Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Today dh and I took a day to visit a couple of National Historic Parks, one in VT and another in NH. Had a great time and stopped for dinner on the way home. Did enjoy the air conditioning in the car ride! Two people told us they lived in the West, Colorado and Nebraska, and how the humidity in the East was horrible. They didn't expect it or have a clue how much it made things feel worse.

Deb, glad you took a nap - Hope you're not pushing it too much.

Belinda, walking earlier in the morning is a great idea.

Today was a walk outside & I showered after it was hot. My SIL is visiting from Nashville so my 3 SILs and I went to dinner. It was a nice time.

Belinda - My one SIL says she goes out about 7AM. I'm sure it would feel better to go out early. I remember you saying how Cooper was so afraid of the fireworks:(

Cookie - It sounds like a fun time visiting National Historic Parks. I'm sure the a/c car ride home was nice:) The summers we visited out West it was hot but not humid. I guess we forget it could be hot and not humid;)

'Afternoon/'Evening! Today was body parts: biceps. Love this series. Was hoping to get in a walk but it is too hot and humid. As I'm typing this, I can hear thunder rumbling.

Deb, going out earlier is key! How are you feeling now? How's your mom doing?

Belinda, what plans do you have for the weekend?

today I did STS 2 UB 1 and walked early this morning.

Debbie - yes, going out earlier is the key. Today DD told me how scared Cooper was on the 4th of July. He was hiding under the blanket. Hope you having fun with your visitors. Dh and I will go to a company dinner on Friday. We will stay in DC for the weekend.

Cookie - I walked early this morning. Those temperatures are unbeatable these day‘s. The mudroom is done. DH wants to paint the new trim in the living room tomorrow. He cut all the trim today. Tomorrow he will install it. Living room is done too. My son is coming on Monday. We shall see how much we getting done. What are your plans this weekend? Good job on your biceps.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I tried to get caught up with things around the house but not too much energy. I just took a nap and felt better. We are going to Long Island (NY) tomorrow for DH's Uncle's 80th birthday. It will be a big family reunion because we will see so many relatives we haven't seen in a long time.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 UB. Enjoy your dinner and trip to DC:) It's hard to imagine what dogs are thinking that are frightened by the fireworks.

Cookie - Looking forward to trying body parts, it seems like you are enjoying. I'm hoping by tomorrow I will feel a lot better. My Mom is doing well, she had had to have some Mohs procedures for basil cell. I was on her scalp so very painful and inconvenient.


Today I did a SBF BA Cardio Core and stretch.

Tomorrow my son is coming for a business meeting in DC. Dh and I will stay a few day‘s to hang out with him.

Debbie - how are you feeling? Sounds like you need that sleep. Happy birthday to your Uncle. Have fun with all your family. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Good night.
'Evening! Today was triceps. Lots of parties today, but we only made it to a retirement party and reunion of freinds. Skipped a graduation party b/c we were just done. the sun was strong and it was hot.

Deb, sounds like you are still recovering. Hope you enjoy the party but take it easy.

Belinda, your dh is quite handy! Enjoy the time with your son.

This morning I did STS mobility 2. I just saw on FB Lisa from Cathe‘s dvd‘s and Live workouts passed away. Sad news. She was so young.

Debbie - your body needs rest. Sounds like you haven‘t recovered completell.

Cookie - sounds like you are partied out. Glad you had fun. DS ended up in the ER last night, he has thyroid problems. He will not fly out until Tuesday.

Starting the Body Parts tomorrow. Good night.

The party last night was really fun, but we did get home late. It was so nice to see Aunts, Uncles & cousins:) I walked yesterday outside but today went to the gym since it was raining all day.

Belinda - Nice workouts! For some reason I can't place who Lisa is, I will check on FB and I'm sure once I see her face. So sad when someone passes too soon:( I just saw above your DS isn't coming till Tuesday, I hope he feels better soon.

Cookie - Wow, so many parties. My one party was tiring enough;) Our party was indoors, sounds like yours were outside. Hopefully today (Sunday) was a free day.

Good morning,

Walk and STS Body Parts is done.

Debbie - nice job on your walk and gym workout. Glad you had a great time with your Anuts, Uncles & cousins. Once you see Lisa‘s face on FB you will recognize her. It‘s very sad. She was so young too. Breaks my heart :(

Cookie - I hope you recovering from all your parties. Have a wonderful day and workout today.

Have a great workout and day.
'Evening! Modified a Cathe Live kb workout on the rebounder. My sciatica will let me know if I modified enough or not.

Deb, hope you're resting and feeling better soon.
Belinda, wow, that's shocking! Her poor family. Hope your ds feels better soon.
Body parts shoulders today. Noticed my traps are really tight today, so went a little lighter. Moved a table yesterday and had to hold it up high to navigate steps and think that's why I'm tight there.

Deb, yes, my parties were in the sunny outdoors on Saturday. Glad yours were indoors. So nice to spend time with family for a fun get together!

Belinda, how's your ds doing today? Did you get your orange foam roller? What do you think of it?

Today was a walk outside. I decided to restart the STS 2 (8 week) rotation so I did Giant Sets.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Thanks for the link, I do recognize her. Was she also in early step videos? So sad:(
I hope your DS is feeling better.

Cookie - Nice shoulder workout! You are strong moving a table:) I was wondering if you were effected by the flooding. I think it was between us. The weather is so scary.


I walk and STS 2 Shoulder workout is done. I had a great workout.

Debbie - you are welcome. Yes, Lisa was in Cathe‘s older videos too. So sad. DS is doing a little better. He is on a very high dose of thyroid med. Great job on Giant Sets. Enjoy your 8 week rotation.

Cookie - it‘s very shocking. My heart goes out to her family. Dh is on thyroid meds, he is feeling a little better. Hopefully I will see him tomorrow. Great job on your shoulder workout yesterday. You worked your traps too. I like the exercises in the shoulder workout.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
'Evening! Getting ready to go out for a kayak ride.

Deb, yeah the area in between us really got hit. My stepmom left from visiting us to today to travel to Quebec and had to change her route - the middle part of the state was flooded. How did you like Giant Sets?

Belinda, hope your ds is doing better and he was able to come today. I was in a bad car accident years ago and my traps, shoulders, and neck are often talking to me. In particular those darn traps. Hoping they're not after paddling.

Today was a walk outside & STS Supersets. We went to dinner with my Mom tonight. She is going to see the Cardiologist tomorrow for the fall she took a few weeks ago.

Belinda - Nice work with STS shoulders. Good to hear DS is feeling better, have fun when you see him.

Cookie - A kayak ride sounds like fun:) I hope your traps feel better. I really liked Giant Sets. So sorry your Stepmom needed to be rerouted.

'Evening! Today was body parts back, and i feel worked over. Loving this series!

Deb, I forgot that on Tuesdays the local triathalon club trains here. So we watched them swim, run and bike, and felt exercised vicariously! While we could have kayaked, it just seems more respectful to let them be. Hope your mom does okay with the dr tomorrow. It's great she's getting checked out, but amazing how long it took for her appointment.

Belinda, hope you're doing well and have a fantastic time with your son.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was hot but overcast so not too bad. The Dr. said my Mom is in good health for her age, but will be doing further testing.

Belinda - I hope your knee feels better. Did you get to see DS today?

Cookie - Watching the triathalon club must be fun. They must also enjoy the audience:) Good job with Body part back.


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