Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Debbie - try doing the hip trust on the stability ball. I found doing them on the ball feels better on my back. plus I save my knees by not going up/down the floor. Good job on the GS yesterday. Yes, replacing carpets is a big project, especially if you do it by yourself. Let the fun begin.

Cookie - hope you doing well.


I walked this morning. I will do STS Mobility soon.

DH and I tearing out the the carpet in the living room replacing it with luxury vinyl planks. We also replacing the flooring in the kitchen with the same vinyl as the living room. My kitchen his huge, flows right into my living room. Now DH has the crazy idea replacing the cabinets :) Once we are halfway through I will share the final outcome.

'Afternoon! Busy weekend, so sorry for not checking in. Saturday went to visit friends, Sunday saw Ain't Too Proud (about The Temptations), and yesterday a parade and bbq. Today's been off w/hair appointment, late lunch w/Tio, and now trying to catch up on the work I didn't get to earlier. My back has been bothering me, so waiting til tomorrow to workout. Hoping it is better by then.

Deb, that's very thoughtful of you - going to the mass for your friend's dad. Are you going to do an sts 2 rotation? I'm thinking of the 8 week one. And, yes, visiting season is underway!

Belinda, in this house, we only have a few area rugs, and I really think it has helped my allergies. Nice job on your workouts.

Today was a walk outside. My back still feels funny so going to wait and do STS 2 rotation when I get back. About a month ago we planned a trip to Saint Martin (we go this Sunday). It is a trip we were going to do before Covid for our birthdays and are finally getting to it. We went 20 years ago so I'm sure it is very different.

Belinda - The stability ball is a really good idea, thanks:) Nice work with your walk and mobility workout. Your kitchen and living room will look good. I like the vinyl floor in my kitchen, easy on your feet and legs.

Cookie - You had a busy but fun weekend. I went to see the Temptations play during previews on Broadway. It was really good. The week before I was covering for the Macy's girl in NYC and the actor Eddie and his Mom were in Macy's. The Mom was looking for an Evening bag for the Premier of the play and party afterwards. I showed her some bags, she was really nice and briefly saw Eddie but he was busy on a phone call.


STS 2 Super Sets is done. Went up in weights again, except for legs. Knees done't like heavy weights.

Debbie - my back couldn't handle those hip trusters on my bench. The stability ball takes the pressure off my back. Much more comfy. We just put vinyl in the office. I love it. looks so clean and modern. Ripping out the carpet in the living room, sweeping the floor a hundred times, lol. taking out the nails a.s.o. it's a lot of work. The kitchen is going to be a nightmare. The previous owner clued the floor to an existing laminate floor. Everything is coming up including the wood underneath :( I saw the Temptations play on base years ago. That is so cool you saw the actor Eddie and his Mom in Macy's.

Cookie - glad you had a fun and busy weekend. When we bought the house, the previous owner just put down carpets. I should have ripped them out then, lol. I hate carpets. It will help with a lot of things, like keeping the floors clean with dogs.

'Evening! At a work retreat, and boy, it means work! No spa treatments over here. Just finished w/our after dinner meeting. Boy, I could use a glass of wine.

Deb, that's so cool you meet Eddie and his mom! I love their music, and it was so interesting how they used the music to tell the story. Enjoy Saint Martin! I'm jealous.

Belinda, nice job going up in weights! Doing that flooring work is a definite workout! But, it will be worth it in the end. I'm always astounded by how much the vacuum picks up just on our area rugs.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was so nice out today!

Belinda - Nice work with STS 2 Supersets. I wish I had your energy, it will be worth it when you are done:)

Cookie - Work retreat does sound like it would involve some fun & spa treatments:( Hopefully it's not too long.


Ended up doing 2 walks this morning plus STS Mat yoga.

Debbie - I have zero energy. Had no idea, its so much work. Nice walk and yoga yesterday.

Cookie - sorry there is no spa at the work retreat. I am sure they have wine. I wished I could drink a glass too. I have to wait until the weekend.

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today was a walk outside. It was hot out. Yesterday, we saw emergency vehicles a few houses down. We just thought it was a false alarm. Today our next door neighbor told us the husband passed away. We know them a long time our kids grew up together and we see them walking their dog. So sad, he wasn't very old and looked in good health. I'm not sure what to say to the wife when I see her.

Belinda - It sounds like you have lots of energy, walking & yoga. You should sleep very good tonight:)

Cookie - I hope you found some wine or at least get some this weekend;)


I walked almost 3 miles this morning. It's getting to hot to walk the dogs later. Then I did STS 2 TB Trisets. I am liking the new workouts. They are fun.

Debbie - I do sleep good at night. I am so sorry about your. neighbor. There isn't anything you really can say. Just be there for her and listen.

Cookie - hope you recovering from your work retreat.


Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. I also did lots of laundry.

Belinda - Wow nice long walk:) I am excited to start STS 2 when I get back. If I have time may do a quick premix tomorrow.

Waves hi to Cookie

Today I did 30 min yoga. That's it. We are running into trouble in the kitchen by the sliding door to the deck, it looks like water damage. Our old contractor came today to take a look. He will come out on Monday. I was so afraid to rip out the kitchen floors too. We are still continue with the vinyl's in the living room.

Debbie - are you on vacation? Did I miss something? I like STS2.

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

I was busy packing & cleaning but fit in a walk. We leave early tomorrow. We saw some neighbors & they explained our neighbor had Diabetes (Type 1) and went into a diabetic coma.

Belinda - We are going to Saint Martin for a week. We were supposed to go but couldn’t because of Covid.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

i walked outside early this morning.

Debbie - safe travels! I remember when you mentioned it . Enjoy Nice walk yesterday. So sad about your neighbor.

Hi Cookie.

We arrived at Saint Martin it is beautiful . I woke up this morning my back is not happy. Luckily we had 1 Alleve, we are going to town tonight for dinner and will look for more. I am walking very slow and it doesn’t help there aren’t elevators and we are on the 3rd floor!

Belinda - It looks like you are having nice walking weather:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Enjoy the rest of your day!
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in. Did yoga today, and needed it my shoulder is stiff. There was no wine or spa treatments at the work retreat. We did get a lot of work done, but it was long days and no fun. The accomodations were not pleasant either.

Deb, enjoy your vacation, and hope your back feels better. Sorry about your neighbor - his poor wife.

Belinda, hope your contractor can take care of the issue.
Evening, long day today. Just got home dropping Copper off at his house.

This morning we walked and I did STS super sets.

I will catch up on personal’s tomorrow. Good night
'Evening! Did giant sets but only ub and then standing abs. Liked the standing abs a lot, especially tossing water!

Deb, hope you're having a great time.

Belinda, long days are exhausting.
I am back:

I did STS mobility 2 and Active Recovery. I liked both workouts. I reviewed Active Recovery on Saturday, I thought it wasn't for me. I decided to give it a shot today, I modified some of the moves like I do when I do yoga.

Took Sadie yesterday to get the influenza vaccine. In 3 weeks, she gets the 2nd shot. Well, before we left for FL, she already had one shot. Since so much happened with my health I kinda forgot about her 2nd shot. Long story shot...Sadie needs to start all over with the vaccine. Today, she was not her self, the area she had the shot hurt her, she cried when I got near it. Her little body felt very warm. We called the vet, she ask us to bring her in to take her temperature which we did today. Sadie doesn't have a fever. The vet gave Sadie some meds to make her feel better. We also had to take Cooper (DD's dog to our vet). He had diarrhea on Sunday with blood coming out. Our vet put him on meds. He is doing much better today too. The contractor has to come out again in a few day's. The kitchen is on hold, until the contractors brother comes out. We could get another contractor, we known him since 2015. He usually dosen't do private work anymore, he works for the government. DH and I work on the living room tomorrow, I need to get my furniture out of my kitchen, lol.

Debbie - Saint Martin sounds amazing. Sorry about your back not being happy. I hope a nice stretch, rest, Alive will help. If all fells get a nice massage.

Cookie - sorry about the accommodations were not pleasant. Wine always helps, lol. Did you buy STS2? Great job on your workout.

Good night.

This will be a rest week. I am walking very slow and difficult to get out of chairs. The alleve helps a little hoping each day gets better. The beaches are beautiful but the towns are really run down and abandoned. They say it’s because of the hurricane in 2017. At least the restaurants are very good.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I hope both dogs are feeling better. You are very busy with the dogs and kitchen. I hope it gets resolved quickly.

Cookie - Yoga was a good choice. Sorry about the retreat but good you were able to get a lot done.


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