Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Belly dance and Iron day 22 chest and back. Fli

Debbie- I probably will get those spots removed too. Dr ask me if those border me I can get them removed. I will make an appointment when I get back. Flying to TX tomorrow. Great job on the walk.

Good night

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I ran a bunch of errands and finally did a big food shopping trip.

Belinda - Nice job with belly dancing & Iron Chest & back. Safe travels and have fun in TX:)


I made it to TX, got lots of steps walking around the airport. No workout today. We grabbed a bite to eat. Now we are watching horror movies.

Debbie- thank you. We also went food shopping. Great job on your walk outside. It’s very hot in El Paso.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga.

Belinda - Have fun in TX:). It does seem like you get so many more steps at the airport now. How did Sadie do on the flight? It's cool here especially at night. I hope we get some warm weather next week.

Cookie - You must be enjoying Italy. Can't wait to hear how you liked it!


I just finished RON Series 30 Min Superset Glutes and Hamstrings Workout | Day 23. I also did On Demand Dance since I missed the live this morning.

Debbie - I had all good intentions this morning to do a zoom dance. The time difference threw me off plus I didn’t sleep well.

Cookie - enjoy your trip to Italy. How long are you staying?


Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. It was my DH's birthday today, will celebrate tomorrow & Sunday with the kids.

Belinda - I did glute & hamstrings too. Do you prefer Live over On Demand Dance? Hopefully you sleep better tonight.


Walk outside today, beautiful weather outside. It’s still in the 90’s here. Then I did IRON Series 30 Min Full Body Circuits Workout - Dumbbells | Day 24.

Debbie - great job on your walk and lower body at the gym yesterday. Happy birthday to your DH. Have fun celebrating this weekend. I like the live over On Demand Dance. I can chat with the instructor and she can correct my form.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Today was a walk outside in between the rain. Geez, it's been so rainy here:( I've been trying to find a place to get my dress hemmed for DS's wedding. The name of a woman I was given doesn't answer her phone & no answering machine.

Belinda - Enjoy the beautiful weather! I can't believe it's still in the 90's in TX. Will DD come for a visit too?

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was rest day from Iron. DH and I went for a nice long walk outside. My son lives in a new neighborhood , last year we saw them building new homes in the mountain. DH wanted to check the new homes out. They are so beautifu.

Debbie - I had coffee this morning outside. My son’s yard is so nice, it was a nice breeze this morning. We sure enjoy the weather here. El Paso is in the desert it’s always nice weather. DD will not came until Christmas. She has a business trip next week. Maybe the woman doesn’t answer on the weekends? Weird How she runs a business. I hope you find someone soon that can hemm the dress.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. The rain finally stopped and it was nicer today.

Belinda - It sounds like you are enjoying your time at DS's. Would you consider moving to El Paso? I was able to get in touch with the seamstress. Unfortunately she is in the middle of moving. I found another woman who does alterations and she said I can stop by next week.


We hiked in Dripping Spring trials in New Mexico today. It was quite the uphill hike. I also did Iron Day 25 Shoulders.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside yesterday. I do enjoy my time with at DS’s. We thought about buying a second house in El Paso, talked our selfs out of buying a house. We bought an RV instead. Glad you found another seamstress.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. DS & future DIL came over for DHs Birthday. I was going to crook but we went to eat out and sat outdoors since it was so nice out. We went over the seating for the wedding. That was not fun, it’s hard to figure who to sit with who.

Belinda - Your hike sounds like fun but I’m sure hard. The good thing about the RV you can always take it to El Paso! A house on wheels:)

Cookie - I hope you are having fun!


I walked early this morning and did IRON Series 30 Min Leg Workout - Circuits & Step Ups | Day 26, Week 6.

Debbie - the hike was hot. It was also hard on my knees. Yes, we can always take the RV anywhere. Weddings are defiantly something. I hope you can figure out the seatings.


Today was a walk outside. We went to visit my Mom, I tried to help her pick a dress. It was between 2 similar styles but different shades of pink, both look really good on her so hard to decide.

Belinda - It's great you are getting your workouts in while visiting DS & DIL:) Do you knees bother you on the hills of the hike?

Waves hi to Cookie


Walk outside and Iron D27 UB is done. I have to hurry. My son’s in law are coming. At least I got my workouts in.

Debbie - my son and daughter in law are working. Makes it easy to get a workout in the mornings. Plus, my son has a bowflex dumbbells and a bench. They also have a yoga mat ( Cathy’s round one) I bought it for my daughter in law, she does a lot of yoga. Bands, you name it. Yes, my knees bordered me on the hike. Which new Cathe pre sale did you get? I am thinking getting the dvd’s and downloads? I am going to have to check out the premixes to see if I want the dvd’s too?

Have a wonderful day and workout.
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Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Chest & Tris. It was summer like weather here today.

Belinda - It is great that you have a gym setup in DS’s house. Have fun with your company. I’m thinking about getting DVDs & downloads.

Waves hi to Cookie


IRON Series 30 Min Dumbbell Glute Workout - Iron Glutes | Day 28 is done. I have 2 more workouts left.

Debbie - great job on your walk and GS workout. I will get the 4 dvd’s and downloads. It just doesn’t make any sense to get it without the bike workout. It’s just $10 more for the dvd and download.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside. I had a Dr. appt., ran errands and was too tired to do a weight workout;) I can't believe it but we have the a/c on again.

Belinda - Wow, you are great about sticking to your rotations and getting it done! I will get the bike workout too. I will have to dust it off though:oops:

Cookie - My DH said that there was a bus crash in Venice. Hopefully not near you. I told him I thought no motor vehicles were allowed.


I walked over 3 miles on the rail today.

Debbie - hope your doc appointment went well yesterday. My husband said it’s warmer in DC than in TX, lol. Crazy! Thanks for your kind worlds on the rotation. I try to stick as close as I can to a rotation. I don’t have a bike, still getting it.

Hi Cookie!!
Hey there! Remember me? We had a great time on vacation and saw a lot of things. Luckily, we traveled by boat to and from Venice, so we weren't anywhere near that accident. It is so sad. Got lots of steps in every day.

Deb, sorry I'm forgetting - when is the wedding. Glad you found a seamstress. Is your son her first grandchild to get married? Seating arrangements are a nightmare!

Belinda, sounds like you're enjoying El Paso! Your ds and dil have a great set up!

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