Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did D8 Iron legs.

Debbie - safe travels and have lots of fun.

Cookie - thank you. We are flying around the 27th. You can get Euros at any airport or once you in Italy at any bank.

have a great Wednesday everyone.
'Evening! My stomach is not at all happy today.

Deb, where in Italy are you?

Belinda, I think Deb who was asking about Euros. Hopefully it will be a little cooler by the 27th.

We are in Sorrento, Italy we arrived yesterday afternoon. The flight wasn’t bad just not the best sleep. We have been walking around the town so many restaurants, historic buildings, alley ways. It is fun seeing a different way of life, DHs friend who owns a bakery in America has a home here in Sorrento. He actually was here for a wedding but we missed him by a few days. I wish we could have met up with him.

Our tour begins tonight with a welcome dinner.

Belinda - The good thing about your zoom dance is you can do it when visiting your children. Great job with your workouts. Are you enjoying the iron workouts? Are the gel shots still helping with your knees?

Cookie - I was thinking your guests visits must be winding down but fall is beautiful where you are. I did go to the bank for $300 euros. It does seem like most places take credit cards. We have give tips with American money. The dollar isn’t too bad about 7 cents less than Euros. I hope your stomach feels better.

Have a great day;)

Live Belly Dance this morning.

Debbie - glad everything went well. I usually don‘t sleep on flights. I just can‘t sleep. Yes, it‘s diffevent way of life. I love Italy. Enjoy your dinner tonight. Drink lots of wine :) I am glad I can take my zoom dance when visiting my kids. I have done Iron 3 times already, lol. I just love the workouts. So far, it seems like the gel shots are helping my knees. I have a lot less pain and swelling. It‘s been only a week.

Cookie - I thought you needed Euros, lol. I hope it will be cooler by the 27th. It‘s so hot here.

Have a great day and workout,

Not sure what day it is LOL. We are on the go yesterday was Amalfi & Ravello. Today was Pompeii. Loved Pompeii, we were there early and it was crowded but 10x worse when we exited. It was also very hot. Now in Rome for 3 days.

Belinda - Nice zoom dance workout:). Great your knees are feeling better, How has the weather been, hopefully cooling off. I hope it does here.

Cookie - I hope you feel better.

Have a great dayi

I did a stretch today. That‘s it. DH and I will go to Hershey Park to look at some RV‘s. It looks like we will go Thursday to Friday. We will fly to see our son in TX on the 27th for 2 weeks. Looking forward to seeing him.

Debbie - looks like you having a busy schedule and lots of fun. Enjoy Rome. Watch your purse.

Cookie - hope you feel better.

Good night.

Today was more walking than I wanted we were lost and walked in circles. The signs aren’t very good in Italy and they are in Italian no less. We spoke with others in our group and they shared similar stories:)

Belinda - Nice workout! The weather should be nice when you visit DS & DIL.

Waves hi to Cookie

Goodnight (for me LOL ;))
Still alive over here! Sorry, but it is still visiting season apparently. Lots of fun but hard to fit work and fitness in sometimes. Work unfortunately always wins. Today was a walk, Essentrics, and Perfect 30 UB. The walk was not at our usual pace since it is quite humid.

Deb, Italy sounds terrific! What a fabulous place to get your steps in. We've found folks like the US $ for tips. Have a glass of wine (or more) for me, please!

Belinda, are you doing Iron in addition to your dancing? Have fun looking at RVs!

Iron D10 Back and Biceps.

Today Dh and I cleaned out the 2nd bedroom. Tomorrow we will tear up the carpet. We are getting there. We spend a good amount of time today online researching RV‘s. The one we want, they changed the model for 2024. We heard today if you need parts for RV‘s it can take up to 3 month for the parts to get in. That‘s not good. There is a lot to think about before we want to spent that much $$$$$.

Debbie - sorry you got lost. You getting lots of steps in. Use your phone to navigate. I always have my phone with me.

Cookie - yes, I am doing Iron in addition to dancing. We are looking at a lot of RV‘s. Don‘t worry about your workouts while having visitors. Have fun with your friends and family. Great job today.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a walk today. It's very humid.

Deb, how's the trip? I'm sure you're making terrific memories.

Belinda, are you replacing the flooring in the bedroom? RVs are expensive.

Zoom Belly Dance and Iron D12 UB is done.

Debbie - have lots of fun!!

Cookie - you are brave walking in very humidity. Please be carful. Yes, we replacing all the flooring in the bedrooms. We 4 bedrooms. Our master bedroom is like a small apartment 6oo sqft. It‘s huge. That‘s gonna be last too.

Have a great day and workout. BBL
'Evening! Got in two walks today. One b/c I parked about 3/4 a mile away from where a meeting was going to be held. The other one was my regular walking route.

Deb, hope you are having the time of your life! Salute!

Belinda, that's a lot of work, but it is going to be so worth it when it's done. Our current house has only a few area rugs, and my allergies and sinuses are so much better!

I doubled up today, I did D13 Posterior Chain Workout - Glutes, Hamstrings, Back + D14 IRON Series 30 Min Unilateral Training Full Body Workout (which is not scheduled until Friday). DH and I will drive to Hersey RV Show in PA after my appointment. We will stay until Saturday, unless we see something we like right away.

Debbie - I hope you having a lot fun.

Cookie - yes, it‘s a lot of work. I can‘t wait until it‘s all done. We only gonna get maybe the 2nd bedroom done before we leave for TX. I hate when things are out of order. Glad it‘s helping you with your allergies and sinuses. Great job on your walks.

I will try to check in later. I still have lots to do before we leave tomorrow.

I’ve lost track of the days, everyday I just check the schedule and follow it. We have left Rome and visited 2 small towns which really show how the local Italians live. It also is less crowded one town was Ovieto the other was Assisi less crowded too.

Belinda - Great work with your workouts! Hersey is a fun town haven’t been there in years. There was a cute breakfast place decorated with teapots. Have fun:)

Cookie - Lots of walks:). Hopefully the humidity is gone soon. Fall will be here soon.

'Evening! Continued with another walk today and an Essentrics workout. Had a chiro appointment and he encouraged me to focus on Essentrics in prep for next week's flight.

Deb, Assisi must be the place where St Francis was from. Right? Bet it is all beautiful. Enjoy!

Belind, you sure pack a lot in a day! I also really dislike when things are out of order. When we were renovating this house, I learned a lot of patience!
Good morning,

We at the RV show since last evening. We walked around looked at the RVs we are interested in . Today we are going back. Most of the Class A have drop-down beds which I don’t like. It’s an eye sore for me. The pices are very good if you willing paying the a show RV. I wouldn’t pay $$$$ for a show RV . Too many people running/sitting through them.


Yesterday we were in a small city Lucca in Tuscany. It was nice but a few of us took a side trip to see Pisa. We took the train about 20 min away it was worth it. We really had a lot of fun and it was better than we expected.

Belinda - It must be fun looking at the RVs. Hopefully you can find something in your price range. Are used ones an option?

Cookie - I forget which part of Italy you are visiting? It’s been cool in the mornings but gets hot during the day.


We bought a new class A motorhome today. We made a lot of changes to the RV. Meaning we added and took off stuff. Instead of a drop-down bed we will get more cabinets by the driver seats. Instead of a couch we want recliners. All the cabinets are white. It had a washer and dryer. It has 1.5 bathrooms. Fireplace, central vacuum. We have them other things that we want on the road. The RV is huge! Lots of storage. It comes with a bunk bed which will turn into a huge closet! We will pick up the RV in a few months in NY.

Debbie- glad you got to see Pisa. We always enjoy going. How long are you staying?

Hi Cookie.

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