun. My SILs love sangria. 1.5 hours isn't too bad, if we get the express train it is 1 hour for us. If you don't mind me asking which town is your DS looking at?


Today was a walk outside. We went to celebrate my brother's birthday. The good thing is not too much traffic.

Good morning,

Yesterday I did Body Parts Shoulder.

Debbie - nicely done on your walks and UB. I do remember the RT Zumba classes. That was a fun time. Happy birthday to your brother.

Cookie - sorry your back is still bordering you. Sangria party sounds like fun. I hear you on the car ride. Did your DS buy the property?

'Evening! Sorry, for not checking in yesterday. Before leaving in yesterday morning received a call that a colleague wasn't able to do her training this morning, so after we got home I had to develop a workshop for today and that made for a long night. Took a rest day today.

Deb, I've always wanted a trellis. Love the look. DS is looking in Montvale. Boy, is it expensive! DH's sangria is not as sweet as we usually get here, and it is a big hit with visitors. How's your dh's back?

Belinda, he didn't buy it yet. His wife clearly wants it, but the backyard space would be rather small for all she wants to put there. Any news on Sadie?

Today was a walk outside & foam roller workout. It felt good after having a bad night's sleep.

Belinda - Nice work with your walks, yoga & shoulder. How is your knee feeling? My BIL just had knee replacement surgery on Friday. They said it was one of the worse cases they have seen. They gave him this ice machine type of equipment to use to bring down the swelling. He's hoping in a couple of weeks to see improvement from swelling.

Cookie - Sorry you had to do the last minute workshop planning:( At least it done know. Montvale is about 45 minutes away from me. Geez the whole state of NJ is getting so expensive and they keep building more housing:( The traffic will be crazy.


Today I did Week 12 STS 2 Body Parts Back. It’s my last week of STS. I also did yoga. Sadie had a groomer appoitment this morning which took forever. We switched groomer. Although I like the old groomer, she didn’t know how to do yorkie’s. The new groomer is more expensive. Sadie looks like a yorkie especially in her face.

Debbie - nice walk and foam roller workout. I hope you had a good night sleep. My right knee feels a little better except the baker’s cyst is bordering me a lot.I am thinking buying that ice machine.

Cookie - aww…sorry about the last minute workout shop planning. Glad it’s done. LOL, the wife usually wins. The biopsy the vet took from Sadie was sent into UPenn. It came back a few days ago. My vet didn’t provide UPenn with enough samples. They don’t think she has cancer, they threating Sadie with anti inflammatory meds for 10 day’s to see if the cyst goes down. If the cyst isn’t going down, she will cute it out and sent it again to UPenn. I pray it’s not cancer.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! No workout today - honestly just didn't have time. Work seems to have gone crazy! Did keep my weekly dinner w/Tio though!

Deb, did the foam roller workout also help you to sleep better? Hope so. You are so consistent with your walks and workouts. Very impressive! Are you further north than Montvale? My ds works in midtown and I think the commute will be crazy, but his wife doesn't think so.

Belinda, ahh I bet Sadie looks adorable after the groomers. Love my dil but yes, she usually does get what she wants. It's so impressive how consistent you and Debbie are with your workouts. Hoping to get a walk in tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. I went with DS’s fiancé for her 1st fitting. Her dress is beautiful. I loved the lace on the dress and the small buttons that ran the length of the gown.

Belinda - Wow on being at the 12th week for STS 2. I love the Yorkie hairstyle, I bet it’s hard to do but worth it:). Is it possible to get the ice machine from insurance?

Cookie - You do a great job getting your workouts in, especially since you are very busy. The foam roller does help with sleep. We live further West of where your son is looking. I think that commute would be rough. One of DH’s biggest customers was in that area.


Walk outside and Body Parts Chest is done. I will get a stretch in later.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. Glad you like your DS’s fiancé dress. Sounds lovely. I can’t believe I am almost done with STS2. I love Yorkie hairstyles too if the groomer knows what she is doing. I have to check out insurance for the ice Maschine.

Cookie - Sadie looks adorable with her new hair cut. The groomer wants to grow her hair out. She is a Yorkie She should look like one. I hope you get your walk in today. It’s nice outside.

Have a great workout and day.
'Evening! Managed to meet a friend and get a relatively easy walk in. There was a brief period of time after a down pour before a sprinkling came in that we got out. Had an all morning presentation before that, and I must have been tired. After the walk I took a two-hour nap!!!

Deb, the dress sounds lovely! How nice that you got to go and see it also. Been thinking about your yoga instructor. Any news on how she's doing? That area he's looking in is very nice, but, boy, the prices and then the commute! While his wife says it isn't bad, I think the cumulative time would be wearing.

Belinda, that Sadie must be adorable with her haircut! They are a cute breed. Great job working through sts 2!

Belly dance and yoga is done.I am getting ready for a walk.

Debbie - enjoy your workout today.

Cookie - sounds like you needed that nap. It’s so hot here.

2 posts forgot to hit send :oops:

Yesterday was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I spoke with the yoga instructor and she is not in Maui but Oahu. She said it is really bad. We were in the town of Lahaina, it was an historic town (so cute). Many of the homes and resorts were very small and hardly any big hotels. It's sad because many locals lived there and most resorts are on other parts of the island.

Today was a walk & STS 2 lower body 2.

Belinda - Are each of the Belly Dance classes different? It's been so humid here for walks:( Is the baker's cyst something they can remove?

Cookie - A 2 hour nap sounds awesome, I bet your body is still recovering from Covid. DH's back is getting improving but has been using the heating pad & alleve.


I walked outside and did Body Parts Biceps today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom yoga. And STS LB. Yes, each Belly Dance classes are different. I am taking the beginner classes. I also signed up to take the beginner classes OnDemand. What I love about her classes, she breaks down the moves. She layers the moves. You move the entire time. She only takes a min break to talk to us live customers. I am learning a lot. My abs gets worked out. She also makes sure you do the moves and your form is correctly.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 upper body 2. We are going to try a new restaurant someone recommended.

Belinda - The belly dance class sounds like fun & great that it is new moves & different each time.

Cookie - I hope your weekend isn't too busy.

Have a Great Weekend:)
'Evening! Got in a walk today and boy, am I beat! Yawning while i'm typing. Sorry.

Deb, so thankful to hear your yoga instructor is in Oahu. I remember Lahaina, and it was very nice. Remember the history center especially. So sad. Hope you enjoy the new restaurant.

Belind, bet that's a great abs workout! You sure sound like you're enjoying it.

3.5 mile walk outside is done. I also did my last STS2 Tric workout. Not sure, what I will do next week? Maybe take a recovery week (walking and stretching)

Debbie - great job on your walk and STS 2 UB 2 workout. How did you like the new restaurant? Glad your yoga instructor is ok. So sad.

Cookie - you get a good workout in. I love it. Great job on your walk. I hope you got some rest.

Have a great workout and weekend.
DH and I went for a longish walk today - 8 miles. Trying to get ready for a lot of walking in Barcelona next month.

Deb, hope you enjoyed the new restaurant.

Belinda, a recovery week sounds like a great idea!

Today was a walk outside. It was nice weather, we even were able to open our windows for a little while. The restaurant was good but small so the seating was crowded.

Belinda - Nice walk & STS triset workout! A recovery week sounds good.

Cookie - I would need a long nap if I walked 8 miles;) I'm hoping we walk a lot in Italy, because I won't have time to do any other exercise.


I went for a walk today. Next week DH and I will do a stay cation in DC until DD and her BF comes back from Jamaica. Then we will visit our son in TX for awhile. Not sure when yet.

Debbie - great job on your walk. I also open my windows. Glad you enjoyed the restarrant.

Cookie - that is one long walk. You deserve some rest.

Good night.

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