Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside, it was hot but not too humid. I received a picture memory on my phone today from the RT's. I forgot this is the weekend the NJ RT is usually. That explains why some Cathlete's went to Cathe Live this week.

Belinda - You are great at getting your rotations done, even when you plate is full! I have the start of cataracts, I heard you can see so much better after it. I'm sure your first concern is to relieve the pressure.

Cookie - You get so much exercise from preparing for your visits;) I was on a kayak when we were on vacation without the boys, 20 years ago. It was fun but it was the ocean so I wore a lifejacket.


Today I did Fuel Day 25 HiT.

Debbie - my workouts help with the side effects from the meds. I heard the same that you see better after surgery. A friend of mine just got it done. She can see perfectly. The doc was concerned about the pressure in my eyes.

Cookie - have fun with your visitors.


Today was a walk outside. Lots of cleaning up around the house today.

Belinda - Nice Fuel workout. Do you think they will plan the surgery soon?

Waves hi to Cookie


I did Fuel Day 26 LB and walked outside today.

Debbie - I have another appt the end of the month. We will discuss surgery. Great job on your walk and clean up yesterday.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great Monday.
'Evening! Managed to get a walk in this morning, and over the weekend got in Essentrics. So far I'm only having neuropothy w/my foot no swelling.

Deb, you've gone on a lot of Cathe's RTs! Did you ever keep count?

Belinda, yes, the constant guests is wearing. One is staying to the middle of next week, and another leaves tomorrow. We also had two others who were here for only the weekend. Most are relatives. I do find it hard to get work done at times, and there's tons of cooking, laundry and cleaning, but my dh and I really enjoy sharing. When do you think you'll have your surgery?

Today was a walk outside, it lightly drizzled but help since it was somewhat humid. So my hummingbird feeder was knocked down this morning and taken apart. I couldn't figure out what happened, put it back together and later in the afternoon I caught the culprit a squirrel:mad:. He started taking out the fake flowers where the hummingbirds feed from. He ran into the woods with one of them. We will see if he comes back tomorrow LOL.

Belinda - Nice job with Fuel & walk. It will be real humid here starting tomorrow, how about by you?

Cookie - Good news your foot didn't swell up:) I didn't count, now you have me thinking I will try and figure it out.


I did Fuel Day 27 UB today.

I had 2 CT scans today. One for my sinus, the other chest. I am starting the baseline testing for RP.

Debbie - it was so hot in the morning, I skipped my walk. Maybe tomorrow is a better day. Gad you figured out what happened to your bird feeder.

Cookie - glad your foot didn't swell up. I'll bet your constant guest are wearing you out. Are you running a B&B :) sign me up! I hope you get a break soon.

I will be back later.
'Evening! Did some housecleaning, vacuuming and laundry for today's workout. Trying to get the house back together. Also did some of my own version of Essentrics in the morning.

Deb, I thought you were going to say it was a bear with the hummingbird feeder. Wonder if the squirrel is putting the flower away to enjoy this winter.

Belinda, it got into the 90s here today, with humidity expected to get worse the next couple of days. It does seem like a B&B!

Today was a rest day. DH & I decided to go to the beach for the day. It wasn't too crowded and the breeze was nice. There were spotted lanternflies at the beach which you are supposed to kill and report to a website. They do lots of damage to vegetation, trees and plants. Well, it's difficult to kill on the beach.

Belinda - Lots of tests for you. Is the baseline for the RP study? I saw on the news the DC area will be getting really hot temps this week:(

Cookie - LOL on the B&B. I didn't even think of the housework involved with your visitors. Certainly good exercise:)

Good morning,

Walk and Fuel Day 28 LB is done.

Debbie - yes, it is for the study. A day at the beach sound lovely. They want you to kill the lanternflies on the beach? That's crazy.

Cookie - you must be tired after all that housework. I hope you get some rest for awhile.

Have a great day.
'Evening! Just got in from a meeting,a nd I'm tired. Did get in a walk this morning.

Deb, a day at the beach sounds lovely!

Belinda, hope you got that walk in early this morning! It sure has become hot everywhere!

Today was a walk outside, before it was too hot. I also did zoom yoga.

Belinda - Nice Fuel LB workout. This has been one tough summer to walk in. There was an article in the news today about the spotted lanternflies at the beach. It was actually funny because they said you should kill them with your flip flops, well I tried that is hard. Someone said maybe the seagulls will eat them.

Cookie - Are you meetings still virtual? Good you were able to walk before the heat.

Hi everyone,

I walked this morning. It was a rest day from Fuel. Got my hair done today.

Debbie - I have to google this lantern flies. Not sure, what they look like. I am wondering why they ask people to kill them with their flip flops, lol. Great job on your walk and zoom yoga.

Cookie - I make sure I get out early, it gets hot quickly lately. DD is always tired after her meeting, they are boring. Hope you got some rest last night.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a upper body workout today.

Deb, you must have walked at 2 am to get it in before it got hot! Zoom hot yoga! My meetings are about virtual and in person, depending upon the group. Last night was in person about an 1.5 hour away. Virtual is so nice for saving all that driving time.

Belinda, you also must have walked at 2 am! Have the drs put restrictions on your workouts?

Today was a walk at the gym & Cathe Pyramid lower body. I went for a haircut today, long overdue looks healthier.

Belinda - I hope you spent the rest of the day in the a/c after your walk;) Too funny we both had our hair done.

Cookie - Nice upper body workout! LOL on walking at 2am, I say to DH we should walk at midnight. I'm sure the virtual zoom meeting are better. My friend went to her Dr.'s and she lost 12lbs. The Dr. asked her how she didn't notice. She said she works from home and wears pj's:)


Fuel Day 29 TB is done.

Debbie - that is funny we both got a hair cut yesterday. DD had to remind me, I almost canceled. Glad I went. We had so much fun. The girl that cuts our hair is my DD's age. She is pregnant. At one point she ask us if we wanted pizza, lol. I guess, she was hungry. DD and I both didn't had lunch, we said yes. She ordered us all pizza. She is the sweetest girl. DD and I spent 5 hours at her salon. DD got her hair colored. I didn't take long, I only get my hair washed, cut and styled. Every time I see her, she is reminding me of my gray hair color. She saying people pay thousands of dollars at her salon to get the gray I have. She always command on how beautiful my gray hair is. I just got tired of coloring my hair.

Cookie - they always tell me to take it easy. No high impact. I am backing off my workouts. I don't go for speed when I walk. I go for movement and to get some steps in. I modify all my workouts. How about you? Are you feeling any better?

Waving hi to everyone that checks in after me.
'Evening! Took a rest day. Got in lots of steps during the day tho. DS is here and DD and her partner, DS3 and DIL are coming tomorrow morning. Then DS1 and my mom will be here Sunday. Today included grocery shopping to stock up.

Deb, doesn't it feel good to have your hair done? I love it as me time, plus I really like my stylist. A walk and weights in this heat! You're super woman.

Belinda, like you, I modify all workouts. Frankly, after being very ill a few years ago, I'm really thankful for movement. Movement and healthy eating are so important.

I did a LI Tabata today from YT.

Debbie - hope you having an amazing Saturday.

Cookie - after years of having knee problems I learned to modify my workouts. It's not worth it. I still get a good workout in without all the high impact. Yes, movement and healthy eating are so important.

Good night.

Sorry I didn't check-in yesterday. My SIL and her bf are visiting from TN. All of the siblings and spouses went to dinner last night. We ate by the lake near my nieces home and also spent time there. Tonight was a quick bite to eat with them again but in our town. I didn't realize how hopping and busy our town is at night.

I walked at the gym yesterday & today outside. It was hotter than I thought, tomorrow back to walking in the a/c;)

Belinda - It sounds like you & DD have such a fun day getting your haircut. I wouldn't turn down pizza either:) I have a friend who stopped dying her hair, and I love her grey color. I agree with you & Cookie movement and healthy eating are so important.

Cookie - I was tired just reading all the family you will have visiting;) You must have to keep a calendar to know everyone's arrival & departure time. I'm sure you get in lots of steps preparing for your visits.

Hi everyone,

Today I did my last Fuel workout. FUEL Series Finale 30 Min NO REPEAT Dumbbell HIIT Workout | Day 30. Those 6 weeks went by fast. Can't wait what Caroline comes up next.

Debbie - it was already in the 80's at 9 this morning. Way to hot to walk. The pizza was so good. Of course, I wouldn't turn down a good pizza. The girl that cuts my hair, she is the one talked me into letting my hair grow out, lol. She would make a lot more $$$ by coloring my hair.

Cookie - have fun with your family.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

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