Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I couldn‘t stay at home today, I been crying since yesterday. DH, Sadie and I went for a long walk and had lunch in a near by town. It was a nice day. We also went

I am so glad I spend to much time with Mag Pie before she passed and all the years. I always watched Mag Pie (and his other 2 dogs) when my son went on business trips, DS and I rescued her from the shelter. When I saw Mag Pie ( Pie was a Beagle) I knew she was the right one for my son. I miss her so much already.

Debbie - thank you! My son was was only 19 when we rescued her. DS and DIL are not doing so well. I fell bad for both. Great job on STS 2.0 Upper Body.

Cookie - thank you! I am glad I got to see Pie too before she passed. DS FaceTimes me before they took her to the vet. It’s still hard. How nice your sister came to visit you. I hope you had a wonderful time.

Good night!

Today was a walk after the rain & the sun came out. The leaves are finally changing so very pretty.

Belinda - A walk and a day out is what you need to take your mind off of your loss. It sounds like you and DS had a special bond picking Mag Pie together.

Cookie - Nice work with Essentrics. It's good you were able to see your sister:)

'Evening! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Honestly, I don't know where the day went. Went to visit dh and her fiance today for her birthday - she turned 30! Gosh, my kids are getting old! Also did an Essentrics workout today.

Deb, it's been rainy and windy here, not very pleasant. Glad it is nice by you. All set for next weekend?

Belinda, it is so hard to say good bye to famiy members. Dogs are just so full of love, it hurts.

Today was a walk outside, it was sunny but luckily the wind came after our walk. My niece is going to the hospital tonight to be induced but it could take a couple of days before she has the baby.

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better each day. Not easy though:(

Cookie - I was thinking that yesterday boy are my kids getting old;). Is DD getting married soon? I hope you get some of the nice weather we are expecting midweek.

'Evening! Got in a long walk today. The rest of this week is crazy busy with longs days of work.

Deb, hope tings go smoothly for your niece. I can't believe how old my kids are. She just got engaged and so far they haven't set a date. One nephew got married last week, and I have three more over the next six months.

Belinda, hope all is well.

I did STS 2 UB 1 and walked outside this afternoon. I wasn’t feeling well, I think I aught a stomach bug. It’s been bordering me since TX.

Sorry I will catch up tomorrow morning.

Today was a walk outside & STS 2.0 lower body 2. We finalized with the venue today so getting real close.

Belinda - I hope you feel better. Kudos on getting in your workout & walk.

Cookie - You will be an expert at wedding planning after going to so many weddings:)


Walk outside and live dancing is done. Today was Cathe’s HiiT on the schedule, no way I could do it with my stomach.

My husband and I finalized the RV. Now it’s in production. I hope we get it before the winter comes.

Debbie - thank you. I slept better last night. There is a stomach bug going around. I think I caught it from my son’s mother in law. I feel so nauseous constantly. Yeah, on finalizing the venue. It’s getting real and close. Great job on STS 2 LB 2. I will do that one this week too.

Cookie - I agree with Debbie :) you will be an expert on wedding planning. If I need advice I will ask you . Thank you.

I will be back tomorrow. It is beautiful outside.
'Evening, just yoga and stretching today for a workout but managed to get in a lot of steps over the course of the day.

Deb, hope you're able to enjoy the wedding and reception. Great job on your workouts!

Belinda, I might have to become an expert at dressing for weddings! Congrats on your RV!

Today was a walk. I picked up my dress & the guys picked up their tuxs. It supposed to be 75 degrees here on Friday. That’s crazy for October but will be nice for the wedding.

My niece delivered her baby girl:). Two days of labor & 4 1/2 hours of pushing. I never heard of such a long delivery. She is a trouper.

Belinda - Ugh, stomach virus’s are rough. Feel better soon. Great job with walking & dancing.

Cookie - Nice yoga & stretching workout:). I’m hoping to get a yoga class in.


I am feeling better today, the nausea finally stopped. I hope whatever this was will not come back.

Today I walked 3.5 miles outside. It was beautiful outside. I also did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1. I had a great workout.

Debbie - congratulations on your nieces baby girl! Poor girl! She deserves a medal:) Great job on your walk. Yeah, on your dress and tux’s. It was so hot outside today. Crazy weather. I’ll take it.

Cookie - lol, I am sure you an expert on wedding planner and everything that is included :) Good for you. Thanks on the RV. We are not getting it before December or January the latest.

Good night.
'Evening! Conference I'm at is on a beautiful state park, and got in a lovely walk during lunch. Absolutely beautiful day here - hard to believe it is almost the end of October with this weather. I'm loving it.

Deb, so excited for you. Love looking at folks all dressed up. Guys look so handsome in suits. Yoga would be a good idea. What time is the wedding?

Belinda, glad you're feeling better. Stomach viruses are horrible! Nice workout and walk.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. We went to see my niece at the hospital, her baby is beautiful! They do things so different now, the baby stays in the room all the time. When I had the boys only saw them during feeding times.

Belinda - I'm happy you are feeling better. That was some long walk! Sounds like you took advantage of a beautiful day. The good thing about the RV coming in December or January you will have time to learn about it before the weather is warm.

Cookie - It's nice to have great weather and a beautiful state park to enjoy during the conference:) The church is 4pm and reception is 6pm. The rehearsal at the church and dinner following is tomorrow.


I am done with Invisalign :D I been wearing Invisalign for 5 years and 4 month. I thought I would never get out of them. All my attachments came off. I get a permanent night retainer in 8 day’s.

I went for a walk after my appt.

I will catch up on personals later or tomorrow morning.

I went for a walk today. The rehearsal dinner was today, everything went well. The wedding day is finally here tomorrow:) It will be a fun day but I'm sure we will be so tired at the end of the night.

Belinda - It is great that the invisalign is finished :). It must feel great to have the attachments off! Are you happy with the results?

Cookie - I bet there will be people in the water this weekend. We are having record breaking temperatures!


Today was walk outside and STS Upper Body 2.

Debbie - thank you! Yes, I am happy with my results. I was in treatment with another orthodontist for over 3 years, she is the one that messed up my bite and teeth. She actually had the nerve to release me after 3 years still had my attachments in my mouth. She wouldn’t take them off. It took another Orthodontist to fix what she had done to my teeth. My teeth were not bad to begin with. When you chose Invisalign you have to do your homework. The have different levels. My old one was Gold. which means they hardly know anything about Invisalign. Go figure! My now Orthodontist is Diamond. I learned a lot about Invisalign over the years. Wished I known 5 years ago :( would have saved me so much time and frustrations. Lessons learned!!! Have fun with the rehearsal dinner. Wedding day today? That was quick. Have fun. DH, Sadie and I will pick up the RV Up state NY. We will stay at the dealer for 3 day’s to learn the RV inside/outside. This one is high tech. Lots to learn.

Cookie - it is hard to believe it’s the end of October. I love the color changes. I don’t like the cold. The weather is beautiful lately. No jacket required.

Good night.
Sorry got home last night from that conference, and forgot to check in. Got in a lot of steps yesterday and today, taking breaks during the conference.

Deb, enjoy tonight and congratulations on gaining a daughter! Looking forward to hearing about it.

Belinda, congrats on Invisalign and the rv.

Today i went for a long walk outside.

Debbie - I hope you had lots of fun yesterday. Congrats on your new daughter.

Cookie - thank you. Great job on getting lots of steps in.

Good night.
'Evening! Beautiful weather here today. It's supposed to change soon, so I'm reveling in it while I can. Did our 6-mile walk today.

Debbie, hope you had a lovely time yesterday and are resting today.

Belinda, sorry you had such a journey with your Invsalign, but an happy it's over for you.

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