Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I did STS Total Body and SBF sort upper body.

Debbie - my appointment is in Philly, it takes us 3 to 4 hours one way. My appointment is at 3 pm and 4 pm. By the time we leave it’s too late to workout. Wished it wouldn’t rain. Great job on your workouts. I am glad you got to talk to your neighbor.

Cookie - great substitute yesterday. Make the program work for you.

BBL hopefully
'Evening! Today was a band workout w/JS.

Deb, glad you were able to see and speak with your neighbor. It must be so hard for her.

Belinda, hope it went well today.

Today was a walk outside. It was overcast but no rain just around us. I also did STS 2 Supersets it was good.

Belinda - I visited UPenn when my niece was attending college their. It was a cute town and campus. I didn’t realize it’s as far for you as me.

Cookie - Nice band workout!


I did STS UB 2 today. I‘s raining nonstop here, no walking.

We came home late last night. UPenn wants me to get another CT scan in 6 month instead of year. They want to make sure, it‘s not RP related. They said it rare to have an enlarged atery with RP, it‘s been reported. They also want me to get a lot of tests done before I see them again in 6 month.

Debbie - glad you went for a walk yesterday. It‘s raining and it‘s cold outside. I also like SS. Great job yestererday,

Cookie - great job on your band and JS workout.

I got a question, my neighor invited us to their house on Saturday, she got shingles last Friday. She said, she is done with her meds but still have a rash. Is she still contagious? I read online, once the rash has developed crusts, which can take 2-4 weeks, the person is no longer contagious. I already canceled last week.

Today was a walk outside before the rain. I switched workouts and did 2.0 Trisets TB and will do mat yoga tomorrow. We are going to get a bite to eat.

Belinda - When I had shingles the Dr. said the same thing to me about the rash having crusts. He also said mine was on my stomach so very unlikely I could pass it to anyone since my stomach is always covered. The rash can last for months. I still have small spots (scars) where the rash was. My rash looked dry after a couple of weeks which I assume was the crusts.

It seems like UPenn did a good job of looking into your enlarged artery with follow-up.

Waves hi to Cookie

Have a great weekend:)

I walked this morning and STS mobility 1 plus SBF posture workout.

Debbie - good job on Trisets yesterday. I also switch workouts around when I need too. Yeah, I thought so about shingles. I will wait until she clears up. I saw her this morning, she showed me her rash on her side/stomach. It doesn‘t look like it‘s clear up. It looks infected to me, not crusted over. She thinks is cleared up, LOL. UPenn is awesome. I am so glad I am one of their patients. They are specialized in RP.

Cookie - I hope you doing well today.

Have a great evening
'Evening! Sorry, thought I posted last night but must not have hit send. Yesterday was ub2, and this morning my shoulders were talking to me about it! Today was an Essentrics day. Went to a couple of graduation parties this afternoon. Fun but kids have a lot of energy!

Deb, hope you enjoyed your dinner out. Glad you got your walk in. I've been having a hard time getting one in lately.

Belinda, glad you've in the UPenn program. Were you able to put dinner with your neighbor off for another week or so?

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 mat yoga. It was so humid today.

Belinda - Nice mobility & SBF workout. Shingles rash can get infected, it does seem to take awhile to clear up. It's good you are in the UPenn program.

Cookie - Nice workouts! Kids do have so much energy. There are so many lawn signs announcing graduations from elementary schools to HS. DH asked me if they had them when our kids were in school. They didn't LOL.


45 min yoga is done. It‘s too humid to walk outside today. Getting lots done around the house.

Debbie - great job on your walk and yoga mat. I haven‘t done that one yet. Great job! Well, my neighbor makes it sound like she is done with shingles in 7 day‘s. As long as she has the rash, I will stay away from her. My body can‘t fight infections with all the meds I take.

Cookie - thank you. I am glad I am in UPenn RP study program. Unfortunately you only get in if you have RP. I talked to a lady (we have weekly zoom calls for RP patients) she is in her end stage :( Made me so sad what this disease can do.

Have a wonderful Sunday.
'Evening! UB 1 done today. It's warm and humid here also. Had a good thunderstorm this afternoon. DH and DS1 went for a kayak ride.

Deb, I think the yard signs became popular during Covid. You're amazing with walking - way too humid for me today.

Belinda, how are the floors? Were you able to get them finished?

Today was a rest day for me. Almost walked but luckily a thunderstorm rolled in;). I made a sauce for the month this week.

Belinda - Nice yoga workout! It was nice to spend time indoors. Good you were able to get a lot done.

Cookie - Nice UB 1 workout. I’m not sure if I ever asked but do you or your family swim in the lake?


Today I did week 5 of STS, Upper body 1. We had to take Sadie to the vet for her shot. It‘s to humid outside to walk, plus my knees need a break.

Debbie - I sure got a lot done yesterday. The heat is getting to me. We suppose to get thunderstorm today. Glad you didn‘t get caught in that yesterday.

Cookie - great job on UB1. I was thinking today when I did that workout, why she put the shoulder on the end? At that point, my arms like noodles, lol. Glad you enjoyed the outdoors yesterday,

'Evening! Managed to get in a walk today. Boy, is it humid! My hair is in full bloom! Hearing thunderstorms in the distances. There's been drenching rain and then clear skies off and on for a few day already.

Deb, yes, we swim in the lake. Well, actually I'm more of a floater than a swimmer! How are the wedding plans coming along?

Belinda, my arms were noodles also! Love all the variations Cathe gives on how to do the exercises.

Today was a walk outside before the bad thunderstorms & STS Mobility 1. It was humid but overcast so that helped. We have so much rain in the bucket I have it looks about 5 inches.

Belinda - Nice work with STS UB1:) Does Sadie get nervous when she goes to the vet?

Cookie - I give up on my hair LOL. Nice walk! Floating is more fun:) I actually sent the list of our invitees to ds & gf, we didn't have a big list.

"Evening! Today was a rest day. Worked from a friend's house today. Her daughter had surgery and so I'm there in case she needs anything and to take care of their dog. Did get in lots of steps on dog walks, and then meet my uncle and sister for dinner.

Deb, yes on giving up on dealing with hair! Mine actually expanded exponentially as a result of the dog walking w/this humidity. 5 inches is a lot of rain! Guest lists means its getting closer!

Belinda, hope Sadie did okay at the vet. The dog I'm helping out with this week is a definite charmer. My dh made me promise to not get another dog.

Today was a walk outside, 1st half wasn't too humid but by the end it was! Only one thunderstorm today.

Belinda - Hope all is well

Cookie - I guess you were forced to walk in the humid weather but a least you had a charmer to do it with:)

Good morning,

sorry for not checking in yesterday, we had a busy day. We went an bought a new utility sink for our Mudroom. I am so tired the last few day‘s? I just don‘t get it? I went back eating plant based, I had more energy.

Yesterday we walked and I did STS LB 1 plus chair yoga. No wonder I was tired, lol.

Debbie - Sadie get very nervous when she goes to the vet. Ever since we go to the new vet. The old vet she loved going there. Are you excited for the wedding?

Cookie - you are a good friend taking care of your friends dog. What breed is he/she? Sadie did a lot better with her shot. I am glad she got both Influenza shots.

Today I will go for a walk after my coffee, I will do a nice yoga/stretch. BBL
'Evening! Managed to get in a walk and a JS UB wo in.

Deb, aren't the storms crazy?!! Everyday there's rain and at least one thunderstorm. At least we don't have the heat done or wildfire smoke. Was at my friend's house again today and that dog had me outside more than inside!

Belinda, hope Sadie comes around to liking the new vet. I'm also glad she got her flu shots. The dog is a mix, but mostly shepherd. He likes being outside and playing in mud. He enjoys melting down onto the ground and lying there. When I tell him we're supposed to be walking, he does an army crawl! He's really funny.

Today was a walk outside, it was cooler but just made it back before the storm of the day LOL. I also did zoom yoga.

Belinda - You did a lot of workouts, I'm sure you are tired;). I hope you start feeling less tired soon. I have been feeling tired but I think it's the humidity. Hopefully Sadie gets used to the new vet.

Cookie - I feel like their is water everywhere when I go out:( No wildfire smoke here yet but it may be coming. I like your dog walking story. I sometimes get caught up with watching funny dog videos on the internet, but it makes me laugh:)


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