Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I walked slow and did STS Back this morning. I also did yoga to stretch out my legs. My right knee still feels sore from the shot, I sill have a lot of swelling. The pain got a little better. I hope the swelling will go down soon.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom workout. Yes, we had dinner with DS, DIL DIL sister and DD. We had a great time.

Cookie - hope you doing well.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Super Sets TB. It was just too hot today:(

Belinda - Good you are taking it easy but you did do a lot:) It sounds like you had a nice dinner. Hoping for a speedy knee recovery.

Cookie - I couldn't believe on the news how Okemo ski resort in VT is flooded (we used to go with went the kids many years ago).

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Essentrics yesterday and body parts chest this morning. One niece is arriving this morning with her infant, another niece comes tomorrow, and ds, his wife, dd and her partner are also arriving tonight, so trying to prep for an onslaught!

Deb, have you recovered and feeling more back to normal? It seems tropical every day lately. Yes, the flooding has been really bad. We're very fortunate, b/c it seems all around us. We had heavy rain again this morning but now the sun is back out.

Belinda, hope your knee is okay with all you do. Enjoy the time with your family.

I did Body Parts chest and mobility 2 this morning. I am giving my knees a break from walking. They are feeling a lot better, still swollen.

Debbie - thank you.! It’s getting very hot to walk outside. Great job on your walk and SS TB workout.

Cookie - great minds think a like. I did the same workout this morning. You have a lot of visitors coming. Have lots of fun.

Today we have a company dinner. We are staying in DC.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & Mat Yoga. I went to Costco and was lucky a bad thunderstorm came when I was back home.

Belinda - Great that you and Cookie did the same workouts today:) Have fun with your family in DC this weekend.

Cookie - Great workouts! You have a full house this weekend, have fun:)


Today was a walk outside. We went to see DS's & his GFs new house today, it was nice.

Have a great weekend!

Good morning,

I am since late last night. I had a blast this weekend. Today I will do Body Parts Bic.

Debbie - great job on your walk. Glad you liked DS’s new house. How exciting.

Cookie - hope you have fun with your guests.

I will be back later.
'Evening! Got in a walk and biceps today. It is humid! Full house is winding down! Only three visitors now, and that's nice.

Deb, how exciting to see their house! Is it far from yours? What time of the day do you generally walk? I would like to go in the early morning, but my dh likes to walk w/me and he most definitely is not a morning person.

Belinda, we're on the same schedule! Enjoy being in DC with your family.

Today was a walk at the gym. It rained all day. Luckily I went to the Farmers Market when it was light rain.

Belinda - Nice Body part bi workout! Great that you had a good time with your family this weekend:)

Cookie - You and Cookie are on the same schedule:). We end up walking at lunchtime because DH goes to the gym in the morning. I’m also like your DH not a morning person.


I walked outside this morning and did week 8 Body Parts Triceps.

Debbie - nice walk at the gym. I haven’t gone to our Famers Market since last year. It starts each Saturday at 8 am and ends at noon.

Cookie - great job on your walk and biceps. Yes, we are on the same schedule. I am an early person, Dh is like yours. It’s too hot and humid to walk later in the day.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a walk today but a shorter one. The air is bad again from the wild fires. Everything is so hazy. Wasn't able to get in triceps today so will tomorrow.

Deb, what do you like to get from the farmer's market? Our local small farm has changed, but he still gives us a lot of greens. They make the most incredible salads. I still haven't figured out after all these years when my dh has the most energy - he definitely is very "chill." But it most definitely is not in the morning.

Belinda, are you back home? How's your ds feeling? Sorry I wasn't able to get triceps in today, but I definitely will tomorrow. Do you usually walk with your dh?

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 Trisets TB. It was hot out, we did get out a little earlier but all day was hot.

Belinda - Nice work with Body Parts Tri's & walk. Your Farmer's Market has a small window of time. Are you still visiting DC? Does Sadie like going to DC?

Cookie - The air wasn't bad here but I saw further North & NYC did have bad air quality:( This has been a crazy year for weather. I like to get tomatoes, greens, berries, peaches, peppers, eggplant, carrots & potatoes. I guess everything LOL. I don't get all of it every week, I just pick what is good that week. My DH is a type A and I am more chill:)


Just finished a 3 mile walk. I got out before it gets to hot to walk. Glad I did. My knees are feeling pretty good right now. I will do STS foam roller workout today or yoga?

Debbie - great job on your walk and Trisets TB. No, I am home since Sunday. Sadie loves going to DC. She gets all excited. My DH is a type A and I am chilled too.

Cookie - great job on your walk yesterday. Enjoy your tricpes today. I am home since Sunday night. Thanks for asking DS is doing better. They got him on a very high does of thyroid meds. He will see a specialist once he is back home. I do usually walk with Dh, sometimes he has doc appointments. Like today he was cutting the grass, I got my walk in.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside before a rain storm & STS 2 Mobility 2. I was so tired today, happy tomorrow is a rest day:)

Belinda - It's great you were able to walk so long and your knee is feeling better. The shot worked quickly.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Walk outside and STS 2 Body Parts Legs is done.

Debbie - if my knee stays like that, I have zero complaint. I am still not 100%, still have swelling. Great job on your walk and mobility workout.

Hi Cookie

I am going to have dinner with DS before he leaves tomorrow.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It wasn't too humid today so not bad.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 body part legs & your walk. How did you like the leg workout? Have fun at dinner with your DS.

Waves hi to Cookie

Sorry for not checking in. On Tuesday one of our nieces who was visiting tested positive for Covid, and now I have it. Seems like a bad cold and I'm tired, so no workouts. Am hoping I'm up for triceps later today.

Deb, your veggies sound amazing! Just all those colors! Has you energy returned to normal levels?

Belinda, glad your ds is doing better and that you had dinner with him last night.

I had a PT assessment on my knee this morning. I am starting up PT again next week.

I did STS shoulder and all 4 bonuses. The bonus workouts are short and very good.

Debbie - I like the STS leg workout. I like all the STS 2 workouts, they are very different from the original STS. I still love them. Nice job on your zoom and walk.

Cookie - I am so sorry you tested positive for covid. Wishing you a speedy recovery. So many people still catching it. Go away covid. Get lots of rest and don’t push it with your workouts. Please keep us posted on how you doing.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning,

Today is recovery workout on the schedule, I probably will do yoga instead.

Debbie - I hope you doing well. What did you do yesterday?

Cookie - I am glad you got some sleep.


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