Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Today was two more people than expected, so good thing I had done that grocery shopping. Yesterday got in some water aerobics. Honestly I am totally amazed I hadn't thought to do this before, since it's non-weight bearing.

Deb, what a lovely weekend with your sil, her partner and family! How nice to get so many together. You are tough to walk outside with this weather.

Belinda, congrats on finishing the program! That takes commitment.

Today was a walk at the gym. Too hot today. We also went to see our nephews new place, it was really nice. I made a sauce with tomatoes from the Farmer's Market. It was good but too time consuming.

Belinda - Congratulations for finishing the Fuel rotation:) Wow, that is really nice that the hairdresser is the one that talked you into growing it out.

Cookie - They must know you at the grocery store;) I see lots of people doing water aerobics in the pool in FL. They use water weights. Do you do it in the lake for a pool?

Hi Debbie and Cookie,

We got out early for a nice long walk. I also did Caroline G. BEASTMODE LEG DAY - Intense Leg Workout with Dumbbells | Day 1 today.

DH and I will start walking much earlier than we did today.

Debbie - thank you! DH and I enjoyed Fuel. My hairdresser is awesome. She is the same age as my DD. I don't know how you do it doing your sauce each week. It's just so hot lately to stand in the kitchen. Good for you. I know it taste better than any store brand. How far is your gym? Is it crowed?

Cookie - thank you. The workouts are around 30 min, very doable. You are a very good host :) Water aerobics sounds like fun. Great job!

That's it for me today. Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today was a walk & leg workout at the gym. I didn't spend much time outdoors it was in the 100's:(

Belinda - Sounds like a hard workout! It was hot here by 9am, but there was a breeze at that time. I only average about once a month making a sauce & freeze for the other weeks. DH has an older Aunt that makes a sauce almost every Sunday. My SILs only make it once in awhile. At some point the tradition won't exist. The gym I go to is 10 min away. Sometimes it is crowded especially in the Summer (HS & college kids). When it is crowded I go into the class exercise room it's empty and cooler.

Cookie - On Mondays you must be so tired.

Good morning,

Walk outside and Best Mode Shoulder & Arms is done.

Debbie - it sure gets hot after 8 am. A neighbor we saw today said it's suppose to get into the 100's today. One a month making sauce isn't too bad. I agree, at some point the tradition won't exist. People order out daily. Glad your gym is close and you can go into the class exercise room. I prefer no crowed gyms. Great job yesterday.

Cookie - have fun with your family. It's so hot, doing aerobics in the pool wouldn't be a bad idea.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
'Evening! Yesterday was another water aerobics day, and toay was Essentrics. DS2 leaves tomorrow to return to Barcelona. He's taking a discount flight out of Boston, so we'll drive there tomorrow. Temps were lower today here!

Deb, I'm sure your sauce is beyond delicious! Hope the temps broke for you. A lifetime ago, I used to teach water aerobics. I finally realized I could do that in the lake. I'm debating investing in some water weights.

Belinda, hope the heat broke for you. How early dd you get up to get our walk in?

Today was another hot day! My car registered 105 & the heat index on our deck was 106. I walked at the gym today & did an upper body workout there. The triple digits is supposed to break tomorrow:)

Belinda - Kudos on getting your outside walk in today:) The other good thing about the class exercise room is I can turn on the fans. There are disco lights but I don't use them LOL :p

Cookie - I'm jealous you are exercising in water;) I was thinking everyone is really enjoying their pools this year. The temps have been in the high 80's at night.

Good morning,

No walk today, it's already too hot outside. BEASTMODE HAMSTRINGS AND GLUTES - Intense Lower Body Workout | Day 3 is done.

Debbie - lol, turn on the disco lights and play good music. Wow, on your temperature on your car yesterday. It was blistering hot here yesterday.

Cookie - great job on water aerobics and Essentrics yesterday. Safe travels to your son. I get up anywhere from 4-6. I do need my coffee in the morning. When do you get up in the morning?

Tomorrow is a rest day from Bestrode. I probably will get a walk in at some point.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside, it was hot but overcast so that helped. I also did zoom yoga.

Belinda - Sounds like a tough workout! I can see why tomorrow is a rest day:). I should turn on the disco lights;)

Waves hi to Cookie


I got antibodies this morning. I had to stay for an hour to make sure I don't have side effects. I am fine. I did take the opportunity to get some shopping done afterwards.

Debbie - Caroline's G. workouts are tough and fun. I love her workouts. My rest day worked out perfect today. Great job on your walk and yoga.

Cookie - hope you getting a break soon

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a short walk before realizing that was a crazy idea with the heat and a JS workout.

Deb, love the disco ball in the workout room! Sure hope those temperatures broke - that's crazy.

Belinda, glad things went well with the anitbodies, including the timing. Hope you enjoyed the rest of the rest day.

Today I walked at the gym. I went to the motor vehicles, someone must have canceled, it was so crowded. I can’t believe with appointments it is still that chaotic. I stuck it out and they will mail my “real” license. It is what you need to get on an airplane starting next year.

Belinda - That is great everything worked out with your antibodies. You also had a little fun too:)

Cookie - The heat didn’t end up breaking until after the sun went down. Too hot for you too! The lake must be really warm this year.

Good morning,

Walk outside and BEASTMODE FULL BODY WORKOU | Day 4 is done. I ended up walking last night with both dogs and also did 30 min yoga.

Debbie - I am glad everything worked out with the antibodies. I had a lot of fun. Glad you stuck it out with. your real license. I had one done not too long ago. I think, they don't have enough people, that is why it's so chaotic. They can't find people to work.

Cookie - I only walk early in the morning. I ended up walking Cooper and Sadie around 8 pm last night. It was nice and cool. I am glad everything worked out too yesterday. How are you doing?

Have a great Friday everyone.

Today was a walk outside. We are driving to Binghamton NY tomorrow for my Girlfriend’s daughters wedding. It’s about 2 1/2 hours away. We are staying overnight & Sunday morning going to Niagara Falls/Canada side for a couple of days.

Belinda - Nice full body workout! The weather here was much better. It was really nice last night & you had a full moon for your walk:). You are right they are probably short staffed.

Cookie - I’m betting you are getting ready for the weekend.

Good morning,

Today is a rest day from Beastmode. DH, the dogs and I walked outside for over an hours. Loving the cooler weather. Sadie walked one and a quarter mile without wanting to go in her stroller. I will do a stretch today.

Debbie - have fun at the wedding and Niagara Falls.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Have a great weekend everyone,
'Evening! Got in a walk yesterday and a JS workout today. Went to my nephew's engagement party this afternoon and had such a nice time!

Deb, hope you enjoyed the wedding and off to the Falls. I recently read a book about Frederick Law Olmstead, and learned how instrumental he was in the design and devleopment of the partk there. Never knew that before!

Belinda, congrats on your workout! That Sadie i a walker!

The wedding was nice it was in a golf course & in a tent. It was different but fun. We arrived on the American side of the Falls early. We did so much walking today. It took almost an hour to cross the border into Canada. That wasn’t too much fun.

Belinda - Wow that is a lot of walking for Sadie. Are the temps cooler by you. The heatwave finally broke back home.

Cookie - I’ll have to check out that book sounds interesting. It must have been a beautiful day for a party.

Good morning ladies, remember me?! (Formally meliffy18). I think the last time I came to this check-in group was probably 7 years ago

Anyway, I would love to join you all again! My workout schedule has been so erratic for the past few years between grad school, getting settled in (insane and poopy) jobs, and then becoming a biz owner. Now that I feel I have a better grasp on my schedule, I want to make working out a priority instead of some last minute thing.

Hope you all are doing well and I'm very much looking forward to reconnecting!
Good morning,

Walk and Beastmode Back and Biceps is done.

Welcome back, Melissa! Of course, I remember you. I am looking forward connecting.

Debbie - glad you had fun at the wedding. I am loving the cooler weather.

Cookie - I also have to check out the book. I love to read. Yes, Sadie is a walker. She walked again for one mile nonstop today.

I will be back later.

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