Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I walked this morning than I did STS UB/LB foam rolling. Liked both workouts. I need to do those more often. I may buy a softer foam roller like Cathit’s. I also did SBF Barre LB barre + Balance + stretch and LB barre reset.

My cardiologist called with the results. Everything came back normal. He doesn’t know why my artery is enlarged. He wants me to came back next year for another CT scan to monitor the size of the artery. It looks like that prednisone is causing this. Who knows?

Debbie - I hope they can figure it out soon. How frustrating. Nice walk yesterday.

Cookie - I hope you had a great workout today.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a walk yesterday afternoon, after checking in, and another one today. Went during lunch and it warm.

Deb, glad you're okay. That must have been frightening. Hope it doesn't take long to get someone to check out the other things.

Belinda, that's good news from the cardiologist. Prednisone has a lot of side effects. I haven't tried the foam rolling workouts yet.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2 Giant Sets. First workout I really liked. I can’t seem to remember where to find the STS 2 rotations, was there a link in email?

Belinda - Good news from the cardiologist, it’s good they will be monitoring. I’m looking forward to try foam roller workout. I didn’t know they have soft rollers mine is too hard too.

Cookie - It has been nice walking weather:)


I did STS Giant Sets and SBF Core/UP.

Debbie - thank you! I am so happy my heart/lungs are ok. Here is the link for the STS 2 rotations. Cathe sells the orange foam roller she is using in the workouts. I will get that one. It looks long too, which is hard to find.

Cookie - thank you! That is good news about my results. I have an appointment t with UPenn on Thursday, I will ask the doctor about the enlarged artery. Yes, prednisone has so many side affects. I am still tapering down. I can’t just stop it. Hopefully the new medication will reduce the amount of prednisone. Give the foam roller workouts a try. It’s very good. Not to fast either. I am loving the new workouts. Nothing is rushed.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today was supposed to be a walk outside but turned around when I heard thunder. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Thanks for the link will check it out tomorrow:) Nice work with STS Giant sets.

Cookie - Wondering if you will have lots of guests this weekend;)

Have a great weekend:)

Today I did STS Chair Yoga. It was a nice stretch. I liked it. I also did a few SBF target workouts + a short stretch. I need all the stretching, my body is thight.

The floor in the living room is done. It looks amazing. Why didn’t I do it earlier? So easy to clean. I also cleaned the living room window s and cleaned everything before we put it back in. I love it. The leak is also fixed. The leak came from the outside. We will probably take a few day’s off before we start on the kitchen floor.

Debbie - you are so welcome. We had thunder yesterday too. Today is so humid outside. I should have gone for a walk earlier this morning, I wanted my living room finish. Oh well.

Any plans for Father’s Day tomorrow? DD is coming, I have no idea what she has planned, lol?

Have a wonderful weekend.
'Evening! yesterday was a walk with a friend. Another friend and her husband came over for dinner and stayed late, so I didn't have a chance to check in. Today did trisets upperbody and went to a strawberry festival. Timewide festival was cancelled for today due to rain but will check it out tomorrow.

Deb, hope you enjoyed your dinner. How's your mom doing? Yes, dd and her partner are here for the weekend and friends are here. Glad you didn't get caught in that thunderstorm.

Belinda, I didn't know foam rollers came in different levels of hardness either! Glad you're happy with your floors. I'm sure they're better for your allergies.

Today was a walk outside. I took it easy today, tomorrow so busy with the kids coming over. It's also the 1st day of our town's Farmer's Market.

Belinda - It's good you get your stretching in I should do more often. Thanks the link worked:) It's nice your DD will come for Father's day.

Cookie - You are busy this weekend! Strawberry festival sounds yummy:) My Mom is doing well, she still has to see the neurologist to rule anything out.


Today I did SBF relaxation stretch . I ordered the foam roller that Cathe is using.

Good night. I will catch up on personals tomorrow

Today was a walk outside. DS’s were over along with my younger one’s fiancé. It was a nice day, I cleaned 1st my house was a mess. I made chicken & eggplant parmigiana for dinner and I’m exhausted;)

Belinda - I cant wait to see how you like the foam roller. I wonder if they will sell at RT.

Cookie - Hope you had a nice day.

'Afternoon! Got in sts2 upper body1 today. All company has now left the building! Actually just a few minutes ago, but we had a very nice time together. DH wants us to go for a kayak ride this afternoon but I'm not sure I'm up for it after the workout.

Deb, glad your mom is doing okay, and hope its good news when she sees neurologist. Your dinner sounds awesome!

Belinda, yes, I want to hear about the foam roller also. I didn't know they had different levels of hardness.

I did STS 2 LB 1 and SBF core/upper body this morning.

We drove to DC with DD today to spent the rest of the day in Georgetown. Had a lovely afternoon with DD,DH and Sadie.

Debbie - the foam roller should come tomorrow. I ordered it from Amazon. Maybe you should wait until the RT? Glad you had a great weekend. Great walk yesterday. The humidity is making it harder to walk.

Cookie - glad your companies left and you had a great time. Did you end up kayaking? Great job on STS 2 UB1.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside and lower body at the gym. I forgot it was a holiday so the gym was too crowded. I decided on the 8 week STS 2.0 rotation. I will start tomorrow.

Belinda - I forgot you can order from Amazon, probably free shipping too. I will wait to order at the RT or just order when I get back home. Nice walk, your right the humidity was high today:(

Cookie - It must be relief company is gone but I'm sure fun when they are there. Nice work with STS 2 UB.


I walked early this morning. I also did Week 4 STS 2 UB1. Those hammer curls she did were brutal. Great workout.

Debbie - Amazon had free shipping, plus I had so many points the roller was free. Once the sun came out this morning so did the humidity. Great job on your lower body. Sorry about the crowded gym. It was very crowded in the stores yesterday too.

Hi Cookie!

'Evening! Rest day today. Long day.

Deb, I'm doing the 8 week rotation also.

Belinda, Didn't get in kayaking but did go for a 4 mile walk. That was one tough workout.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 Giant Sets. I decided to repeat the one dvd I did and start the rotation.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2.0 UB. Your right Amazon does offer free shipping after $25 which is great when an item is large.

Cookie - After your long walk yesterday, a rest day was a good idea:)


I did STS LB 2 today instead of tomorrow. I will not have time to do it before my appointments at UPenn. I also did SBF LB barre plus core.

Debbie - I have Prime with Amazon, it ships for free. The foam roller is bigger than the once’s I have. I haven‘t tried it yet. Great job with Giant Sets. I lIke this one.

Cookie - great job on your 4 mile walk. That‘s a long walk. I hope you got some rest yesterday.

I will try to be back and catch up on personals if not I will do it tomorrow.
'Evening! Did a JS UB details workout, since I can't do the sts lower body ones. Had dinner w/Tio and one of my sil

Deb, think we're all doing the 8-week rotation! I'm noticing sts is making me more tired. Wonder if it will you.

Belinda, hope all went well today. Boy, that's a lot of working out for one day!

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. We ran in to the neighbor who's DH passed. I was happy we did because I wanted to see her in person and express my condolences. She also explained how it happened.

Belinda - Good luck tomorrow. It's good that you switched days for your workout, you never know how long appointments can take. I meant to say the other day, your day in Georgetown sounded good.

Cookie - Nice work with JS UB. I remember being more tired with STS 1 so I bet the same with STS 2. It sounds like you had a nice dinner.


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