Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a nice long walk. I had to ice my knee afterwards, it was bordering me. This time was my left knee. Don’t get it?

Debbie - great job on your walk and upper body Workout. I hope you didn’t get the thunderstorm yesterday. Thank you about Sadie. The vet is sending it to UPenn. Small world.

Cookie - lol, we didn’t get thunderstorms. Hopefully you got your walk in today. My other dogs always had cyst, which turned out just fatty tissue. I hope she is ok. I read about covid yesterday too. I hope it stays low. I am tired of it.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it still felt hot. We didn't end up getting a thunderstorm even though lots of warnings.

Belinda - Hopefully the icing of your left knee right away will help. It is funny that Sadie's tests results are coming from UPenn.

Cookie - Wondering if you are having guests this weekend.


No walk today. DH and I finished the floor in the kitchen. We still have a few touch ups to do. We love how it came out.We are taking a few weeks off, than start upstairs. DD and her BF came to visit and to drop off Cooper. We had a beautiful afternoon. After DD and her BF left I did Body Parts Back. Now it’s time to relax. I have PT tomorrow afternoon.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. It rained here today, the humidity is high. Hopefully I get a walk in tomorrow. I been icing my knees. Now my left knee is hurting, I can’t catch a break. I mention to the vet that I do signed up for a RPC study at UPenn. I never mention to her why I always wear a mask, now she knows. She even ask if I would be more comfy if she wore a mask.

Cookie - I hope you had a great weekend.

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.
'Evening! No idea where the time went this weekend. Sorry. Saturday was ss tb (upper only) and a long walk. It was really warm. Anyway, must have been more tired from it than I realized and took two naps (!) yesterday. I'm sitting here yawning now. Today was another walk. Lots of rain and humidity, so my hair is also getting a workout.

Deb, we were supposed to have guests but we asked them to reschedule, since I'm still not back to 100%. Did you find a dress?

Belinda, I sure hope Sadie has fatty tissue cysts. Could it be you use left side more to compensate for the right, and that's why your left knee is sore?

Yesterday was a walk outside & today but it was so humid today. I also did the foam roller workout which I liked. We had thunderstorms at night but not too bad.

I am starting to clean out closets so I started with DH's, he was good and threw a lot away. Some of my stuff is in there too and came across a Cathe RT shirt from 2008 :oops:

Belinda - Sounds like you had a nice day with your DD & her bf. Great you could get STS back in too. It's nice the way new flooring makes a room look. I saw in NYC Covid cases are going up, nice of Sadie's vet to offer to wear a mask.

Cookie - It's good you were able to catch up on sleep and get your walks in. My hair is one big mess;) I have found a dress but the color I want is waitlist. DH's finance asked me to go with her for her 1st fitting next week. I will check their as well.

'Evening! Not sure if it was sitting for work yesterday or what but my back s spasming, so heat pack is on and moving slow. Have train tickets to NYC and a play tomorrow so want to be mobil. Went to usual dinner w/my tio today and he's 92 but was walking faster than me w/my back!!!

Deb, oh my hair is a hot mess today. You always look good. What color do you want the dress to be? That's nice of her to ask you to come for the fitting.

Belinda, hoping your knee is doing better today. Does the lump bother Sadie?

I thought I posted this morning? Oh well.

Today I walked outside. I signed up for a live beginner, 60 min belly dance class via zoom. It’s low impact. The belly dance was so much fun. The instructor was amazing, before the class began she gave me a lot of modifications/tips for my knees. I loved it so much I will continue. I always wanted to learn how to belly dance. My DD encouraged me to try it out. Glad I did. I think I would my new passion, lol. I love to dance.

Debbie - we had a lot of fun with DD and her BF. The floor looks amazing and easy to clean. Great job on your walk and foam roller workout.

Cookie - the knee is feeling a little better. The belly dance was low impact. Sadie doesn’t like when you pick her up near the lump. LOL, tio! Sorry your back is bordering you. I hope it’s nothing serious.

Good night.
'Evening! No idea where the time went this weekend. Sorry. Saturday was ss tb (upper only) and a long walk. It was really warm. Anyway, must have been more tired from it than I realized and took two naps (!) yesterday. I'm sitting here yawning now. Today was another walk. Lots of rain and humidity, so my hair is also getting a workout.

Deb, we were supposed to have guests but we asked them to reschedule, since I'm still not back to 100%. Did you find a dress?

Belinda, I sure hope Sadie has fatty tissue cysts. Could it be you use left side more to compensate for the right, and that's why your left knee is sore?
Sorry, I didn’t see this. I hope it’s only a fatty tissue. The vet doesn’t think so. I been having off and on problems with both knees. The both have a lot of swelling. They swell up like ballons. Great job on your workouts.

Today was a walk outside. It was cooler here, some people had long sleeves but it wasn't that cool for me LOL.

Belinda - Belly dancing sounds like a lot of fun. Was it one on one or others in the class? Years ago when I worked in NYC I was going to take a belly dancing class. I didn't end of taking it because I would have had to take the late train and worried about safety.

Cookie - I hope your back feels better. I have used the stick on pads which help but you would smell like ben-gay :confused: . Which play will you see? Have fun I hope to go before the end of the year too.


Today I did Body Parts Biceps, no walk. It’s too hot already. I probably will practice dancing later.

Debbie - too bad you had to stop belly dancing and had to worry about your safety. I like the live zoom class. Unlike Cathy’s live classes, I actually talk to the instructor and ask her questions about my form a.s. o. Did I mention DD bought me 2 hip scarfs. How long did you take classes? Great job on your walk outside. It was cooler here too. Not that I needed long sleeves, lol

Cookie - enjoy your workout.

I need to run some errands. BBL

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It wasn't too bad here today, but tomorrow lots of rain:(

Belinda - Nice work with Body part bi's & have fun dancing:) I only took 1 class but it ended later than I thought so I couldn't go anymore. It was really fun. I'm sure the hip scarfs DD bought you will make it even more fun:) With zoom yoga I feel the same the instructor will answer questions and correct form.

Cookie - I hope you back was feeling better for NYC. I forgot to say the color I would really like is Hunter Green but if that doesn't come in will have to get Navy. I have to ask DS's fiance because my son is wearing a navy tux.


Dance and STS Body Parts Triceps is done.

Debbie - nice job on the walk and zoom yoga. I like the zoom feel, I feel like I am in class with all the others. The hip scarf will help to align your hips. It’s only for me :) It’s a lot of fun. I enjoyed it so much I signed up for her OnDemand. She offers a 8 week beginner that will teach you the foundementals of belly dancing. I am having a blast. We having lots of rain.

Hi Cookie !

'Evening! Enjoyed yesterday. We walked around, then went to the Library and saw their exhbit on their holdings! It was a hidden surprise. Had no idea how interesting it was. We had thought of going to see how it has been renovated but the exhibit was awesome. Then saw Sweeney Todd - highly recommend, dinner at Sardi's and train home. Think it was the train ride and sitting but my back today is a mess. Have tried to stand most of the day. Feeling aggravated since so far Covid and now my back are negatively impacting summer.

Deb, you'll look stunning in either the hunter green or navy! The weather was perfect for walking around the city yesterday but today is rainy.

Belinda, belly dancing sounds like fun! One-on-one I might take a class but am far too self-conscious t take a public class. Good for you. Does your hip scarf have bells on it?
Cookie - I am very self conscious too. That‘s probably why it took me so long to try it. The class is diverse. You see woman all ages. All shapes and sizes. It’s to inspire, motivate and empower woman of all walks of life. There are woman older than i am, lol. I am taking a zoom class not a public class. Yes, they can see me, but only my face ( I can turn off zoom if I don’t want them to see me). I can see the participants in the live, in person class which helps me to get the moves down better. I will never became a professional dancer nor will I ever dance in public places, lol. It’s strictly to learn something new and fun for me. It’s something I always wanted to learn. You are never too old to learn something new. It’s also low impact. I am wearing my long workout leggings and a regular, loose t shirt that covers my belly just as I would in a Cathe RT. I wear a hip scarf with coins. The hip scarf will help with your form. Sorry about your back. I hope you feel better soon. Glad you had fun.

Good night.

Today was a walk at the gym because of rain & STS 2 Lower Body 2. I thought I left my wallet at home because it wasn't in my handbag but I had put it in a bag with something I was returning. I went all the way home & than figured it out :mad: (embarrassing).

Belinda - When I am doing zoom in the beginning waiting for class to start I will see all the students but when class starts I switch to just see the instructor and myself in the right hand corner. At the end of class I put it back to see everyone. It's great you are having so much fun!

Cookie - It sounds like a really fun day in NYC. How long is your train ride? I haven't been to that library in many years. When I came home from running errands DH was lying on the coach with a heating pad. His back has been hurting for 2 weeks:( He's not sure if it helped.


Walk outside and yoga is done.

Debbie - it’s not embarrassing. We all done it. Great job on your walk at the gym and STS LB. Your zoom class sounds like mine. I also switch to just see the instructor and myself. It’ is a lot of fun.

Cookie - have a great workout today. BTW, they do offer one on one classes.

Have a great Friday.

Today was walk outside. We are going to dinner and eating outside. It's one of the 1st Friday's it isn't thunderstorms (fingers crossed) ;)

Belinda - Nice work with yoga & your walk outside. Is your DD still doing yoga?

Cookie - I hope your back is feeling better. I gave DH a icy/cool back patch I hope he uses's it.

Have a great weekend:)

Walk outside and Body Parts legs is done.

Debbie - nice job on your walk outside Yes, DD still does yoga. Dinner outside sounds nice.

Cookie - I hope you doing well.

Have a great workout everyone.
'Happy Saturday! Back is still bothering me. If I can manage to stand most of the time, it is not bad at all. Did an very modified sts2 trisets - minus lb and back. Have visitors over for a sangria party. Tomorrow am going to NJ to see property ds and dil are thinking of purchasing. Looking forward to seeing them but not the car ride.

Deb, how's your dh's back? The heat wrap usually helps me but this time it was aggravating a portion of my back where I have psoriasis, so had to stop. I'm going to wear it in the car tomorrow though. Hope your dinner was terrific. The train is about 1.5 hrs, I think. I usually read and look out at the river.

Belinda, it's great you enjoy the class and definitely agree learning something new is always good.

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