Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS TB Trisets.

Debbie- sorry about your back. Hope you feel better soon. That is sad about the towns. Hopefully they can rebuild it. Feel better soon

Hi Cookie!
Tried Active Recover this morning, but it had too much w/my sciatica, so I did Essentrics and an ab workout.

Deb, hope you feel better soon, but do take it easy. One of the benefits of traveling is realizing how fortunate we are.

Belinda, boy you have a lot going on! Hope Sadie feels better soon, and the house situation gets straightened out soon.
'Evening! Did sts2 SuperSets UB today. Haven't got in a walk the past few days due to the air quality.

Deb, hope you're feeling better and are able to enjoy your vacation.

Belinda, how's Sadie today? Renovations sure are stressful!

I am so tired, I forget to hit the enter bottom. I was asleep yesterday around 7 pm. I guess, I needed some sleep. Yesterday I did STS TB stretch. Which was quit nice. Today I did STS Giant Sets. I need to get a nice stretch in today.

Debbie - I hope you feel better. Enjoy your vacations. How is the air quality by you?

Cookie - Sadie is her old self again. It was the influenza shot that got her this time. Poor thing! The floor in the living room is getting there. DH is working really hard. I help as much as I can, he drilling screws into the floors. Sadie doesn't like the sound. I have to take her in another part of the house. I do all the clean up/sweeping the floors after DH lays down those giant wood panels to support the floors. Tomorrow we are getting ready to lay down the vinyl. We should be done this weekend (hopefully). I haven't walked in day's. Hopefully it all clears up soon. it's nasty looking outside. How are you liking the new workouts? Did you get DVD's or downloads?

I will try to be back later.

The last couple of days we have been taking day trips to different beaches. It has been fun. My back is feeling much better. Back home the air quality has been bad, lots of things cancelled. DS’s gf sent us a picture by her job in NYC it looked wild like sunset in the middle of the day.

Belinda - Nice workouts & stretch. Good you caught up on your sleep. Great that your floor will be finished this weekend.

Cookie - Nice workouts! Wow I didn’t realize the air quality was by you as well. Hopefully it goes away for good.

Enjoy the rest of the day:)
'Morning! Wanted t check in before either forgot or ran out of time. Yesterday was stretching and massage. This morning did STS2 trisets upper body and standing abs.

Deb, checking out different beaches is a great idea! What differences are you noticing among them? Lots of activities here cancelled as well due to air quality. Glad your back is better.

Belinda, my dogs wouldn't like the sound or commotion that comes with doing that either. My shih tzu has to have his teeth removed later this month. We've put it off, but can't any longer. I use Cathe's streaming service, but am having challenges w/the premixes playing smoothly. I love the ease of streaming over using dvds. Good luck with the vinyl today.

I walked this morning. The air quality wasn't too bad. I also did Element Yoga for Stress Relief & Flexibility. I did the flexibility yoga, it was very good. I didn't feel like doing the STS recovery today. I needed to get a good stretch for my legs.

Debbie - glad you are feeling better. Your day trips sounds amazing. Lots of activities are canceled here too. We should be done with the floors hopefully tomorrow. Although Sadie has a groomer appointment.

Cookie - most dogs don't like the sound or commotions. Aww...sorry your shih tzu. I thought you mention you prefer streaming over dvd's/downloads. One day I will convert to streaming. I am not there yet. Thank you about the vinyl.

Good night.

Today we spent our last day at the hotel and the beach here. Someone was getting married, the setup was beautiful. It was fun to see. We leave tomorrow.

Belinda - It’s good you were able to walk and the air quality improved. Nice getting in yoga too.

Cookie - Nice getting in STS2 trisets upper body. A few of the beaches we went to had trails In order to get to them. I did not have the right shoes for them. I just brought sandals. On one of the open beaches the water was so rough. The best ones were on coves including our hotel. The water is calm, less people, more scenic and boats dock in the open space.

'Afternoon! Did Mobility 2 today. Am hoping some of those moves don't aggravate my sciatica, but defnitely appreciated the upper body work. Extended family here, and TG the weather is warmer!

Deb, those beaches sound awesome. And to see the set up for a wedding! I wouldn't prefer the rough water ones, either. Where your hotel is must be wonderful. Enjoy the last day!

Belinda, hoping the floors are going in smoothly. I discontinued some of my streaming accounts but then realized how much I prefer it. You sure have had a lot of stress, so you picked the right yoga for you!

We are back home, we were delayed because someone had a handgun on a checked luggage so we were returned to the gate so they could recheck the luggage:( Luckily it was found quickly.

The last couple of days we were using a taxi driver who turned out to be great. He told us so much history about the island, he went through local neighborhoods and even told us about the flowers and fruits of the island. We walked into to town every night for dinner and the town dog (his tag said he was the mayor of the town) would walk with us back home. People thought he was our dog and one man said he knows you are staying on the hill (he lived next door to our hotel) so he walks with you LOL.

Belinda - A much needed rest day for you with all the work you have been doing:) I'm sure your floors look great.

Cookie - Nice work with your mobility workout:) It must be hard trying to figure out what bothers your sciatica. In 2017 hurricane Irma really destroyed St. Martin, our taxi driver said the reason it is taking so long to rebuild is because the government does not provide aid for people to rebuild. It makes me feel lucky to live in the US. The airport is a mess, you must take a bus to the plane (they pack you in) and you walk up the stairs. It is so confusing because they only have a few gates that all the airlines share.



I did StS week 3 TB Trisets.

heading to DC to meet my daughter for dinner.

Debbie- about the handgun! Glad you home safe. Thank you about the floors. I’ll bet the setup for the wedding on the beach was breathtaking.

Cookie- great job on mobility 2. how did you like it? Did it aggravate sciatica? I would prefer streaming too if the price tag would came along with same services. They do get expensive.

Great job on your workouts ladies.
;Evening! Giant sets today.

Deb, glad they found the gun. That must have been scary. We are very fortunate here, which I think sometimes makes it hard for us to realize how hard it is for others. Maybe it was a hint that you should get a dog at your home. Love the connections we can make when traveling.

Belinda, enjoy dinner with your daughter. How are the floors coming along? I modified that mobility workout so thankfully it didn't bother my sciatica. Streaming is expensive, but I justify workout ones because the ease of streaming makes it far more likely I'll workout.

Today was a walk outside. I also needed to go food shopping & do laundry.

Belinda - Wow, you are already on week 3 of the rotation! I need to check them out and decide. Have fun at dinner with your daughter.

Cookie - It seems like both you and Belinda are enjoying the new workouts.

'Evening! Essentrics today and dinner with my tio! Love listening to his stories about growing up and family members.

Deb, I always do better with a rotation. The less I have to think about and plan the more likely I am to work out. Vacations are great but I'm not crazy about the reaclimating part.

Belinda, how was your dinner?
Good evening,

I am Home again . I did a barre workout and stretching today.

i will catch up on personals in the morning .

good night

Today was a walk outside. It has been a crazy day, my Mom fell in the house but she is ok. At 10:30PM our carbon monoxide detector went off, tried a different one and that went off too. We are waiting for the gas company to check it out.

Belinda - Nice barre & stretching workout:)

Cookie - It's great you have dinner with your Uncle. Nice essentrics workout!

Checking in w/supersets ub done. We're meeting a friend for dinner tonight, so I didn't want to not check in.

Deb, I sure hope your mom is okay. It is scary. What did the gas company say. Is the issue taken care of? That's nothing to fool around with.

Belinda, you seem to always get your workouts in. Great dedication!

Today I did STS Giant Sets and SBF Barre sculpt and BA UB stretch. I also walked Sadie.

Debbie - I hope your mom is ok. That is scary. I hope the gas company comes out soon. Yes, I am already on week 3 of STS. I do like the 12 week rotation.

Cookie - dinner was nice. We ended up staying with DD. How was your SS UB today. Have fun with your friend and catching up. I try to get my workouts in early in the mornings, no excuses not to get them done.

Good night.

I walked at the gym, we had thunderstorms today. All is fine with the gas, but he suggests I have the water heater checked and the chimney.

I’ll be back tomorrow with personals.


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