Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & Giant Sets. We are going to dinner tonight. I was woken by a bad thunderstorm 5 am this morning:(

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 shoulders & walk, have fun if you decide to do yoga. How long do they want you to do PT for?

Cookie - Feel better, sorry you caught Covid. Sleep is good:)

Have a great weekend:)
'Afternoon! Sorry, for being MIA but am now feeling better. Not back to 100% yet but more like 50%. Did some work today to make up for missing most of last week. But a Cathe workout is much harder than I have energy for right now. Perhaps tomorrow.

Deb, we've had some crazy thunderstorms lately also. What a summer! How was your dinner?

Belinda, is the PT for your knees, shoulders or both?

Today I did Body Parts Back and JS stretch. I visit DD in DC today, we went shopping and I got my eye brows done.

Debbie - great job on your walk and Giant Sets. Hope you enjoyed your dinner last night.The Thunderstorm was so bad, it woke up Sadie. She didn’t liked the noises. I did a wall yoga yesterday, which I really like. The Orthopedics wants me to do it for a few weeks.

Cookie - you poor thing! I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Please take good care of yourself. Is that the first time you caught Covid? When I had Covid I lost my taste and smell. I hope you recover from it soon. I only have PT for my knees. My shoulder is doing great. I have my range of motion back and no pain.

Good night.

Walk outside and Body Parts Chest is done. It started to rain, we still finished our walk.

Debbie and Cookie - I hope you doing fine.

Have a great Sunday!
'Morning! Finally feeling like a bit more normal! Still very low energy, lots of coughing and sore throat. Probably will wait a few more days before doing a workout.

Deb, hope all is well with you.

Belinda, glad you liked the wall yoga. Never heard of that.

I took 2 rest days, I didn't even walk. I was so busy planning a trip to Italy which we were supposed to do for our 30th and now are doing for our 35th anniversary (almost 36th) in September. A few spaces opened up on a tour we wanted to take. Maybe people are cancelling because of the heat Europe is experiencing.

Today was a surprise birthday for my friend's 60th birthday. An hour trip took almost 3 hours because of traffic from a Yankee Game & some minor car accidents. When we arrived it was a fun day:)

Belinda - Nice work with your Body Parts workouts & walks. It was a loud thunderstorm I can see why Sadie was frightened. Wall yoga sounds interesting. I was thinking of you and DC traffic, I hear it's bad wondering if it's as bad as NY traffic.

Cookie - I hope you feel 100% soon. Even though Covid isn't as bad it does seem to really knock people out. Rest up your workouts will always be there.


I forgot to send the above post last night:( Today was a walk outside & my fav yoga instructor is visiting the next 2 weeks from Hawaii so deck yoga! It was hot but some breezes.

Belinda - Nice long walk!! and I'm sure a much needed stretch:)

Cookie - Feel better, hopefully lots of chicken soup.


I had PT for my knees today. She showed me some really good exercise and stretches for my knee.

I messed up on the STS 2 rotation, I was supposed to do Body Parts Biceps, not sure what I was thinking today. I did yoga. Tomorrow I will do biceps tomorrow. Oh well!

Debbie - how exciting on your upcoming trip to Italy. When are you guys leaving? It’s very hot in Europe lately. The traffic in DC is horrible. DD gets stuck in traffic a lot. It sure was nice during covid. Great job on your walk and yoga. I don’t think I could do yoga in that heat outside.

Cookie - glad you starting to feel a little better. I hope you feel better each day. Please get lots of rest. Your workouts can wait.

Great job everyone.
'Evening! Getting better but still no workouts, but, hey, at least I'm thinking about doing them! Did a few hours of work today. Tomorrow was supposed to be an in-person all day mtg but since I asked to participate virtually due to still having a low-grade fever, others asked as well. Got it down to an all-morning virtual meeting!!! Better than all day and in person!

Deb, that's exciting! Is this your 36th coming up? Where are you going? We're going to Venice towards the end of September. Any good suggestions. We know you love deck yoga and your instructor.

Belinda, I have to remember to check out wall yoga since I never heard of that. Sounds like you like your pt. Hope the exercises provide you with relief.

Today was a walk outside. I put STS 2 on hold until after the RT. We took our nephew out for the day and it was so tiring. We were going to take him horse back riding but a thunderstorm rolled in so arcade & movies it was.

Belinda - It's great your PT gives you exercises & stretches to do. You are a good student and will really use what she teaches you:) We are leaving for Italy in the beginning of September.

Cookie - It's great you are feeling better. That is awesome you shorten the meeting and went virtual:) We will be married 36 years in October. You will probably be leaving for Italy when I arrive home. I will let you know if we find some good places in Venice.


Walk and Body Parts Biceps is done. I also did all my PT exercises. I probably will do some stretching later.

Debbie - sounds like you had fun at the arcade and movies with your nephew. The RT is coming up soon. Are you excited? Cathe would kill me, lol. Maybe I will try next year. How exciting you also will visit Italy.

Cookie - I am glad you feeling better and went virtual. Keep your hands/eyes on your purse at all times. I had someone open my purse in a church in Italy. I felt something, looked at my purse it was open. Be carful! Have fun and eat lots of Italian food. Oh and wine!

Have a great day everyone.
'Afternoon! Finally, finally, finally did the triceps workout I had planned to do last Tuesday! I do love this series. Anyway, now I'm ready for a nap.

Deb, arcade and movies sounds like a kid's dream to me. What movie did you see? Is he interested in seeing Legoland in Goshen, NY? I'm hoping one of mine wants to go there sometime, b/c I do.

Belinda, wow, walk and weights and pt exercises! That's a lot. Glad you're doing those pt exercises. Good point - I should watch my purse, and I'm really looking forward to the wine.

Today was a walk outside & deck yoga. I was sweating but it wasn't too bad, our heat wave starts tomorrow:( I will enjoy Cathe's cold gym this weekend with the temps in the triple digits:oops:

Belinda - Nice walk & body parts bi's! I'm excited but always nervous too LOL. There isn't a step class which helps me out. A friend who goes to Italy often told us not to wear good jewelry or anything expensive. So you don't draw attention to yourself. Thanks for letting us know about the tip about your purse.

Cookie - I would want a nap to after doing a tricep workout and recovering from Covid:) My nephew wanted to see Elements, I enjoyed it. I don't think it will be a big Disney movie but it was enjoyable. I'll have to ask my SIL if he's gone to LegoLand. He loves playing with legos. We were going to take him to Legoland when he lived in Florida but he was too small at the time.


Today I did Body Parts Triceps and yoga. No walk outside it‘s raining and the humidity was very high this morning.

Debbie - enjoy Cathe‘s cold gym and RT this weekend. I always got very nervousness too. You will be fine once you there. I wouldn‘t bring expensive jewelry. Best to bring a crossbody bag or something like this

Cookie - great job on your triceps workout. Covid takes a lot out of you. I hope you enjoy your nap. Yeah, it was a lot yesterday. I took it easy today.

Good night.
'Evening! Took today as a rest day. Struggling to catch up on things.

Deb, hope you have a fantastic time on the rt! I have fond memories of doing them with you and Belinda! TG Cathe has those Big Ass Fans! You'll need them. I heard the Legoland in Goshen is good. Maybe I should ask one of my nieces/nephews if they want to see Elemental ...

Belinda, it is tropical out there! Different bands play at our nearby town park, and its fun to sit on our patio and listen but not tonight. I'm inside with air conditioning. Yoga must have felt great w/the triceps wo.

Today was a walk outside. I have been doing lots of laundry and running errands. I forgot how many changes of clothes I will need for the RT, especially with the heat wave. The good thing it is over here by Sunday:) I will let you know how it goes. I can't believe the last in person RT was in 2019.

Belinda - Nice work doing Body parts Tri's & yoga! Thanks for the link, so many colors, I may have to check it out:)

Cookie - Good to take a rest day. I too have great memories the year we were all there:) It seems like a bunch of new people will be attending. I'll keep you posted.

'Afternoon! Body parts shoulders and the bonus ones done! Boy, she sure does work us good. No walk here, it is too hot.

Deb, have fun, and I'll live vicariously through you this weekend. Did the bonus shoulders in honor of you being a road tripper and doing so much this weekend.

Belinda, hope you're doing okay. Are you staying inside with this heat?

Walk outside and Body Parts Legs + bonus is done. I also did my PT exercises.

Debbie - you gonna have so much fun at the RT. Great job on that walk. DD and Dil both have those bags, they love them.I should get one for me, lol I am sure you can find cheaper once’s if you look around.

Cookie - today was extremely hot in the morning. I took a shower after my walk. Sadie stayed with DH. He hurt his back a little. Great job on your shoulder plus bonus. I will do that one tomorrow.

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