Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Tomorrow is my mom's internment so my kids have started arriving for it. Two of my sons are here and it looks like we've been attacked by a horde of locusts!

Deb, you'll love Savanah! it's a very charming city. Safe travels.

Belinda, resting is a wonderful thing. Hope you feel bettter.

No walk today. Today rained all day long.

I have to see the cardiology for pulmonary hypertension. I am taking things easy until I see the cardiology.

Debbie - I hope you home safe and resting.

Cookie - enjoy your family. Sorry about a horde of locusts.

Good night.

We arrived at Savannah yesterday. When we arrived started walking around the historic district and it started raining. We walked around for awhile but gave up when it started pouring. I thought the town has so much history & culture. We need to come back because of the rain. We did enjoy the restaurants!

Belinda - I agree take it easy until you see your cardiologist. It’s good you took some walks spaced out. It seems to be raining down the coastline.

Cookie - I’m not sure I know what an internment is? Is iit the 1 year anniversary of your Moms passing?


Took a short walk today, that's it.

Debbie - sorry it rained in Savannah. We used to be stationed near by. Savannah is defiantly a place you want to enjoy when the sun is out. DH and I enjoy Savannah. I really need to go back on day. I am taking it easy until I know what is going on. Not playing with PH. It's so cold her in WV. It's raining in FL

Hi Cookie!

Have a great evening.

We are home:) It was a tough drive from VA to NJ, so much traffic. It was also raining on and off. It doesn't feel like Spring in NJ cold & rainy.

Belinda - That must have been neat stationed in Savannah. It's great that you were able to live in different places while DH was stationed. We heard about the rain in FL also tornado warnings where we were:(

Cookie - I hope you are not getting the rain too!

'Evening! This whole weekend ended up being full of relatives, which was fun but exhausting. Also, no workouts.

Deb, my mom passed right before Christmas, so the ground was frozen. Her burial service, the internment, was Friday. Sorry you got rained out in Savannah, but you will enjoy it when you do get to see it. Damp and rainy most of this weekend here also.

Belinda, hope you're resting. Tornado warnings!!! Glad you're out of there.

Today was a walk at the gym. It was raining all day so dreary. I'm hoping tomorrow it's sunny:)

Belinda - I hope you are relaxing. Do you have an appointment with the cardiologist this week?

Cookie - It's good that you had the service when your family could be there. I'm sure you are exhausted.


I took 2 short walks. My kids are here.

Debbie - I hope I get one with the cardiology this week? Still waiting for them to call me. Great job on the walk and gym.

Cookie - I agree with Debbie. Glad you had services when your family could be there. I know you excused. Thank you. I am glad I am out of the tornados warning oo..

Good night.
'Evening! Not much of a workout but did get in some upper body wt work. Had another deep tissue massage, and that was a workout. She really got in there and made a tremendous difference.

Deb, did you get sunny weather today? It was mostly drizzly and damp here. We planned it for this weekend, so my kids could be here. They would have been so upset with me if it was otherwise.

Belinda, how are you doing today? We so much rain the past few days, the ground is squishy.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. We did get sun today, a bit chilly but still happy.

Belinda - Fingers crossed you get the appointment soon. It's nice you were able to get 2 walks in & your children are visiting:) Do they bring their dogs?

Cookie - It's great that the massages are helping. Do you always go to the same person? I'm looking forward to using a gift card I have for a massage. My backyard is a swamp:(


No walk today, it's raining all day long.

Debbie - thank you. DD brings Cooper. My son's dogs are in TX with this MIL.

Cookie - I am doing fine. Thanks for asking. How are you doing? Not sure what's going on with the rain and cold in May? I need sunshine. Glad you enjoyed your massage.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & ran a bunch of errands. It rained briefly but the sun was out too but still cool.

Belinda - Over the weekend the weather is supposed to get better, hopefully by you too. It's great ds has someone to leave the dogs with.

Cookie - It's hard to get everyone together so nice that it worked for you.


Walked this morning before it started to rain. I need sunshine soon.

Debbie - glad your weather is better than ours. The sun never came out. I hope this weekend it gets better. Bringing his 3 dogs would be a lot. I am glad his MIL watching them.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.
Evening! Did some yoga. The chiro has suggested I take it easy for a bit until my sciatica calms down. My son went back to Barcelona today, and I had workshop which just ended a little bit ago. Feeling worn out.

Deb, it has been rainy and damp here also. Rained all day here. How are your ds's wedding plans coming along? I do go to the same massage therapist. she is so good. Not sure what I'll do in June and July, when she'll be away.

Belinda, how long are you children visiting for? Your son has a generous mil to take care of his dogs.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I guess we have been lucky some sun and overcast but no rain. Everything must be so green by the both of you.

Belinda - Good you were able to get your walk in. Wow, 3 dogs is a lot.

Cookie - I would take it easy too if my sciatica was acting up. Did your DS take his dog back to Barcelona? DS's wedding plans are going well. I plan to look for my dress in June. They are trying to find a house which seems impossible. So many people show up for open houses and numerous bids.

Good morning,

Today is my 60th birthday. Getting old. Not sure, what my family planed today. I know one thing, I have to be ready at 10::30 am. I hope I get walk in today.

Nice job ladies on your workouts. BBL
'Evening! Just more gentle stretching. Makes me feel very boring. The weather hasn't been good for walking anyway.

Deb, no he decided not to take her. We weren't sure until the last minute what he was going to do, since he kept going back and forth. Once we got in the car to drive him to the train, he was regretting his decision. House buying is crazy! My dd has been looking but prices are high and go so quickly, and there's not many available. Dress buying will be fun! You're going to look so good.

Belinda, happy birthday! Hope you have a terrific day. So nice your family is together for your big day!

Today was a walk outside in between the rain & legs at the gym. It finally came here but after tomorrow hopefully gone for awhile.

Happy 60th Birthday, Belinda
Belinda - Enjoy the day with your family:)

Cookie - Happy to hear your son changed his mind:)


I had an amazing and fulfilled birthday. My family took me to Hell's Kitchen (Chef Gordon Ramsay) at the Wharf in DC.The food was amazing and worth every $$, IMO! We will defiantly go back. Thanks for the birthday wishes. This morning we drove DS to the airport at 4 am. I am tired. I miss DS already. I will see him the end of the month. DD left before lunch. I am glad I get to see both very often.

Today I took 2 walks, it's very nice outside compared to yesterday.

Debbie - thank you! We had a lot of fun yesterday. I always enjoy my family. Great job on your walk and leg workout at the gym.

Cookie - thank you! Having my family on my big day was amazing. I am also glad your DS changed this mind.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Finally went for a walk. Just got back, the sun was shining and it felt good to be out and moving.

Deb, it was raining her til mid afternoon - think I'm starting to grow mold! I'm glad he left her here also for her sake, but it was pretty clear he misses her. He does plan on traveling some more through the end of this year, so it is better she's here. Walk and legs! You probably slept well. Oh, meant to thank you for recommending the book The Measure. It was interesting, but I wouldn't want to know. Did read Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, which was quite funny and charming.

Belinda, so happy for you to have a wonderful celebration. What did you eat? That's an early flight! Hope you got a nap in.

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