Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside. Yesterday was beautiful and over in a blink. It was a long day but worth it. There were some hiccups. Everyone loved the venue and the food and said they had a good time. The weather was beautiful.

Belinda - Thank you! It's great you didn't give up on invisalign and found a good dentist:) Great job with your walks & STS 2.0 Upper body 2.

Cookie - Thank you! That was a long walk but the weather is beautiful so enjoy it before it ends;)


STS 2.0 lower body 2 plus walk outside today.

Debbie - I hope you talk a well deserved rest today. I am glad I did not give up on Invisalign either. Glad everything went smoothly at the wedding minus a few hiccups.

Cookie- thank you! What a journey it was. That was some walk you did yesterday. How long did it take you? Amazing!

Good night!
'Evening! Weather has turned to its more seasonal damp and dreary! Did a miniband workout and got in a lot of indoor walking. Saw play Mrs. Doubtfire today, and it was good. Theatre was almost full.

Deb, isn't amazing how fast it goes after all that goes into planning the event?

Belinda, the 6 mile walk takes us just about 1.5 hours. We try to do it a couple of times a week. Do you get many trick-or-treaters?

Today was a walk outside in between the rain:( I miss the nice weather. The good thing is we leave for FL on Wednesday. DH really needs a vacation, he wasn't sleeping well the last couple of weeks.

Belinda - Nice STS 2.0 lower body workout! Hopefully you aren't getting the rain too.

Cookie - A miniband workout sounds like fun. The movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" was good, I bet the place was too!

'Evening! Took a rest day today. My little dog, had been acting very strange the past few weeks. Actually somethings for a few months. Then it seems he had a ministroke. Took him to the vet today and he has now gone on to join some of our others.

Deb, I miss the nice weather also! A vacation in FL sounds terrific for you. Might the stress of the wedding have been affecting your dh?

Belinda, hope you've had a great day.

Today I did GS Chest & Triceps.

Debbie - great job on that walk. Sorry your husband isn’t sleeping well. Safe travels on Wednesday. It was raining here too.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your little dog. What can the vet do for him? Your 6 mile walking pace is very good. Great job!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I can’t believe it’s Halloween tomorrow. I have been seeing lots of nicely decorated houses. I do some inside but not really outside.

Belinda - Nice GS Chest & trio workout. Will Sadie dress up for Halloween?

Cookie - I’m sorry to hear about your dog:(. It’s never easy.

Took a rest day today, trying to catch up on work I had to put off yesterday. Did squeeze in my weekly dinner with Tio!

Deb, thanks, I do miss that little guy. It's strange, even tho we have two other dogs here, it is real quiet. He certainly brought a lot of life and noise into our house. Hard to believe it is the end of October and only two more months in this year! Crazy.

Belinda, thanks, the little guy has passed on. He really wasn't happy at all, confused and in pain. We should have named him Velcro, since he was always attached to me. Except for the past couple of weeks, that had been changing, and that was a real sign he wasn't doing well. Hope all is well with you.
Happy Halloween,

Today is my DD’s 38th birthday. DD and I did a belly dance and walk outside today.

Debbie - we ran out of candy tonight. My husband gave the kids fist full of candy, lo. It was nice seeing all those kids dressed up. Sadie was a leopard. She looked so cute! Most kids thought she wasn’t real. Sadie didn’t made a sound when she saw all those kids.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your little guy passing. It’s hard to lose a fur baby. I am really sorry. He sounds like a wonderful little guy. Get some rest.

Good night.

Happy Halloween
Today was a walk outside. It was our Anniversary but will celebrate in Florida. Not too many Trick or Treaters.

Belinda - I started handing out handfuls of candy but just not enough kids. I guess I shouldn’t bought from Costco. It sounds like Sadie, you & the kids had a blast! Happy Birthday to you DD:) looks like you had a great workout together.

Cookie - Sounds like a nice dinner with Tio:). I wonder if one of the other dogs will start following you now.

Took a rest day other than some stretching. I need to get a workout in tomorrow. Today was a long day and tomorrow will be also.

Deb, Happy Anniverary! Sorry, meant to mention it yesterday. We got no trick-or-treaters, none, zilph, nil. Very disappointing. Is tomorrow when you leave for FL? Enjoy.

Belinda, thanks for your kind words. Happy birthday to your DD. Amazing how fast the time goes? I have no idea how our kids got to be so old! Sadie must have looked adorable.

We arrived in FL. Lots of steps going through the airport. In Newark they built a new terminal beautiful but so much walking. In Tampa we haven’t rented a car in years so to get to the rental car area is a hike. The car rental prices are so expensive. We sold the car we drove to FL, so hopefully next year will bring a car down. I’m not sure how the elderly people do it.

Belinda - GS Legs one of my favorites!

Cookie - I heard there is a trend to do trunk & treat. I’m going to ask some neighbors to see if that is why ther are less kids.

Good morning

Debbie - Happy Anniversary! Yeah, everything is expensive these day’s. Glad you safe in Fl. How long are you staying this time? I can’t wait for our RV. I wouldn’t mind being in warmer weather right now. It got so cold here.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your little guy. DD had a wonderful day on her Birthday. Sadie did look adorable.

I will be back later to report my workout. Still drinking my coffee.
I almost forgot to report my workout. I did a live belly dancing this morning.

We are doing flooring, 3rd bedroom and hallway. What a mess. I am not looking forward to my master bedroom.
'Evening! Band workout today. Just got back from a memorial in honor of my mom. It was nice.

Deb, glad you made it safely. Hope the weather is good. The new airport in Newark is nice. Dulles airport could sure use an upgrade! Whenever we travel, I wonder how the elderly do it. There is so much walking! A lot of places here do trunk or treat also. We don't have sidewalks on my street, and our driveway is sort of out of the view from the street, and it looks like a dirt road that comes in off an other road.

Belinda, it will be all worth it when it's done, but like you I don't like the mess and disorder remodeling brings. GS Legs used to be one of my favs also.

Today was a walk on the beach & a bunch of errands. It was cool here but nice in the sun.

Belinda - Nice belly dancing workout. We are here for 2 weeks. The RV sounds interesting and will be lots of fun. The floors will be nice but I’m sure a lot of work.

Cookie - A band workout sounds like fun. I’m happy your Mom’s memorial was nice. It is so calming for me to go to cemeteries & memorials.

'Evening! Got in our long walk and Essentrics today. I really felt the Essentrics after the walk. Hockey game starting in a couple of minutes, so got to be quick.

Deb, glad you're enjoying nice weather while walking on the beach. That's a great release from the stress of the wedding prep. I'll live vicariously through you. In Victorian times, cementaries were thought of more as parks!

Belinda, glad you're enjoying your bellydancing clases. You should count the reflooring as a workout also!

Today was a walk on the beach. It was cool but wore a sweatshirt so it helped. They started working on balcony repairs. TG it’s not our unit yet because not allowed on the balconies when they are working. It could take a year to complete the repairs for the building:oops:

Belinda - I’m sure your busy with the flooring.

Cookie - Nice work with essentrics and walk. I just saw in the news the tragic accident with the hockey player. It was so sad, I didn’t realize that could happen with the skater blades.

Good morning,

Sorry my computer wasn’t charged last night. Yesterday I did GS Back, Shoulder & Biceps and walked outside.

Debbie - enjoy your vacation. I can’t wait for the floors to be done. I had to empty every room. On the other hand I am also going through everything right now.

Cookie - I am happy your mom’s memorial was nice. I agree with Debbie, it was so calming to go to cemeteries. I sure get a lot of steps in these day’s. Great job on your essentrics and walk.

I am getting my hair done with DD in DC. Afterwards DD, BF and us will go hiking/have a picnic. That should be fun.

I will try to check in later.

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