Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside. I also cooked my monthly sauce. I think I wore a lot of it, must remember to wear black;)

Belinda - Nice day for a walk:) A stay cation especially at some one else's house sounds like fun! I love visiting cities occasionally but my DH not so much.

Cookie - I hope your weekend was fun.


No walk outside today It was too hot to walk outside this morning. I did do an hour yoga. Felt great.

Debbie - we are staying at DD’s condo. It’s our second home, lol. Her condo has a pool. I plan on doing some water aerobics for my knees. No matter how many times I visit DC, it never gets old. Nice job on your walk and making your monthly sauces.

Cookie - I hope you doing well. How are you feeling?

Hope you all have a great day.
Took a barn quilt paintng workshop this evening with one of my sisters and a niece. It was fun, esp to do it with them.

Deb, your family is so lucky to have your sauce. Is it challenging for you to eat in Italian restaurants.

Belinda, enjoy the staycation. I agree there's so much to see and do in DC. Lucky you. Hope the pool and water aerovics helps your knee.

Today was a walk outside, too hot but the rest of the week will be better. I also did Mobility 2, it felt good.

Belinda - I regretted walking, wished I had a pool afterwards:( Yoga sounds better. A pool sounds great, is it indoors or outdoors?

Cookie - You find unique classes to take. Is it one night & do you have something to take home?


I did a stretch before my live belly dancing class today. The instructor did a dance routine today. She is really layering it on us, lol. I had so much fun. The time is going by so fast.

Debbie - unless I want to walk at 6 a.m. Walking isn’t happening. By the time is 8 a.m it’s aready blistering hot outside. I hope next week will be better. It’s in outdoor pool. They also have a gym, lol.

Cookie - that sounds like a unique class. Glad you enjoyed it. I hope the pool will help some for my knees. My husband mention this morning that I am losing muscles around my right knee. I have an orthopedics appt on the end of the month.

I will be back later. I have to pick up my meds for RP. I am running low. BBL
'Evening! An Essentrics day today and family Tuesday dinner!

Deb, the paint didn't dry all the way, and we have to do some painting and sealing at home, but no more class. It was fun. A pool would be nice

Belinda, the humidity in DC is what always gets to me. The pool would be good for you.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 Body Part Legs. My legs are already sore, didn't help that I ran errands too!

Belinda - 6am is too early for me LOL. The belly dance class sounds like so much fun! Nice hearing about it.

Cookie - Nice work with Essentrics! A family dinner sounds good.


We are in DC. I did a Belly dance On Demand and walked with the dogs. Tomorrow we will go for a long walk, not sure where yet? Maybe walk at the mall?

Debbie - 6 am is too early for me too. Some mom's bring their kids to the live classes. So fun to watch the little ones. Great job on your walk and leg workout.

Cookie - the humidity in DC is high today, even when we walked the dogs awhile ago. Great job on your stretching.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & I did zoom yoga on my deck. The humidity dropped here it was actually cool this morning.

Belinda - It must be fun to watch the little ones do the class. Hopefully the humidity drops by you too, it does seem like it's warmer in cities. Can you bring the dogs if you walk at the mall?

Cookie - I'm guessing your weather was cooler than mine.


This morning was live zoom belly dance. DH and I walked almost 6 miles at the Mall. Knees are killing me.

Debbie - nicely done with your yoga and walk yesterday. It is fun to watch the little ones especially if they like 3-5. They are so funny. The instructor allows mom's to bring their kids to class, she even brings her kids. Yes, you can bring the dogs if you walk at the mall. You see lots of dogs at the mall walking. They are setting up for something? I have to ask my DD what's going on.

Cookie - hope you doing well.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in yesterday, company arrived, and we were up late talking. Today was a short walk and stretching.

Deb, the temp difference between yesterday and today is crazy! Today many folks were wearing sweaters. I'm always envious of your zoom yoga.

Belinda, that's a lot of miles on your knees. Have you considered walking in the pool? Bet it is a lot of fun watching the little ones in your class.

Today was a walk outside & Body part shoulders. I'm really sore today, looking forward to taking a break over the weekend.

Belinda - Wow, that was a long walk the dogs must enjoy it too. I saw some of the Islands are having tropical storms is it ok where your DD is?

Cookie - Nice work with your walk & stretching (that's what I needed today;)). I saw people with jackets today too. Our zoom instructor had been house/pet sitting the last couple of weeks for 2 different people so it is fun to see different places she is at.


Today was a walk outside. A busy weekend, tomorrow is my niece's baby shower & Sunday is DS's fiance's shower. I'll be clean LOL! We have my SIL, niece and her children coming from TN so we did it on one weekend.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I fell asleep last night. Yesterday was walk outside with the dogs, belly dance practice. We did ended up going to the pool yesterday, felt good. It was in the 90's.

Today was walk outside with the dogs and yoga.

Debbie - great job on your walks and body parts shoulders. We are ok. The weather looks one minute we getting rain, the next it's blistering hot outside. Enjoy your busy weekend ahead.

Cookie - yes, it was a lot of miles on my knees. I been icing and resting as much as I can. I did walk at the pool.It is a lot of fun watching the little ones dancing. Enjoy your company. Great job keeping up with your workouts.


Today was a rest day, but boy am I tired. It was fun with family & friends. On repeat for tomorrow too. It will be a lot tomorrow since it is my future DILs shower.

Belinda - Wow, is it hot but nice that you have the pool to enjoy. Looks like you are having lots of fun with the belly dancing:)

Cookie - Having guests is tiring and you do it often :)

Good morning,

walk outside with the dogs is done. We walked early, it's already hot outside. DH and I will leave DC today. We had a lot of fun.

Debbie - glad you had fun with family and friends. Have fun at your future DILs shower. No pool yesterday. We went to DD's condo, showered and relaxed. I am having a lot of fun with belly dancing. Never thought I would enjoy it that much. The instructor makes it fun. That helps.

Have a great Sunday.

I’m exhausted so will be back tomorrow with details.

Belinda - It’s great to find something you love:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Caroline G. Iron Series D1 Legs is done.

Debbie - sorry you so excused. I will practice today too. Just love it.

Hi Cookie!

'Evening! DS2 is visiting, and then this weekend, dd, her partner, and nieces were all here. Nice to be back to a quieter house w/only one visitor. Got in a walk today before a downpour.

Deb, how were the showers? Did you get soaked? That's one wet weekend! I would love to peek on the houses you get to see on her Zoom. I'm always looking for ideas.

Belinda, your stay in DC sounds like fun. Do you feel like it was an ab workout when you're done w/a bellyldance class?

Today was a walk outside & Body Part Back at the gym. Both showers were really nice. The bridal party did a really great job on the shower for my future DIL. It was a full dinner and the desserts were amazing. The matron of honor made all the desserts homemade. I'm not sure how she has the time, she has 2 children & is a maternity nurse at our local hospital. I met my future DILs friends and family who were all so nice to me & my Mom.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! It must be fun practicing belly dancing:)

Cookie - Good thing you timed your walk perfectly. I'm sure it's good to be down to one guest;) All of my family and friends thought the shower was great. I'm glad because it was a bit of a drive, but luckily not a lot of traffic.


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