Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Strong & Sweaty UB today. Nothing else to really relay.

Deb, hope you and your dh are feeling better. Did you get a walk in today?

Belinda, hanging out on the beach all day sounds like heaven to me!

Today was a walk on the beach & spent the day there. I have no energy for weights but walking a lot.

Belinda - I leave a week from Thursday but staying overnight in Savanah GA. We’ve been saying we are going to stop for years now. Enjoy the rest of your days on vacation & the beach:)

Cookie - Nice workout! Are the trees, flowers starting to bloom by you? Looking forward to seeing green when we come home.

'Evening! An Essentrics workout this morning and a walk at lunchtime.

Deb, yes, things are blooming rapidly. I think last week's warm weather really shocked things into overdrive. Today was very nice, esp. after the rainy, dampness of the past couple of days. You will love Savannah! I'm so jealous! Did you retest for Covid?

Belinda, hope you're doing well and enjoying your vacation. Did you take another walk on the beach today?

Today was a walk on the beach. It wasn’t too humid so nice. It is getting quiet in Florida.

Belinda - i hope you are enjoying the nice weather.

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout & walk. This is a great time of year to walk as long as allergies aren’t bad. I have Covid tests arriving tomorrow.


sorry for not checking in yesterday. We spent all day at the beach again. My stomach isn’t feeling great, I think it has something to do with my medicine.

Debbie - great job on your walk. I do enjoy the sun. Sorry you have no energy. I must be the only one in Florida wearing a mask .I hope you don’t have Covid.

Cookie - I had no energy for a walk. I think the prednisone is upsetting my stomach and energy. Great job with your stretching.

i will be back later.
'Afternoon! Cathe's Perfect 30 UB and Essentrics. Beautiful day here today, sunny and temps in the mid-upper 70s!!!

Deb, hope you're feeling better. Less humidity is always a good thing. Enjoy those beach walks.

Belinda, could be your meds. Is it a different one? Hope you're dong better soon.

Today was a beach walk & day on the beach. I did a shoulder workout. I don’t have Covid, wondering if allergies. On the news they say Florida has the worse allergies.

Belinda - I hope your stomach feels better. Enjoy your beach days.

Cookie - Sounds like nice weather & temps! Nice work with Perfect 30 UB & Essentrics.


no walk today. We spent all day on the beach, by the time we wanted to take a walk it started to rain hard.

My doctor put in a subscription which I usually take when I get nauseous. I fell so much better today.

Debbie - glad you don’t have Covid. Have you taken some medicine for allergy yet? Great job on your walk and weight workout.

Cookie- I am having a flair ups. It got so bad I had to call my Rheumatologist to put in a subscription of prednisone. I am on prednisone for the last 4 month. I believe it’s the prednisone. I already take daily med for the side effects of MTX. Great job on P30. I am missing my weight workout. .

Good night

we spent the day at the beach. It was so windy.
Tomorrow we are heading home. We will be home on Tuesday.

Debbie and Cookie - how are you doing?

Good night
'Evening! Eldest son came for Sunday dinner, then went to a wake for an aunt. While they are always a sad event, it is a nice opportunity to visit with relatives.

Deb, hope you've found something you can take for your allergies. While I definitely enjoy our walks, I do rinse off after them and drink a lot of water to help deal with them. Didn't realize FL was bad for allergies.

Belinda, safe travels tomorrow! Hope you feel better soon.

Today & yesterday was a walk on the beach. It’s been hot here. Not sure how Floridians handle the summers. We went out with friends yesterday it was fun.

Belinda - I’m happto hear the meds for your nausea is working. Safe travels home.

Cookie - I’m missing Sunday dinners, nice you spent time with DS. My Mom just told me my Uncle passed he was 95 and lived life but still sad.

Lite Stacked UB today - boy, this is one fast workout! Have another massage later today, and once again am looking forward to it.

Deb, sorry about your uncle. It is sad. Reminds us to enjoy who and what we have. Have no idea how they do the heat in summer! Enjoy the beach and your friends.

Belinda, hope you're enjoying safe travels and your stomach is calm.

Today was a walk on the beach. It wasn’t a beach day did some cleaning around the condo.

Belinda - Safe travels!

Cookie - Nice Stacked UB workout! A massage sounds awesome! One of our friends does cupping for pain. It sounds interesting but wouldn’t want the cupping marks it makes.


We came home a few hours ago. I am so tired, I didn't sleep well last night. I tried to take a nap in the car, no luck.

Debbie - I am so sorry about your uncle. So sad no matter what. I have no idea idea how the handle the heat in the summer. I met a young couple, she said she stays in the house.

Cookie - great job on Stacked UB workout. I need a massage, my son gifted me one for xmas. I need to schedule it soon. Enjoy your massage.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the orthopedic for my knee.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was a rest day, and I needed it. One of my dogs has been getting me up at 4 the past two days, and boy, was I dragging this afternoon! Met my uncle for dinner and am thankful dh went with me, as I slept on the way home.

Deb, hope you and your dh have recovered. Too bad it wasn't a beach day. A massage is awesome! I'm amazed how much I like it. Don't think cupping would be for me.

Belinda, go for that massage! You can discuss your health with the masseause so they're aware and can tailor to your needs. Good luck w/ortho tomorrow

Today was a walk on the beach & time spent their too. Tomorrow is our last day.

Belinda - Traveling can be so tiring it doesn’t help you are in a strange bed and noises. I hope you catch up on sleep soon.

Cookie - 4 am is too early don’t even remember having to do that when the kids were babies:(. It sounds like a nice dinner with your Uncle & DH.


I saw the orthopedic for my right knee today, I got a shot. It's only a bandage until I need a knee replacement. My orthopedics took X-ray's of my fractured finger, he said its healing nicely. It's been only 3 weeks since I fractured my finger, it can take up to 6 weeks for it completely to heal. He still wants me to buddy tape it for another week, than start moving my finger.

Afterwards I ended up in the ER. I been having chest pain for 2 weeks, every time I breath in/out my chest hurts. I didn't pay much attention in FL. I figured, I sucked up too much sand. I am back home, it still hurts. They ran a chest X-rays, EKG's, checked for blood cots. The x-rays showed something that they want me to see the Cardiology.

Debbie - safe travels tomorrow. I did get a good night sleep. I miss walking on the beach.

Cookie - is your dog sick? 4 am is very early. You're poor thing. Glad your DH went with you. Hopefully you get a good night sleep. I will schedule the massage. I need one.

Good night.
'Evening! Had a long work day. One son arrived this evening and another is coming in at 11:30. Hope I can stay away since I have to pick him up at the train station. Between them and the dog waking me up early lately, I'm dragging!

Deb, hope you had another lovely walk today. Did you say you're going to Charleston on the way home? We used to live in Augusta, GA and went to Charleston frequently. There's an amazing staircase at Nathaniel Russel House. Truly amazing!

Belinda, hope you're doing better. My little dog seems confused with the time and is now waking up early, which means I do also.

Today was a walk on the beach. I also went in the water. It’s been really hot here but strangely it hailed in parts of FL. The weather is just crazy.

Belinda - Sorry you are going through so much. At least you are getting checked out so they can help you out. It’s good your finger is healing quickly.

Cookie - I’m sure you are exhausted starting your day so early. Are you able to go back to sleep? We are going to Savannah tomorrow and will go to Charleston on the way home next year. I think DH wanted to go to Charleston but felt like we didn’t have enough time this year. Thanks for the recommendation though.


I took two short 1 mile walks today. Until I see the cardiology I will only walk. I can't do any weight workouts with my finger. I probably need to give my knee a break from the shot yesterday. Knee is not happy today. DH thinks the shot needs time to break up.

Debbie - thank you. They did take good care of me at the hospital yesterday. I hope my finger is healing quickly too. I noticed the weather is crazy in FL. I never went into the water.

Cookie - sorry your dog is confused. Sorry about your long work day. I hope you get a break soon.

Good night.

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