Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today the air quality is bad, no walk today. I thought we are done with the wildfire.

I did do STS UB 2.

Debbie - yeah, I did a lot of workouts yesterday. I think, the weather is getting me lately too. I changed my diet to more like a plant based diet. I do eat some meat once in while, just not every day. The vet/staff are all nice. Sadie loved the old vet, he was vet for many years. He retired last year. I think he was in his late 80's. He had a special way with pets. Amazing vet. Great job on your zoom and walk yesterday.

Cookie - that is funny about your dog story. He sounds like a cute dog. Army style, lol. Nice job on your walk and JS UB. I hope Sadie gets used to the vet. I hate to switch to another.

That's it for me today.
'Evening! Air qualityis bad and after being outside with my friend's dog, I have a bad headache, so no further workout.

Deb, glad you wee able to get in your Zoom yoga.

Belinda, do you think being tired could be an effect of doing sts?

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 Giant Sets. I have a feeling the air quality was bad or I am sensitive to it but didn't notice it when I was outside. Later on in the day my throat was sore and my voice sounds funny. I don't feel sick, I'm guessing that is what it may be.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 UB. For a vet to keep working into his 80's he must have been dedicated and love his animals:)

Cookie - The news said the air quality was bad for people sensitive to it. I guess we are. I also stopped by my SILs to see my nephew who's visiting from TN and we were outside. DH didn't have any problems or my SILs family:confused:.


No walk again, the air quality is the same as yesterday. Today I did STS 2 LB 2 with lighter weights, my knees are bordering me again. I can't win. I also did a short stretch.

Debbie. great job with GS yesterday. We can't see the sky, it's so foggy outside. Good for you for not noticing it. Be careful! How are you feeling today?

Cookie - sorry the bad air quality gave you a headache. Please be carful! I think, the weather and having a flair isn't helping. I also doing a lot around the house. I never relax.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

Today was a walk outside, the air quality was much better. I feel better so hopefully it was just the air quality.

Belinda - Great work with STS 2 LB. It's crazy how the Canadian fire's are reaching so much of the US. I hope it improves for you soon. DH is having a problem with his knee too:(

Cookie - Hopefully you are feeling better

Have a great weekend:)

i did a SBF power stretch today. That’s it. Air quality is still bad here.

Debbie - glad the air quality ist isn’t to bad in your area. It is crazy how it reaches the US.sorry about your DH knees.

waving hi to Cookie.

Good night

Today was a walk outside the air quality has improved but looks like further North and around us not so. I hope it gets better for everyone. I am coming down with something hopefully a good night sleep will fix it.

Belinda - A stretch workout sounds great! They don't say but I bet the air quality is bad for pets/dogs.

Waves hi to Cookie

'Happy Sunday! Did Body Parts: Shoulders today, and some ab work. The air quality is continuing to be bad and so far the rain hasn't abated it. Trying to minimize my time outdoors, so luckily it's a drizzing alternating pouring rain day.

Deb, hope your dh's knee feels better soon. What do you think is the problem? Be careful w/being outside - its obvious we're just more sensitive people. Did you get a good night's sleep and are you feeling better. Read Remarkably Bright Creatures and enjoyed it.

Belinda, what do you think of the rotation? I'm enjoying it. I do find it hard to squeeze in the length of time for them though. Take it easy.
Happy Sunday!! I walked outside this morning, the air quality was good today. The humidity was very high. I also did a 30 min yoga

Debbie - I hope you don‘t come down with something. The air was a lot better today. I am not taking Sadie out with the bad air quality, she is so tiny. Great job on your walk.

Cookie - sorry the air quality is still bad in your area. It was down to 40 this morning. Dh said it‘s suppose to get higher again next week.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today was a rest day, running a fever all day. Be back tomorrow and hopefully will feel better.

Good morning,

Week 6 STS LB1 is done. I have errands to run.

Debbie - I hope it’s nothing serious. Please get lots of rest. I hope you feel better soon.

Cookie - I do enjoy the rotation. It’s so different than the original STS, IMO! It feels different to me. I have done the original STS almost once a year since it came out. Still one of my favorite programs.Yeah, lots of people complains about the length of this workouts. They really not any shorter than the original STS. I do like the workouts a lot. BBL!
'Evening! Air quality better, so got a walk in. Now it is back to thunder and lightning with rain.

Deb, hope you're resting and drinking water. Did you find any good shows to watch so you can relax?

Belinda, I like this series also! Love the many variations Cathe gives on how to do the exercises. Glad your air quality is better also.

Today I slept most of the day and my fever broke by dinner. I checked I'm negative for Covid. I do feel much better, less congested. It seems like I'm sick a lot lately and strangely wasn't during Covid. I'm going to ask the Dr. at my physical her opinion.

Belinda - Happy the air quality is good by you too. Nice work with STS LB1, can't wait to get back to the rotation. I bet the stores were crowded because of the holiday.

Cookie - I'm happy the air quality is better:) This has been a crazy summer weather wise. I didn't really watch much TV or read because I kept dosing off LOL.

Good morning,

Walk outside + STS UB 2 is done. I will get a stretch done.

Saw my Orthodontist yesterday, she she added about 3 more month to my threatment. I got rescanned, in a few weeks I will get new trays.

Debbie - glad your fever broke. Feel better soon. The stores were not too bad, I got in and out in not time.

Cookie - I also love the new series, so many variation. I am starting week 7 next week with Body Parts. Can‘t wait to see what those all about. We had a lot of thunder and lighting last night.

Happy 4th of July!
Happy Fourth! Today was body parts: back, a walk, and dinner with my uncle. Getting ready to go relax a bit. Just checked weather, and it should be good for watching fireworks.

Deb, hope you are doing better. You must have needed that rest. Glad you'll see and mention it to a dr soon

Belinda, so many little pointers are also included in Cathe's commentaries. I am really happy with it. How does Sadie do with thunder/lightning and/or fireworks. Only one of my dogs gets anxious but he get so anxious, it is enough for all three of them.

Happy 4th of July!! Today was a walk & a nap LOL. I am starting to feel better. I am so behind with STS 2.0 but like hearing how far the both of you are:) Our power went out after a thunderstorm for only 15 mins. It blew out one of our cableboxes and it was on a power surge protector :oops:

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 UB. It must feel good that you are almost close to the end with Invisalign:)

Cookie - Great getting your workout, walk & dinner in. It was good that the storms came early not during the fireworks.


I walked this morning and did yoga.

Debbie - great job on your walk and nap, lol. I am glad you feeling better. Sorry about the power and being behind STS. I hope your power is up again. As far as STS goes, Start when you feel 100%. It‘s not going anywher.

Cookie - I agree with you on STS 2. I am glad I bought the set. Sadie sleeps through thunder/lighting and fireworks. The noice my DH makes with the air compressor drives her nuts. My dog Brawler was so scared with thunder/lighting and fireworks. I had to give him meds on 4th July, poor Brawler.

Good night.
'Evening! Body Parts: Chest done and boy what a workout! Started to go out for a walk at lunchtime and made it as far as my garage! Decided it was too hot and had too much to do if I got a headache from the heat. Had book club tonight and didn't want to miss it.

Deb, glad you're feeling better. Your body must need the rest, and as Belinda said, the workouts will still be there.

Belinda, only one of my dogs is bothered by it, and I feel bad for him. The other two act like nothing is going on.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. So after yoga I decided to just close my eyes for a few minutes on my mat, well 40 minutes later I woke up. DH said he came looking for me and I was asleep on my mat LOL I do feel much better:)

Belinda - Aww, we did the same workouts:) I was wondering how Sadie did with the fireworks. I remember how Brawler was, so many thunderstorms this year too. You are right I can do STS anytime.

Cookie - Good work with Body parts. I almost didn't walk but wanted to sweat my cold out. I did walk under trees as much as possible which helped. How was book club?


Walked this morning and did STS LB 2.

Debbie - glad you feeling better. Nicely done on that walk and zoom yoga. LOL, you needed that nap. That is funny. Sadie is very good with noises outside the house, but not when Dh uses his power tools. She hates the noise. Brawler always was so afraid of noises. Poor thing.

Cookie - glad it‘s only one of your dog is gets bordered by fireworks. Cooper (DD‘s dog) he is so afraid, the poor thing. I had him last year for the 4th of July. Never again! Great job on your Chest workout. I am staring the Body Parts workouts next week. Looking forward to them. Yeah, it got very hot quickly around 8 am this morning. I took a shower when I came home. I need to get out earlier, at least get out the house no later than 7. Glad you turned around. The heat is also making me very tired.

Have a great day and stay out of that heat outside.

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