Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


It was sunny for a walk today:) We are leaving to go to a wake. My SILs best friend and also the girl who cuts my hair, Mom's passed. She lived a long life 95 years old.

Belinda - It sounds like your birthday celebration was fun!! I would love to try Chef Gordon's restaurant eating on the wharf just makes it even better:)

Cookie - Hopefully sunny skies are coming your way:) In some ways I would want to know but not so much in other ways.

Have a great weekend:)

I did Perfect 30 UB today. I used lighter weights than I do usually. Felt good to get a weight workout in today. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - my bday was a lot of fun. If you ever get a chance to eat in one of Chef Gordon's restaurants especially on the wharf, I highly recommend. The one at the wharf is his, his owns it. The one in Las Vegas is a partnership. Sorry about your hair dressers mom's passing. 95 is a long life.

Cookie - enjoy your weekend.

'Evening! Met up with a long-time friend and two of her children and a grandchild and walked through an antique sale set up in a fairground. It was more like a tag sale, but had so much fun catching up with her. She's a good bargain hunter and negotiated a good price on a brass pepper mill for me. I'll always think of her and the kids when I see and use it. Got home and walked to a nearby really good Italian restaurant for a surprise party for a different friend. Glad we walked 'cause I'm feeling that martini!

Deb, sorry about your friend and hairdresser's mom. It is always hard.

Belinda, glad your day was a lot of fun. A good meal is always awesome in my book. I really like Perfect 30 ub - good solid workout.

Today was a walk outside. It was a really nice day, opened all the windows to air out the house.

Belinda - Nice work getting Perfect 30 UB in. Hopefully the weather was good for your walk.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a fun busy day. It's nice you are close enough to walk to a restaurant. We really can't walk to any stores/restaurants.


No walk today, it's raining.

Debbie - I did get a walk in yesterday. Great job on your walk. I also open all my windows.

Cookie - glad you met up with some friends. Glad you had fun and got in a lot of steps. LOL, at the martini.

Good night.
'evenng! Got in a walk and tris/bis from 4-Day Split. Had tickets to go to play but it was too nice for me to be inside, so my niece and her friend enjoyed them.

Debbie, feel good to get the fresh air in, doesn't it! We are lucky we have two places within easy walking distance, and our favorite is one of them.

Belinda, how are you doing? Recovering from the birthday celebration?

Today was a walk outside also went to a Farmers Market a few towns away. Not too much growing yet, but it was nice to be outside. Actually the spinach I picked up looked really good.

Belinda - I hope the rain goes away quickly for you. Were you able to get a Dr.’s appointment for this week?

Cookie - Nice UB workout & walk. I’m sure your niece appreciated the tickets.


P30 Lower Body plus bonus with the band is done. I went lighter in weight and modified as needed. My knee didn't like the lateral moves.

Friday I have an appointment with the cardiology.

Debbie - that's great you went to the famers market. I love spinach. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow.

Cookie - your niece and friend appreciate the tickets. Nice UB workout. I haven't done 4DS in a long time. I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. How are you doing? Yes, I recovered from my bday. LOL.

Have a great Monday.
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'Evening! Essentrics and a walk today. Saw chiropractor again and says I'm doing better. Didn't tell him I think the massage therapist gets all the credit.

Deb, a farmer's market sounds nice to visit any time! Did you purchase the spinach? The little farm by me isn't dong a CSA this summer, so I had better et going on finding another one.

Belinda, my niece said the music was incredible and she was very thankful. Felt good to make her happy. I hadn't done 4Day Split in.a long time either, that's why I chose it. Seems like sts2 is alsmost here!

Today was a walk outside, it was really nice out:) and legs at the gym.

Belinda - Happy to hear you have an appointment, good luck. Nice P30 lower body workout:)

Cookie - Nice workout and walk! LOL on not telling chiro that it was credit to the massage therapist:) I did buy the spinach but need to cook it quickly it's wilting.


I had an appointment this morning with my doctor.

I went for a walk and did SBF Butt Lift and Bring Sally Up Booty :D that one is a burner.

Debbie - I am glad I got an appointment with Cardiology. Thursday I have a CT scan. What did you end up doing with your spinach? Great job on your walk and leg workout at the gym

Cookie - that is so nice you made your niece so happy and she liked the music. I do like shorter workouts. 4DS are my favorites. The short, you get a lot done. I am excited for STS 2.0. Did you end up getting them?

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Met a friend for a walk and talk. Of course, the talking continued after the walk...

Deb, today was nice here today again. I'm loving this weather.

Belinda, hope you can sit! It sounds like a burner!

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I also ran a bunch of errands.

Belinda - Nice walk & I like the name of your workout:) Good luck with CT scan on Thursday. I made pasta, spinach and beans. It was good.

Cookie - It must make the walk go faster when you are catching up with a friend;)


Today I did STEP BOSS PHA 3 without the risers and hops.

Debbie - great job on your walk and gym workout. Thank you about the CT scan tomorrow. Your pasta, spinach and beans.

Cookie - it's always nice to catch up with friends and get a walk in. Booty is hurting today.

'Evening! Essentrics day. Think I spent too much time today on the computer, my neck and shoulders are feeling it.

Deb, what kind of beans did you use with the spinach and pasta? That sounds really good. You're right the time just flew by walking and talking.

Belinda, best of luck tomorrow with the scan. How's your knee after that workout? I've never done it.
Good morning,

SBF Intermediate Lower Barre + Inner Thigh Fire is done. I have no time for personals, I have to get ready for my CT scan and MRI today.

I just came home from my appointments. Now it's waiting for the results. I have to get up early for the cardiology. The doc called and requested I get blood work done tomorrow. No eating, I can drink water and coffee.

Debbie - thank you. Your recipe sounds wonderful. Great job on your workouts.

Cookie - thank you. My knees didn't like the workout. You should try it. I hope the stretching helped your shoulder and neck.

Good night.
'Evening! An unplanned rest day - had a lot of meetings and the last one went late. Tomorrow I'm going to Nashville for the weekend. We had been talking about a girls' weekend, and since this would be my first Mother's Day w/o my mom, my niece planned it for this weekend. Should be fun, one of my sisters, my daughter, a niece, and three of their friends.

Deb, did you get outside for a walk again today. The bit I was out was lovely.

Belinda, hope the results provide some answers. Good luck tomorrow.
Good morning,

Where is Debbie? I hope you ok.

Cookie - thank you. I hope the results provide some answers. Have fun in Nashville. That sounds like a lot of fun. Safe travels.

I gotta get ready for my appointment. BBL.

Sorry I missed checking in. We went down to my Mom's she hurt her foot, thought it was a fracture but it isn't which is good. He just wants her to rest & trying to find out what it is.

I've been walking, one day zoom yoga and the other day gym. We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Nice workouts! The waiting for results is the worse. Hopefully soon.

Cookie - Nice workouts! Nashville so much fun. I'm not sure if the town will be busy this weekend, but try and get to town as early as possible.

Have a great weekend:)

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