Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. My STS 2 DVD's are scheduled for Wednesday:)

Belinda - A long day for you, sleep well. I don't like it when they can't find a vein:( It sounds like you were in good hands. Hopefully the results come soon.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Woke up with giant headache and stomach cramping. I decided to take a walk outside, it seemed to help the headache. I need to drink tons of water to flush everything out of my body. Which I started doing right after the scan.

Debbie - great job on your walk and upper body at the gym. My STS 2 dvd's are scheduled for Wednesday too. Hoping to get the downloads today. I want to do a workout today.

Waving Hi to Cookie!!


Awww....they just released the STS 2 downloads. Oh well! I am meeting my son in DC for dinner. He is here on business until Friday. I had to get a workout, I decided to Lite UB. I will do STS 2 in the morning.

I have to get ready to meet my son. BBL
'Evening! Seems like I'm trying like crazy to catch up on work after having to take a few days last week. Did meet my uncle for dinner, though, and that is always grand!

Deb, hmmm thinking I might be able to guess your workout, if not tomorrow, then Thursdays?

Belinda, enjoy your dinner with your son.
Quick update. My cardiologist called earlier letting me know I don't have coronary artery disease. The chest pain I was experiencing were caused by the high doses of prednisone. He said I probably can't get off the prednisone to control my RP, he wants me to talk to my Rheumatologist about it. I have an appointment with my Rheum tomorrow. I have very minimal plaque for my age, which is very good. He still wants me to stay on the statin (if I want) to prevent further plaque buildup/or breakage in the future and to bring down my LDL. He thinks that prednisone is causing my LDL elevated. I still have an enlarged artery (pulmonary hypertension). He wants to wait until I get the cardioechogram to see what is going on with that artery on June 8m.That will give a clear picture of PH. If I do have PH, he will come up with a plan with me.. He compared PH like having high blood pressure in your arteries. I am glad my heart is fine considering heart disease runs in my family.

Cookie - hopefully you get a break. Glad you had fun with your family.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. Ugh, I have the plumber coming tomorrow. Our 2nd bathroom has an ongoing leak. It is old but the plumber is hesitant to replace because he has to make a hole in the wall.

Belinda - Good news! It's good you see the Rheum so soon and can show him all the results from your tests. It's nice to have dinner with your son, a nice break for you.

Cookie - I'm sure you are still tired, Nashville is a lot LOL. Sounds like a nice dinner with your Uncle. My mail comes so late. Years ago it would come late morning, now late evening. One time it came at 9PM. The mailman told us they have so many packages to deliver now a days.

Good morning,

STS 2 Giant Sets is done. I really liked it. Cathe did 2 Giant sets 10 reps, then you repeat all the exercises doing 8 reps. Very good workout. The music is good too.

Debbie - thank you. My Rheum gets all the results. All my doctors have excess to my medical records. Sorry about he leak. Good luck with the plumber today.

Hi Cookie.

I have to get ready for my Rheum appointment. BBL

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I went to do yoga outside, but my grass cutters came. My DVDs came around 6pm, I didn't try yet. The packaging is really nice:)

Belinda - It sounds like you enjoyed the workout. I'm assuming you do them in order? I think I'm going to try all the workouts and do them again right before the RT. The plumber replaced a part so hopefully no leak. Unfortunately the leak was to my kitchen ceiling which we painted last year.

Waves hi to Cookie


I walked this morning. I had to get ready to meet my son and DD in DC for dinner. DS is flying home tomorrow. He will be back soon. DD is flying to Croatia for a yoga retreat.

Debbie - LOL, your grass cutter came while you doing yoga outside. I also like the dvd case. I think, when Cathe posts the rotations, she will mix them up. I will do another one tomorrow. I haven't decided which one yet. Hope you had fun with your STS 2 today.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.
'Evening! Finally got in a walk today.

Deb, your mail comes at unpredictable times also. Sorry about the leak and the ceiling kitchen. Very frustrating.

Belinda, glad you're in to see the dr so quickly. Thanks for the review on sts.

Today was a walk outside. I plan to try STS 2 over the weekend. I had a hair color appointment which took so long. The salon was busy.

Belinda - Nice walk! It's nice you were able to meet your DD & DS for dinner. Croatia is supposed to be beautiful.

Cookie - It was a nice day for a walk:)


No workout to report today. I ended up helping DD getting ready for her yoga retreat trip today.
I will workout tomorrow.

Debbie - Croatia is very beautiful. If I could fly right now, I would gone with DD. She ask me to go with her ( I am so thankful to see my kids very often. DH and I plan on flying (if I can) in July. I can't wait. Great job on your walk. Which STS workout are you plan on doing?

Cookie - I have an amazing team of doctors. They really taking good care of me. I can't complaint. Great job on your walk.

Good night.
Beautiful day! Got in a walk and Essentrics.

Deb, the price we pay for beauty! I have an appt on Tuesday, and can never really figure out how long to schedule for - it changes depending upon how busy they are.

Belinda, my step-mom is in Croatia now. Is that where your dd's yoga retreat is being held?

Today was a walk outside. We are going to dinner tonight.

Belinda - Maybe you can go on the next trip. I'm sure DD will love it and want to go on another:)

Cookie - Nice walk & essentrics. Does this weekend start the company coming for visits to the lake;)?

Have a Great Weekend:)

I walked outside before I did STS2 Super Sets TB. Really liked the workout.

Debbie - definably going next time. I talked to hear this morning, she loves it. Great job on your walk. I hope you enjoyed your dinner.

Cookie - how cool! No, it's actually in Slovenia. She is doing a lot of stops in route. Including Italy.

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside. My upper back was tightening up so decided to not do a weight workout.

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 Super sets TB. I'm looking forward to trying the workouts.

Cookie - Hopefully you are having a relaxing weekend.


Today was a walk outside. We also went to a Sunday Mass a friend of DH set up in honor of his Dad.

Belinda & Cookie - Enjoy the weekend!

Good morning,

Today I started Cathe's 12 week STS 2 rotation with Giant Sets. Love that workout. Had a great workout.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. We are replacing the carpets with vinyl floors. Emptying out the living room. What a mess. The flooring is suppose to came tomorrow.

Hi Cookie!


Today was a walk outside. I tried STS 2 Giant Sets. It was a great workout. I see lots of people doing hip thrusts at the gym. I did mine on the floor it feels better on my back.

Belinda - Great workout, thanks for the suggestion. Replacing carpets is a big project but so worth it. We still have some carpet but would love to replace with vinyl floors.

Cookie - I hope your weekend wasn't too busy,


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