Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


We made it to Florida. Last night I slept better but was so tired slept on the plane. When we arrived at the condo I went straight to bed for 2 1/2 hours. I am so congested and tired hopefully this passes soon,

Belinda - I hope the weather gets better for you and you don’t have to come home early.

Cookie - Bowling does seem to put the body in strange positions. Maybe it’s best to do what the young kids do and just roll the ball down the lane.

'Evening! UB today. The temps here got into the 70s!! Loving it.

Deb, oh no, hope you're able to sleep a lot of it off, and that tomorrow you're dong better.

Belinda, a walk on the beach sounds absolutely lovely.

Today was a walk on the beach. We tried to find a place that had chicken noodle soup. We ended up finding at Chinese takeout, 1st time we ever had in Florida. I slept so much today.

Belinda - I’m guessing you are on the East coast of FL, saw how much rain they are getting. It’s nice you are able to get your walks in:)

Cookie - Nice work with UB, It was overcast & cool here. I think the next couple of days Northeast will be warmer than where we were.

85 degrees here today! My face looks like a tomato after just coming in from a walk. Also got in Essentrics this morning. I definitely need to get that back into a regular rotation, since it really does help my sciatica.

Deb, hoping you're feeling better. Did the Chinese food help? Hope the walking on the beach and sleeping is helping.

Belinda, those walks on the beach sound really nice. My sciatica truly is a pain in the you know what! And it goes all the way down to aggravate even my toes.

It was raining today, we decided take a drive. Glad we did it was sunshine. We had lunch outside. It was a nice day. Got a lot of steps in too.

Debbie - I hope the soup helped. Hope you feel better. Last few day’s we see a lot of dead jellyfish washed up on the beach. We are at the East Coast in Jacksonville. Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow. We are looking at homes here, they insanely expensive.

Cookie - I am so sorry your sciatica causing you so much trouble. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Hopefully with stretching and resting it will get better.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. I feel so much better today. I still needed sleep but not as much. Oh no DH starting to feel sick.

Belinda - It’s good you were able to escape the rain. Does Sadie get to join you when you eat outside? Housing in FL is going up. I heard a lot of people are buying beach homes on 30A (Emerald Coast) Florida. I’ve never been.

Cookie - Wow, that temperature must be record breaking! Right before we left NJ, I found myself changing clothes several times a day because of the temps. It’s good that Essentrics works for your Sciatica.


today was a 2 mile walk on the beach. We spent hours on the beach today. It’s suppose to rain tomorrow.

Debbie- I am glad you feeling much better today. I am so sorry your husband is getting sick. I hope whatever this is passes quickly. Sadie goes everywhere we go. The prices in Florida went up.

Cookie - hope you have a wonderful stretch today and feel better today.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach & we sat on the beach. It was a nice day but still getting lots of sleep for our colds.

Belinda - Thanks! Nice day for a walk:). It is cooler by the water. It seems like lots of people are buying in our building for investment.

Cookie - Hopefully you are still getting warmer temperatures:)


This morning we walked on the beach. We meet with a friend we where stationed in Germany with. We had lunch and lots to catch up on. They got a room in the same hotel as we do. We are meeting shortl

Debbie - you probably needed that sleep. Glad you feeling better today. You walk. If they buying for investment, they going to be expensive? My friend that visiting us is from Tampa, she said prices are insane.

Hallo Cookie!

Good night!
'Evening! Took a rest day yesterday. Today was gym styles back (heavily modified), shoulders and biceps, and Essentrics. Made an appointment to get a therapeutic massage tomorrow, and boy am I looking forward to it!

Deb, temps here in the 80s again - yesterday broke records. Breezier than yesterday but beautiful. Glad you're feeling better but your poor DH! Must be something going around. Enjoy the beach!

Belinda, how great to see your friends! Enjoy your beach walks!

today was a rest day, we stayed up until midnight with our friends. We all went for breakfast. They had to drive to Orlando for work. We had a blast.
After they left we went to the beache.

Debbie - hope you’re doing well.

Cookie- glad the massage helped. Great job on your workouts.

Good night
'Evening! Had the deep tissue massage, and glad I did it. Booked another for next week since I'm really tired of living with this pain. Did an Essentrics workout also and saw the play Tootsie.

Deb, how are you and your dh feeling? Hoping you're both on the mend.

Belinda, sure sounds like you enjoyed the visit with your friends!

Today was a walk on the beach. We are feeling better! Friends I’d ours from Michigan came today. They said temps were in the 70’s but expecting snow tomorrow! The weather is crazy.

Belinda - I’m not sure if a house in FL is an investment. We were hit with a hugh assessment for repair work to balconies. Due to the building collapse in Miami lots of new restrictions with condos. We were informed last month starts in May:rolleyes: Tampa prices are very high due to being voted a top place to live.

Cookie - With temps like that you are having a staycation! You are motivating me to use some gift cards I have to get a massage when I get home. My neck has been so tight from sleeping .

Good morning ,

Walk on the beach today. It’s very windy today, no beach weather.

Debbie- I agree, if a house in Florida is an investment. A lot of people from CA and other places are moving and paying those prices. I think the prices will come down eventually. Yikes, on your condo repairs. At least it will be by code.

Cookie- glad the deep tissue massage helped. I need a massage soon too.

see you tomorrow
'Evening! Did gym styles chest and triceps today and Essentrics.

Deb, I slept so good last night and think it is related to the massage. While my sciatica is not gone, it is definitely better. It loosed up my lower back. That Michigan weather is crazy!!! Did you join a gym down there?

Belinda, enjoy those walks on the beach! I'm living vicariously through you and Deb. Rainy, damp day here so no walking.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was too windy to spend time on the beach. We went to lunch on the beach instead.

Belinda - Nice walk on the beach:). How much longer will you stay in FL?

Cookie - Nice workouts! We didn’t join a gym. Hope to do some weights I have in the condo. It’s great the massage helps with sleep & your sciatica.


Today was a walk on the beach. It was cool on the beach but with a sweatshirt not too bad.

I hope you had a great day!

'Evening! Just some stretching today and a lot of work!

Deb, hope lunch wasn't too windy. It was rainy here and very unmotivating for a walk.

Belinda, hope you're enjoying your vacation.

Yesterday walk and today walk on the beach. Not much to report, I am at the beach all day long. Yesterday we spent all day at the beach by the time we showered ate, I fell asleep.

Debbie - we are leaving on Monday. My kids will came and visit me on Wednesday plus I get injections in my knee. Yesterday we spent all day at the beach, lol. I saw a baby hammer shark. This guy was fishing and caught the baby shark. I got a picture. Great job on your walk. How long are you staying in Fl/

Cookie - I am not looking forward going home, the weather is bad in WV. Sorry about the damp and rainy. Hopefully it will get nicer soon.

Good night.

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