Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I made it to the RT. 1st class was kickboxing it was fun. The 2nd class was the yoga class. A lot of new people but some regulars too. Everyone looks good & the same. The casting crew was here even Jai. She wasn’t in STS 2 because of a new job.

I am still up because there is a either a family reunion or wedding and I think the party is next door:(. Good thing DH isn’t with me he’s such a light sleeper. Ugh now there’s people in the front of the hotel partying, I won’t be the only one tired tomorrow.

Belinda - Kudos on walking outside it is hot out there:). How long are the bonus workouts. The bags have so many colors to choose from. It’s nice they are unisex.

Cookie - LOL on doing the bonus shoulders you will have DOMS too! Someone mentioned Cathe used to do 4 workouts on Saturday during RT. TG it’s only 3 maybe some day it will be only 2:p

Good morning,

Walk and Body Parts Shoulder is done.

Debbie - sorry about the noise in the hotel. Call the front desk about it. Enjoy the rest if your stay. The bonus each exercise she does only one set of 12 reps. Not too bad.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
'Evening! Yesterday was a rest day and today was back and the bonus back ones. I'm so ready for a nap!

Deb, oh, I'd be exhausted between the workouts and then the party people! Hope you can squeeze in a good rest. I've always admired Jai.

Belinda, hope your dh's back is okay. The heat broke here and today is very pleasant and sunny!

Mobility 1 today. No walk.

Debbie - did you get some sleep last night? I am sure you tired from the RT. Get some rest tomorrow.

Cookie - his back is doing better. Thank you. The heat broke here too. I needed a break. Great job on your back exercise. I will do that one tomorrow.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was chest and the bonus workout also. I'm fried from it. Was hoping to get a walk in this evening, but it has been downpour, sun, downpour, sun, repeat since about 4.

Deb, hope you're resting and that you got a good night's rest last night.

Belinda, it was so nice this morning, but now it's humid again. Glad your dh's back is doing better.

I had ab early PT appointment this morning, I did Body Parts Back and knee strengthening exercises.

Debbie - I hope you got some rest today. Doing those workouts back to back is excusing. I am looking at the pictures on FB it looks like everyone had a great time. I saw you sitting in the front picture. You haven‘t changed.

Cookie - my plan was to get up at 4 am than take a walk. I was resetting my phone. I am so tired constantly. I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist to tomorrow. Sorry you didn‘t get your walk in today. Great job on your Chest and bonus workout.

Good night.

Today was a walk & deck yoga. I actually fell asleep before yoga even after getting a good night's sleep. It was a fun trip. I saw Paulette & Kathy from previous RT's. The last night the sleeping in the hotel was much better. DH saw the group picture and he said it took him awhile to figure out it was me in the front. Geez he sees me everyday LOL.

Belinda - Great workouts for you this weekend:) The humidity broke here too, which is a nice change. Good luck with your Dr.'s appointment tomorrow.

Cookie - Great workouts for you too! We were lucky it didn't rain here. Thunderstorms both nights at the RT, yet DH said we didn't get anything.


I did Body Parts Chest plus bonus followed by a nice long stretch. I was so tired after my appt, no walk.

Debbie - great job on your walk and deck yoga. I love yoga. Glad you had a fun trip. Did you get any RT gears? LOL, at your husband. I saw you right away.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Good night.
'Evening! Essentrics today and dinner with my uncle and a sister. It was the first I've seen him in a couple of weeks due to being ill and not wanting to share it with him.

Deb, I recognized you right away also! Yoga on your deck sounds great. How long is your instructor in town for? Did she get another dog?

Belinda, hope the pt workouts are helping. They always tired me out also. How do you like the foam roller?

Today was a rest day. We decided to go to the beach. DH has been sore and I still am so it worked out. It was nice weather too.

Belinda - I'm sure your appointment was tiring but kudos on getting your workout in. I bought a tank top that said "I got my butt kicked by Cathe . . . again". The foam rollers sold out quickly so by the time I wanted to look at them they were gone. I almost bought the socks.

Cookie - It seems like you are feeling much better. It's great you were able to see your Uncle and sister again. Tomorrow will be the last deck yoga class, she has a wedding & then heads home. She didn't get another dog yet because she has been catching up on traveling since Covid.


3 mile walk and mobility is done.

Debbie - your day at the beach sounds lovely. Hopefully your both got a nice relaxing day for those sore muscles. I like the “I got my butt kicked by Cath’s Tanks” Jennifer offered them on FB for those that didn’t attended the RT. Which color did you get? I ordered the orange on. The foam roller sell out a lot. Sorry you missed out on it.

Cookie - yes, I like the Cathe foam roller. It’s bigger compared to others and a little softer too. The PT exercises is almost like another workout. I am tired when I am done. How are you feeling? Do you still have symptoms of Covid? My Rheumatologist said if I feel comfy I don’t need a mask anymore. I guess the numbers are low in our area. I never saw his face without a mask on, lol. I still will wear a mask in crowed areas.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Today was body parts: biceps. This is by far my favorite weight series. I love the variety in every one. Tonight's book club starts soon, so I'm typing fast. Going to participate via Zoom since I still have a runny nose, cough and sneeze, but am testing negative. It's hard to believe, but I think I'm the youngest in this book club by a good bit!

Deb, a beach day! How awesome. Hope you and your dh are doing better. The Tshirt is certainly appropriate.

Belinda, I still do have residuals, a runny nose, some congestion, but if I'm not using a throat lozenge or am drinking a beverage, my voice gets incredibly hoarse. I do still wear a mask in public. A softer foam roller must be nice!

Today was a walk outside & last deck yoga. I was asking the yoga instructor what happened to a guy who used to take zoom yoga. She said he was sending inappropriate messages and was in love with her. She said he would take her class here in NJ but it was just hello and goodbye. When she started doing zoom yoga after she moved to Hawaii after awhile he started messaging her that he loved her and sending her gifts (money) which she returned. She said she had to block him because he was delusional and creepy. It's good that she lives in Hawaii because it would be a very dangerous situation.

Belinda - Nice 3 mile walk & mobility workout:) I bought the purple one, I only remember seeing pink & purple but they had so much stuff. You will match your foam roller;)

Cookie - A lot of people at the RT seemed to really like the new series. It's better to zoom book club, but happy you are feeling better. Isn't it funny how we feel good when we are the youngest;) Most NJ beaches charges to go on them. It is free starting at 62, scary that it is so close.


I walked outside this morning plus did Body Parts Biceps and a nice long stretch. I had an Orthodontist appointment this afternoon. I picked up a new set of trays. If all goes well I should be done with Invisalign in October. After my appointments I stopped at Costco to pick up a few things.

Debbie - Jennifer offers a lot of stuff on FB. I just payed for my order. I love orange. I bought the tshirt at the last RT, I really like the material. Your yoga instructor did the right thing, the guy is creepy. He was stocking her. I hope you enjoyed your last deck yoga. I heard on FB, Cathe has new workouts coming out soon. Not interested in the cardio but take the weight workouts anytime. Cathe would kill me with her cardio. My knees can’t handle it anymore.

Cookie - I hope you feel better soon. Covid is tough on the body. I don’t want to catch Covid, I had a bad case when I did. Today I was wearing my mask at the Orthodontist and Costco. I feel safer. The foam roller is very nice. My husband uses that one almost daily.

Good night.
'Evening! Triceps today! Went to see Lion King and, boy, is it visually appealing! Matinee performance so many children, but they were fine. It was adults w/cell phones texting, videoing and photoing - they know better!

Deb, that's too bad about your yoga instructor. People can be so different online, and he's scary. How are the wedding plans coming along? Heard yesterday another nephew is getting married next Spring. One in October, this one in March, an another in May - very exciting!

Belinda, glad you're still wearing a mask. Many people were wearing them in the theatre today. I've haven't yet really gotten into the foam roller exercises, so guess I should try one again. I didn't know Cathe had more workouts coming. I can't do her cardio anymore either - I really miss doing her kickboxing ones.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 lower body. Cathe mentioned at Q&A she filmed 2 cardio & 2 weight training workouts. They aren't a series. She wanted to keep the details a surprise.

Belinda - Nice walk outside & Body part bi's. You are better safe than sorry so wearing a mask is a good idea. Costco is so busy especially during the summer. Wow, you are almost finished with invisalign :)

Cookie - Nice triceps workout:) Lion King is DH's favorite. It's crazy how different parenting is with cell phones. I saw a woman wheeling a baby carriage & talking on her cell phone crossing at a very busy intersection:( So many weddings for you. My top priority next week is to get a dress LOL.


Walk outside and Body Parts Triceps is done. I will get a nice stretch in later.

I had to take Sadie to the vet this morning, she has a lump on on her chest. The vet took a biopsy, we will get the results in 7 day’s. I pray it’s not cancer.

Debbie - nice STS 2 LB workout and walk. Someone on FB mention she filled 2 cardio and 2 weight workouts. I think the surprise is out. In June I marked the 5 year with Invisalign. How exciting you get to shop for a dress for the wedding. If I look for a dress I never find anything i like. Good luck.

Cookie - great job on your Triceps workout. I just did that today. My kids loved Lion King. That is crazy that people can’t say off their phones for a few hours. That is great to hear people still wearing mask in theatre. When I was in the hospital to see my Rheumatologist afterwards I didn’t wear my mask, you could smell peoples bad breath again, lol. I will wear my mask as usual, I don’t want to catch it. You and Debbie had covid resent, it didn’t sound like it was mild. Like Debbie said better safe than sorry.

Have a wonderful day and workout.
'Evening! Rest day today, had planned on a walk but the weather is not cooperating and is giving thunderstorms. I did tell dh he could probably go for one, just to use a strong umbrella w/metal shafts! But he declined. No sense of adventure! JK!

Deb, new workouts! Not sure if I'm up for the cardio but am definitely interested! I am not good at trying on clothes, are you? Hope you find the perfect one easily and quickly.

Belinda, sure am hoping Sadie is okay. It must be frightening. I was prepped for excitable children but not for annoying adults. I saw article in local paper that Covid numbers are on the rise again.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 upper body. We are going to get a bite to eat. Hoping we avoid the thunderstorms coming tonight.

Belinda - Nice work with Triceps & walk:) Hopefully it is just a cyst for Sadie. 7 days seems so long to have to wait:(

Cookie - Enjoy your rest day, walking in a thunderstorm not fun;) I'm wondering what kind of cardio, the weight workouts interest me. I haven't worn/tried on a gown in a very long time.

Have a great weekend:)

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